Wednesday, September 8, 2010

The vitriol against Sarah Palin is mind-boggling

I'm sure readers are familiar by now with the hit-piece against Sarah Palin published in Vanity Fair. The author of that article has since stated (in another hit piece) that "the worst stuff isn't even in there", and that "she lies about everything".

Damning words, one might think . . . except that I spent several weeks in Alaska last year, spread over three visits. During that time I spoke with more than a few people who knew Sarah Palin personally, both her supporters and her opponents (in the political sense). The story from those people is radically different from what's portrayed about Ms. Palin in the mainstream media. Even her political opponents grudgingly conceded to me, in conversation, that she was a very genuine person, who said what she believed and stuck to it. She had their respect as an honest politician, even if they disagreed with her. (Her supporters were, of course, even more positive.)

Given that first-hand information about her, I simply don't believe the hit pieces that keep appearing about her in the mainstream media. There's no way to reconcile their claims with the perspective of those who've known Ms. Palin for years. She simply is not the person the mainstream media want to portray her as being.

I'd love to know why the Left is so deathly afraid of Sarah Palin. It's almost as if they're desperate to bury her now, before she can gain any more political traction. They're clearly frightened of what she might do to their candidate(s) if she's allowed to show herself to the American electorate as she really is . . . so they're trying to obscure that reality with all their might, and portray her as negatively as possible.

I have a feeling it might just backfire on them very heavily . . . at least, I hope so.



  1. No wonder Bible Spice had to spend $3,000 on Spanx underwear during her failed campaign. Every time she put on a pair they caught on fire.

  2. That comment by Anonymous is precisely what I meant. No facts to back it up, just rudeness, denigration and a complete and total lack of manners.

    For that reason, I won't delete the comment. Let it stand, as a reminder of the sort of deficiency of integrity that Ms. Palin has to deal with in her opponents, day after day.

  3. I know why the Left fears Sarah Palin. Imagine their strategic sessions in the tone of a scene from the Terminator:

    "Listen to me! Sarah Palin is out there. She can't be bought; she can't be blackmailed. She doesn't know temptation! Or despair! Or fear! And she absolutely will...not...stop! EVER! Until America is herself again!"

    Politicians, be they Left or Right, are scared to death of anyone who actually stands for something. Who looks at more than just the next election cycle. Who thinks that pesky Constitution thing is actually relevant.

    I may not agree with Governor Palin on everything, but I know that character matters. In fact, it matters more than anything else in an elected official. So consider me a bisexual atheist Palinista, toss that concept out to Leftist pundits and watch their heads explode. ;D

  4. Part of it is that she's a woman and a conservative. That makes her a traitor in their opinion, a person that has betrayed her sisters and fellow minorities out of pure evil.

    And you said it yourself. They see someone that can have a big appeal, and that people will listen to. The best way to stop someone like that is to make sure they never get on stage, which is why the left keep attacking them over and over again, trying to erode any support for a run they might have, and also to gather ammunition for the future.

    Should Palin run in the future, this article will be re-used, and then used to show that "she has a long history of controversy". They couldn't do that last time because she was so fresh, they had to come up with stuff as they went, but now they are working on establishing a history that can be reused at any given time.

    It's also a warning to other potential candidates like her, they see what they will have to go through if they ever try to speak up.

    Anyone that thinks noone actually thinks like that really should spend time with committed leftists. This is what they do, they sit and plan things like this the way normal people watch football or go to the range.

  5. John Peddie (Toronto)September 9, 2010 at 4:01 AM

    From the article:

    “...the yearning for a society run by and for ordinary people who lead virtuous lives.”

    And this is an unworthy "populist impulse"?

  6. I remember her quoting a vitriol spewing fascist.

    My main reason for disliking her though is the whole creationist religious nut angle.

    She's a self-serving hypocrite, but then again what politician isn't, seems par for the course.

  7. What is it about "creationism" and "religion" that scares so many leftists? And by "religious" I assume Christian is really meant. Muslims and other minority religions never seem to bother leftists.

    Is it really Creationism that bothers you or just that she doesn't the tow the line for evolutionists? The "creationist" that seek to cram their narrowly defined "creationism" down peoples throats are a very very small minority of Christians. Much smaller than that minority of Muslims who like violence. Leftists tell us we are not supposed to blame all Muslims for that. Why do Leftist suspect all Christians of being closet dictators due to creationism?

    As for religion, get over it. The vast majority of this country is "religious". So are probably most of the people you come in contact with on a daily basis. That is not going to change any time soon.


  8. Having had the good fortune to get some exposure to her prior to the 2008 election, I have to say you're exactly right. The real Sarah Palin doesn't much resemble the bogeyman trotted out for the five-minute hate.

    ...not that truth matters when "Truth" is at stake, of course.


  9. "Even her political opponents grudgingly conceded to me, in conversation, that she was a very genuine person, who said what she believed and stuck to it. She had their respect as an honest politician, even if they disagreed with her."

    Which is why the entrenched slime weasels who run both the Democrat and Republican parties want nothing whatsoever to do with her
