El Capitan, the fiendish mind behind Baboon Pirates, has come up with something new.
The Organic, Holistic Path To Natural Bowel Cleansing!
So, a high-fiber diet got you a bit constipooted?
There you sit, brokenheated... Came to s*** and only farted?
One too many slices of extra-cheese pizza and a heaping bowl of Grapenuts, and now your colon feels like the Hoover Dam?
Relax!! At HamFisted Plumbing, Dental Supply and Homeopathic Health Spa, we have the solution you need!
For the solution, click here and prepare to laugh. Hint: it involves bacon-flavored lube! Breda, don't read any further, whatever you do!
I think that they are almost guaranteed to sell a $1,300 removal system to go along with these.