Sunday, July 4, 2010

The 2010 Bulwer-Lytton winner is announced!

One of my favorite literary events, "the Bulwer-Lytton Fiction Contest (BLFC) is a tongue-in-cheek contest that takes place annually and is sponsored by the English Department of San Jos̩ State University in San Jose, California. Entrants are invited 'to compose the opening sentence to the worst of all possible novels' Рthat is, deliberately bad."

The winner of this year's competition was Ms. Molly Ringle of Seattle, WA. Her winning entry:

For the first month of Ricardo and Felicity's affair, they greeted one another at every stolen rendezvous with a kiss--a lengthy, ravenous kiss, Ricardo lapping and sucking at Felicity's mouth as if she were a giant cage-mounted water bottle and he were the world's thirstiest gerbil.

The Guardian reports:

The author told the Seattle Times that she had been inspired to write her winning sentence as she nursed her infant son. "Something about his attitude and posture ... It reminded me of those guinea pigs we used to have as kids," she said. "I've asked myself, probably belatedly, is that what I want to be famous for? But hopefully people in the publishing world know it's all in the name of comedy."

And anyway, she added, "you kind of have to have a certain amount of skill to write a sentence so bad it would win. You have to work at it."

Contest judge Scott Rice, a professor at San Jose State University, praised her "outlandishly inappropriate comparison" to the paper. "It is a send-up of writers who try too hard to be original, and it is a send-up of those revolting couples whose public displays of affection make them poster children for celibacy," he said.

There's more at the link.

You can find the category winners and runners-up, as well as the 'Dishonorable Mentions', at the contest Web site. One of my favorites is the runner-up in the Adventure category:

When Hru-Kar, the alpha-ranking male of the silver-backed gorilla tribe finished unleashing simian hell on Lt. Cavendish, the once handsome young soldier from Her Majesty’s 47th Regiment resembled nothing so much as a crumpled up piece of khaki-colored construction paper that had been dipped in La Victoria chunky salsa.

Being an African boy, who knows what gorillas can do, that tickles my fancy somewhat. I daresay my friend Lawdog, also an African boy, will appreciate it too!


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