Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy Blogversary to me!

Three years ago, at 8.11 p.m. on January 1st, 2008, I posted the first article on this blog.

At the same time this evening, I had a Sitemeter visit total of 1,803,532, and a page view total of 2,585,150. Those totals aren't comprehensive, because Sitemeter can't follow those who come here via my RSS feed. Google Feedburner, to which I've subscribed since mid-July last year, monitors such visitors. It tells me that over the past five-and-a-half months, I've averaged RSS feed viewership of 1,317 pages per day, over and above the page view figures recorded by Sitemeter. At a ratio of page views to visits (based on Sitemeter's figures) of 1.43:1, that equates to an extra 917 visitors per day via RSS feed. Assuming that RSS readership has been relatively constant as a proportion of daily readers since this blog's inception, that means my total visit count is probably about 2.3 million, give or take a few thousand here or there.

I'm still a little mystified that so many of you find this blog of such interest that you come back to it again and again. (I'm not complaining, mind you!) I started it as an idle outlet for excess creative juices, and a way of sharing with friends the things that interested me, or caught my eye, on a daily basis. I'm very pleased that you find them interesting, too. As this blog enters its fourth year, you may be sure I'll continue to invest time and energy into it. I'm also hoping for good news this year about several publishing projects. If and when they bear fruit, this blog will expand its horizons into new endeavors. Keep your fingers crossed for me!

Thanks for joining me here. I enjoy your company.



  1. Wow. I've been at it five years now and have just a fraction of the readers. On the other hand, I know a lot of them almost personally after many back and forth emails.

    I read here because I learn things... and because I pass on links to my kids and they learn things, too.

    Here's to the next three years, may they be as interesting as the first three!


    (swigging from water bottle)

  2. Glad I found you! Your interests, interest us!

  3. Happy Blogiversary! May you continue to blog for many more years! (Has it really been THAT long?!)

  4. Congratulations! I don't know why you'd be mystified, this is a great site for varied interests for people that think deep and laugh hard.

  5. I discovered your blog when several of my read-daily sites made note of your heart attack. Out of curiosity, I came here and started reading your archives. I finally stopped for the night about 2:00 AM (...on a work night!)

    Your site is now one of my favorites on my read-daily list.

    Keep up the good work, and Happy Blogversary.

  6. Sort of drifted over here from Kim Du Toit and THR- and stayed. Must enjoy SA ex-pats....this is my coffee stop every morning.

  7. Wandered over from the LawDog and stayed because you have things that are fun, things that sting (usually when I need it) and things that make me stretch my brain, even if I don't agree with them.

  8. Your writing is always entertaining, and usually informative. It is no surprise that people stick around.

  9. Happy blogiversary, Peter!

    Thanks for the informative, insightful, interesting and weird posts :)

    Keep up the good work.
