Saturday, October 2, 2010

Living - and dying - on bread alone!

There's a bakery in Ratchaburi, Thailand that produces some rather . . . er . . . unconventional loaves of bread. Inventorspot reports:

Imagine running up to the bakery around the corner and coming across bread shaped like body parts. Sound yummy? Artist Kittiwat Unarrom creates just that; gruesome works of art out of bread.

Kittiwat Unarrom has a master's degree in fine arts and creates bruised and battered heads, feet and other internal organs at a bread shop in Thailand.

He started using his skills and made sculptures out of bread. This came naturally to him because his family runs a bakery. The bread is made out of dough, raisins, cashews and chocolate. He just adds his own touch to the finished product.

This makes me wonder how long the line wraps around the bakery in order to purchase this finely crafted delicious bread.

I would love to go over to my parent's house with one of these. Carefully setting the concealed bread on the table, I would wait until all of the food was served and innocently ask my mom if she could pass me the bread. Imagine her surprise when she lifts open the cover and comes face to face with one of these gory delights. Okay, so I'd never be invited over to dinner again, but I think the look on her face would be so worth it.

I think this could be an excellent idea for restaurants. They could use one of these heads as a bread bowl and serve spaghetti in it. It would kind of be like eating brains, don't you think?

There's more at the link. Here's a video clip of the bakery and its products.

Not quite the sort of thing for a church social . . . but it might be a lot of fun to introduce it there!


1 comment:

  1. Well I have got to say, just when I thought I have seen about all of it, this one makes me wonder what next!

    I have never been squeamish but this might gross me out at the wrong moment. I would eat it though, if nice and heavy and chewy the way I like my bread and my meat too for that matter.

    of course, this would go over big here in the USA at least as a fad. What will ruin it all, either here or there, is when someone buys a loaf and it turns out to be a real body part that some psycho left at the bakery.

    All the best,
