Monday, September 13, 2010

Caution: blood boiling in 3 . . . 2 . . . 1 . . .

I'm infuriated beyond my ability to describe at the news that a 170-page manual on how to molest children - and get away with it - is being circulated in Florida . . . and, according to police, it's quite legal, and they can't do anything to stop it!

A 170-page manual explaining step by step how to molest children which police in Orange County, Fla., believe has been circulating there for months, is not illegal. Investigators have stated that they still want to know where it came from.

"I've never seen anything like it. It was pretty amazing when I first saw it just because how detailed it was," Orange County Sheriff's Office Det. Philip Graves told ABC News Orlando, Fla., affiliate WFTV.

The manual, which was apparently written by someone who calls himself "the mule," is a how-to of child molestation, even explaining where and how to find potential victims, the station reported.

"I was more amazed that someone would be as bold as to create an actual 170-page document that would detail how to do it," he said.

Among the many disturbing topics covered in the book is how to convince a victimized child not to tell his or her parents.

. . .

Graves told WFTV that it is not a crime in Orange County to send the manual by e-mail or to possess it, but local and federal investigators are trying to track down where the manual initially came from.

There's more at the link, including a video news report.

This sickens me. I'm all for the right to free speech . . . but to say that right also covers this sort of filth is beyond me. I can't find the slightest scrap of mercy in me for the author, and I can only wish him (I'm presuming he's male) a slow and agonizing death, as soon as possible. I truly believe he's forfeited his right to life, in the moral sense, by producing and circulating this filth . . . and I don't expect he'll find much mercy in the hereafter, either (see Matthew 18:6).

I've had to work with abused kids before. It leaves an indelible mark on your soul to see how badly they've been harmed. Knowing that, and then learning of this abomination . . . there aren't really any words to adequately describe what I'm feeling right now.



  1. You're getting too worked up over this. A "slow and agonizing death" is inefficinet. A lone .357 magnum round to the base of the skull and be done with it. No muss, no fuss.

    Besides, all that emotional investment indicates a desire for vengance, which according to your god is his purview alone. Stay calm, keep it simple and be efficient; because it's not about vengance. It's about disposing of a public health hazard, like a rabid dog or a bear that won't stay out of the trash.

  2. Just a Koran by another name - let us not judge a book by its cover or a religion by its perversion

  3. I agree that the existence of such a thing sickens and disturbs... silver lining, if they cops have a copy, perhaps it can be used for good? you said a section on how to get children not to tell, when then maybe that can be applied to some of the education given to children about why they NEED to tell and adult. they already include a "you might be told X lies" section, make it accurate. It would be even worse if none of those who try to protect children knew about this. (I know, very very slim silver lining)

  4. Bryn, North Wales, UKSeptember 14, 2010 at 9:08 AM

    I find myself in agreement with comment no.3 by Anon above - use the thing against those who would use it for evil. Use it first as a base for a child education & protection document. Then hand it over to the lawmakers, with instructions to use it to correct any deficiencies in existing state & federal laws re. child welfare.

    The author? Don't waste money on a bullet; just find a high cliff in the wilderness, and leave it to Mother Nature to clean up the offal at the bottom...

  5. If the author commits crimes, let's deal with him then. Probably he has or will, but "probably" is not good enough for justice. Presumably, the cops consider this writing to be reasonable suspicion (I know I do), so the author, if he's found, will have the spotlight on him.

    I cannot put the word "but" after any sentence about rights. The right to free speech means enduring the existence of despicable words, just as the right to arms means enduring their misuse.

  6. Its existence does not surprise me. Pedophiles have been using the internet since its inception to network, commiserate, coach, and worse to set up efforts to paint themselves as misunderstood lovers of children who are the only ones who really understand them.

    Let this thing be a device to educate parents how to teach their children to identify a predator and resist manipulation, and to provide prosecutors with a wonderful tool of conviction. The pedophiles giving each other advice and perfecting their tactics were already a problem; this is a weapon to use against them. The less shadowy they are, the better to see the target.

  7. How about a competing document : "How to keep a pedophile barely alive for pain and profit".

  8. Nothing would hamper MY use of free speech by, if I ever discover the identity of the author of that filth,forwarding said identity to everybody.

    As a mom to a little guy, I've thought long and hard about him being exposed to all the dangers of the world, and how we have to teach him about them. It's a hard responsibility being the ones to fracture a child's innocent view of the world, but it must be done. Our children will have the skills to think and act, and will never be afraid to tell us anything.

  9. These Chomos need to die a slow painful death.Which as the father of two young daugthers I would gladly provide.

  10. My wife recently had a short-term job approving Medicaid admissions to hospitals. She talked about it to me, and I was amazed and extremely distressed to learn how often children have to be admitted to hospitals because of abuse (often sexual) and of the horrible things that have happened to them. I had thought such extreme cases were rare.
