Monday, October 4, 2010

Doofus Of The Day #397

Today's winners are a pair of youngsters from Yakima, WA.

About 11:30 p.m., a resident in the 800 block of Campbell Road called the sheriff's office to report that occupants of a red Mini Cooper had just placed fireworks in his mailbox, causing it to blow up.

Wanting to make sure that deputies stayed on the smoking-hot case, the resident expressed a strong suspicion that the Mini Cooper involved in the mailbox attack was the same Mini Cooper that was burning to the ground a mile down Campbell Road.

Firefighters said they found the vehicle fully involved in flames, but the two boys were fine. Deputies took that opportunity to interview them.

The boys vehemently denied any responsibility for the deadly assault on the innocent mailbox.

Instead, they explained that they were on the way to Walmart to buy a blender for one of their mothers. Deputies found this hard to believe, given that the boys appeared to be headed away from the Walmart stores in Yakima.

Furthermore, one of the boys explained that it was actually impossible to blow up a mailbox using the artillery shell fireworks that the boys admitted having in the Mini Cooper. He said he knew this because he had unsuccessfully tried -- in the past -- to blow up a mailbox with them.

Beyond that, the boys suggested that red Mini Coopers are more popular in Yakima County than the average deputy might believe, creating the possibility that somebody else driving one of the distinctive vehicles was responsible for the mailbox-related violence.

That brings us to the blazing red Mini Cooper.

The boys said the seat heaters had malfunctioned.

Why would the boys be using seat heaters in the middle of the summer? Graham acknowledged that was a "good question."

There's more at the link.

The two youngsters are now facing charges. Next time - and given the creative streak they've just displayed, I'm assuming there's bound to be a next time! - they might want to think up a better cover story . . .



  1. The best advice for anyone (but especially folks in their position) is to take advantage of your right to shut up and say nothing.

    Sure, you might still get caught and arrested and prosecuted. But they won't have your own words doing you in.

    WV: afide--as in, "Afide only kept my dang mouth shut, we wouldn't be sittin' in this jail cell."

  2. Almost as good as 2 local boys here apparently celebrating the ones' 21st birthday. They torched 4 police cars then stole a pickup truck, drove it up the rail line and torched it in a crossing. Homeland Security is prosecuting the two and we expect to see them gone for a long time.
