Monday, February 9, 2009

Doofus Of the Day #161

I'm intrigued to learn of the carnival held in the town (and in honor) of San Juan de la Vega. It's in Guanajuato province, Mexico.

It seems that one of the festivities involved in the celebration is for revelers to tie fireworks to the heads of sledgehammers, and set them off by hammering them into the ground.

That's all fine and dandy . . . so long as small fireworks are used. However, enthusiasm can sometimes get the better of the participants. Behold.




Anonymous said...

On the assumption that fire = humour, explosion = fire ^2, and humour x dumb = humour ^2, that works out to... Funny ^ 4 if I'm not mistaken.

Also, I love his carefully donned PPE. I'm sure fishing fragments of sunglasses lenses from his corneas was fun too!


Robert Langham said...

There's the problem up front- masking tape instead of duct tape.

Crucis said...

I wonder where the sledgehammer landed?