Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Politician or preacher?

I'm astonished to read that newly-elected Alabama governor Robert Bentley apparently puts his faith ahead of his office. The Los Angeles Times reports:

On the day of his swearing-in, Alabama Republican Gov. Robert J. Bentley raised concern among the state's non-Christians by declaring that people who had not accepted Jesus Christ were not his brothers and sisters.

Speaking to a large crowd Monday at Montgomery's Dexter Avenue King Memorial Baptist Church - where the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. once preached - Bentley said that "if you're a Christian and you're saved ... it makes you and me brother and sister," according to a report in the Birmingham News.

"Now I will have to say that, if we don't have the same daddy, we're not brothers and sisters," he added, according to the paper. "So anybody here today who has not accepted Jesus Christ as their savior, I'm telling you, you're not my brother and you're not my sister, and I want to be your brother."

. . .

Bentley, 67, a retired dermatologist, had been sworn in earlier Monday, replacing two-term Republican Gov. Bob Riley. The new governor is a Sunday school teacher and deacon at Tuscaloosa's First Baptist Church, which considers "passionately" evangelizing to be a "key core value," according to its website.

During remarks on the steps of the state Capitol, Bentley declared himself "governor of all of Alabama - Democrat, Republican and independent, young and old, black and white, rich and poor."

There's more at the link.

Look, I'm a Christian - I'm a retired pastor, as a matter of fact. I respect and admire those who are strong in their faith. However, Governor, you were not elected because you're a Christian: nor were you elected to be a Christian. You were elected to be a Governor, and that means being a public servant to people of any and all religions - and none.

You can be, and live as, a good Christian while being a good Governor; but you can't be a good Governor if your priority is to be an evangelist and/or proselytizer. That's not the job you were elected to do. If you want to be an evangelist rather than a Governor, kindly resign your office, so that someone more interested in it and suitable for it can be elected in your place.

Meanwhile, please stop making our shared faith a laughing-stock (not to mention bringing it into disrepute) by using your elected office as a pulpit. It wasn't designed to be one, and you damage all of us who take our faith seriously by making it into one.



  1. Constitution? What constitution?

    "Meanwhile, please stop making our shared faith a laughing-stock (not to mention bringing it into disrepute) by using your elected office as a pulpit. It wasn't designed to be one, and you damage all of us who take our faith seriously by making it into one."

    Amen, brother. Amen.

  2. "Amen" indeed! I wish we could all leave religion out of politics completely. Being a (fill in the blank with your belief-set of choice) in and of itself does NOT make anyone a good elected official - or even a good person! - while having NO religion doesn't automatically make that individual a bad person/official. I know non-theists who will give you the shirt off their back if you need it, and Christians who won't give the time of day to someone not of their denomination.

  3. I didn't see the full text of what he said at the link. Just that phrase out of context. I'd agree its a bit odd to go out of your way to say it at such an occasion but I don't really see the harm.

  4. As someone who is not a Christian, thank you for saying that, Peter.

  5. Every few years the people of Alabama elect a dolt as governor and luckly the period is getting longer. The last two did a pretty good job; looks like the current one may be a groaner...

    And yes, I do live in Alabama. We have lots of issues to deal with, includinig the longest state consitution in the country.

    But on the other hand you can drive in one day from mountains to the Gulf beaches, so things aren't all bad!
