Tuesday, December 16, 2008

It's almost time for Globalorgasm!

I know readers are anxiously awaiting this event with bated breath (amongst other things), so let me not delay in giving you the details.

According to the moonbats' organization's Web site:

WHO? All Men and Women, you and everyone you know.

WHERE? Everywhere in the world, but especially in countries with weapons of mass destruction and places where violence is used in place of mediation.

WHEN? December 21st, at 12:04 Universal Time (GMT)

WHY? To effect positive change in the energy field of the Earth through input of the largest possible instantaneous surge of human biological, mental and spiritual energy.

. . .

3 Reasons ... for Global Orgasm


Orgasm and the sense of well-being it brings - how would the planet be if it felt that good? Could that be one definition of Peace? Practice visualizing the planet experiencing the afterglow of your Big Oh and ignoring the Govern-Men as they try to drum up support for their next invasion. As global population expands, we will all feel the pressures that They will manipulate to justify violent takeover of resources.

Use less, have fewer babies, live more simply and think outside the box that They would lock you in. Nations are made up of people like you and us, and we allow people like Them to act as if they run everything, just to keep Them out of our neighborhoods. It is an act and it can only become real if we allow it to. Visualize a world in which public servants serve the public.

Gender & Social Justice

Justice starts with compassionate understanding. Only when we can visualize ourselves in someone else’s place can we understand what drives them to behave the way they do. Empathy, compassion, love – these are the Feminine traits that all women and men are born with in varying ratios. When they are used in our interactions with others and with the other species, justice will prevail. Differences in gender, social status and race are not delineators of bad and good. We are all worthy of justice. To combine the energy of orgasm with a conscious empathy for all beings, human and otherwise, would be a powerful boost to the well-being of our planet and species. Visualize true partnership to heal the planet.

Global Warming

The planet needs a rest from all our other desires, so what better way to get us to take a rest from over-consumption than an orgasm? And if we can combine that energy with a resolution to be satisfied with less of everything (except orgasms, of course), perhaps the collective mindset will change. And since a major cause of global warming, peak oil, peak water, peak everything is overpopulation by humans, lets put in a collective request for fewer offspring. Every cute baby is another consumer. Let’s make children even more valued by making fewer of them, before the pressures of overpopulation drive our children to kill each other.

I'm not sure they've altogether thought this one through. I mean, orgasms, in the normal course of events, quite often result in more babies, not fewer! And as for global warming being a reason - when all the available scientific evidence is debunking that myth and pointing to global cooling instead - perhaps they should have done a bit more research . . .

They might disagree, of course. According to them, they've done a lot of scientific research about this.

The Global Consciousness Project, located in Princeton, New Jersey, runs a network of Random Event Generators around the world which record changes in their randomness during global events. The results show that human consciousness can be measured to have a global effect on matter and energy during widely-watched events such as the collapse of the World Trade Center towers, large antiwar protests, natural catastrophes, acts of war and mass meditations. Concentrated consciousness has measurable effects.

Our minds influence Matter and Quantum Energy fields, so by concentrating our thoughts during and after The Big O on peace and partnership, the combination of high orgasmic energy combined with mindful intention for peace could reduce global levels of violence, hatred and fear.

The world is full of men with axes to grind and weapons to fire in displays of their superiority over others. It is time to spare the planet from Alpha Male concepts of 'progress', 'growth' and Manifest Destiny, which are endangering all of us. True partnership between the Masculine and Feminine that is within all women and men may enable our species to survive in relative harmony. The Global Orgasm for Peace is one attempt to begin that process, and is just one enjoyable part of the Evolutionary Revolution movement, which begins with women recognizing the awesome biological power of seduction they all possess.

Uh-huh. Tell that to Osama bin Laden. Any woman trying to convince him of her 'awesome biological power' is about to get a rude awakening to reality!

Moonbats. At least they give us something to laugh at!



  1. Where do people get these crazy ideas? And if things aren't suddenly peaceful afterward, does that mean that they didn't really put their heart into it?

    They have been doing this for several years.

    Here's what I said about it a couple years ago.

    I Come in Peace

    Today's the day! Global Orgasm for Peace Day.
    I strongly suggest participation.
    I have to go out a bit later.
    I'm wondering if the stores will be empty.
    I wonder how the evening commute on the local freeways will be?
    Will everyone stay home today?

    Pardon the crude thought, but from the evidence I see, half the people on the road are jerking off anyway. They don't wait for a special day to do so. It's just that today, they'll have an excuse.

    When Officer Friendly pulls them over (can I use the word pull in this post without a dirty connotation?) they can just explain they're doing their part for world peace.

    I wonder if the evidence will stand up in court?

    And, how many of them wished for an Erector set this Christmas?

  2. first i've heard about it and unfortunately or fortunately (i'm not sure which) i'm busy at 7.04pm (or 9.04pm i don't get this daylight savings thing) on the 21st ... so i guess my positive energy won't be available to help .... actually i agree with your "moonbats" comment ..

  3. Now now now folks....they may be onto something here...

    I mean...we can't be sure....

    And I for one intended to give it my best shot...with lots of practice between now and then...and maybe after too...

    Course the wife might just SHOOT me first so....we'll see...*evil grin*

    But remember..Practice, practice, practice.

    An amateur practices until they get it right. A professional practices until they can't get it wrong.

    Of course, being a "professional" in this case might just put you on the wrong side of the legal system..hehehehe

    Sorry..sorry..I just couldn't help myself...I couldn't...really...

  4. Hmmmm? If I understand this correctly, I will have to wake up and be "functional" at 6:04 AM on Sunday morning? I am getting old........

  5. So. In order to achieve this global orgasm, one needs some, ah, friction, right?

    Do the Global Warming people know about this?

    Personally, I think this is a plot by Big Tobacco, since many people light up after, er, lighting up.


  6. Not on my watch... Moonbats are providing more and more comic relief!

