Monday, May 16, 2011

So what about the 2012 Presidential election?

I'm already getting tired of the 2012 Presidential election campaign, and it's hardly begun yet! I wish we could persuade those involved to put a sock in it until the New Year, but I guess that's a pipe-dream. I thought I'd share my take on the candidates so far, and hope for a revolution to change the tone.

The Democratic candidacy is virtually certain to go to President Obama, as the incumbent. That's a pity, because he's either an incompetent nincompoop, or an extraordinarily devious and dangerous hard-core Socialist who's out to destroy America as we know it. His record in office has been unremittingly destructive to the core values that have sustained this country for so many years. If he gets a second term, I seriously question whether we'll be able to undo all the damage he's done. Perhaps the best hope is to get a House and Senate with opposition majorities sufficient to pass budgets (and de-fund programs, where necessary) over his veto. Still, it'd be nice if someone (Hillary?) would choose to run against him for the Democratic Party nomination. I think he's alienated enough of his own party to give a good in-house opponent a fighting chance.

As for the Republican candidates, it's a case of same old, same old. I'm sick of the lot of them.

Mitch Daniels: He's responsible for the mess caused by the Indiana Supreme Court. Given his complicity in that, I can't and won't support him unless he moves very hard and very fast to undo the damage - and there's no sign that he will. As Karl Denninger states: "Mitch Daniels, Governor of Indiana, by not directing his State Attorney General and Prosecutors to drop this case and moot the appeal, has demonstrated through his direct and proximate actions that he is Adolph Hitler personified and is thus disqualified to run for President of the United States." (Bold italic print is Mr. Denninger's emphasis.)

Mitt Romney: Oh, puh-leeze! After the catastrophic consequences of Romneycare in Massachusetts, and his public call for more of the same on a national scale, fuhgettabahtit! I'd rather vote for Obama. At least the Obamanation doesn't try to obfuscate about his intentions!

Newt Gingrich: He can't be trusted. He's a serial adulterer; he had the gall to cut an advertisement with Nancy Pelosi supporting the global warming scam; he's attacking and undermining elements of his own party in an attempt to maneuver for political advantage; and he's far too ambiguous and ambivalent about Obamacare. He now says that we should "Judge me by what I can do for America now, rather than only by my mistakes in the past". Unfortunately, the only yardstick we have by which to judge him (or anyone else) is precisely what they've done in the past; and, for me, his past alone (let alone his present conduct) is enough to disqualify Mr. Gingrich from consideration.

Ron Paul: He's been a courageous voice for libertarian ideas for many years. However, many of his positions are too extreme for me to support him. His past dalliance with racism troubles me, despite his and others' denials, which are suspect; and he says he would not have authorized the strike against Osama bin Laden, choosing rather to negotiate with Pakistan to have him arrested - a pipe-dream of the first water. I simply can't regard him as a realistic candidate for an office so demanding as the Presidency.

Mike Huckabee and Donald Trump have announced that they won't be running for the Republican party's Presidential nomination. Good riddance to both of them. Mr. Huckabee's far too fundamentalist for me to trust him in an office where he has to lead Americans of every, all and no religious persuasion; and Donald Trump has defined himself as a wheeler-dealing egotistical blowhard. Governor Tim Pawlenty of Minnesota is considering a run at the Republican nomination. I don't know enough about him (yet) to have developed strong views for or against his suitability for the office of President. There are persistent rumors that Mayor Mike Bloomberg of New York City might mount an independent run for the Presidency, but he's denied them. I hope he means it. He may be just what New Yorkers want, but the rest of the country is a very different proposition. His seeming distrust of private citizens, attempting to dictate by legislation and/or regulation how they should live rather than trust them with individual liberty and responsibility, makes him (in my opinion) an unfit person to be at the head of an Executive Branch that must (at least in theory) observe the liberties guaranteed to us in the Constitution.

So who might I support, you ask? I will support any candidate, of any party, who has the courage and strength of will to seek to destroy 'politics as usual' in his or her campaign. Give me a candidate who will not appoint political 'insiders' or 'experts' as advisers, but will draw his or her entourage from sources outside the Beltway. Give me a candidate who will actively seek to restrict the role of government to the powers authorized for it in the Constitution. Give me a candidate who will dismantle the 'Big Brother' elements of government and return power to the people. Give me a candidate who will denounce - and undo - the creeping totalitarianism of the 'nanny state', which seeks to reinterpret and restrict (if not overturn) civil liberties, and make us into subjects rather than citizens.

Who might fit that description? I can think of only two potential candidates on the Republican side at the moment. One is Michele Bachmann; the other is Sarah Palin. Both are controversial (particularly Ms. Palin), but I think neither is likely to be intimidated by the 'establishment'. Of course, that same 'establishment' will do its damnedest to make sure neither of them is nominated . . . but that's precisely the problem. The establishment wants someone who will deliver 'politics as usual'. I want to destroy 'politics as usual'.

(There are those who claim that both Ms. Bachmann and Ms. Palin are too 'extreme', or too 'inexperienced', or too 'wayward' to be viable candidates. To them I say only this: how can either of them possibly be worse than the 'politics-as-usual' candidates the parties want to offer us? I don't see how they can be worse, and they may well be better - so why not vote for them? What have you got to lose?)

Is there an equally disruptive candidate on the Democratic side? I truly hope so. I trust neither the Democratic or Republican parties as institutions. I won't vote for the party; I'll vote for the individual. Show me an individual who comes closest to the qualities I'm looking for, and I'll vote for them, irrespective of their party.



  1. I can't really see Bachmann or Palin as viable candidates, for much the same reasons I can't see Huckabee as one.

    Then again, I can't see any viable candidates, fullstop.

    Heck Ron Paul is almost starting to look good from lack of competition.

  2. I agree.

    Regarding Palin and Bachmann, inexperience is acceptable, ignorance is not.

    Where the hell are the Moderates? (Once again, thank you, FoxNews for creating an environment in which extremists if every ilk are screaming so loudly that no rational ideas can be heard.)

  3. Dang Peter, your analysis is spot on! Coincidentally, it agrees with my own <;)

    I get an intuitive sense that Ms. Palin or Bachmann are good people. I consider the "mainstream" candidates to be jokes or worse. As to experience, we've just lived through the two years worth of amateur hour of the most extreme sort I've ever seen, so how could it be worse with a good person--albeit a bit short on experience--at the helm?


  4. I don't know that he meets all of the criteria, and his biggest drawback is that he isn't as well known as the career politicians but I'll say it again... Herman Cain for President. I've heard his stand on the issues and he's someone I can get behind in spite of the people already calling him names.

  5. I would totally vote for a Cain/Palin or Palin/Cain ticket. They're both relative outsiders, and I've heard what both of them have said on many issues, many times.

    Everyone else, except maybe Ron Paul, seems like a joke.

    And while it *might* be possible for someone on the Democratic side to earn my vote, I think it highly unlikely that they'd ever win the Democratic nomination.

  6. We need to convince LTC (ret.) Allen West of FL to run. Doubt he'd do it, but I'd vote for him over anybody mentioned so far.

  7. If I had to choose a Democrat, I would prefer Hillary Clinton over Obama. She has that "in control" feel going on, which alone makes me feel that she's more qualified than he is.

    The Republican candidates are such a mess that I don't know who to go for. Palin seems like my only option, if only for the massive amounts of trolling value. I think some of the extreme left-wingers would spontaneously combust at the sheer sight of her.

  8. I know I'm about to get it in the neck here, and I accept full responsibility for my words and won't be upset.
    I would have said yes to Allan West, but he just voted against the repeal of Obamacare, so I'm stuck. I'm not certain enough people would vote for Bachmann or Palin because they are women. I know this sounds so sexist, but there you have it. I think rogue or not, had McCain picked a man, he could have won. However there was this media hype about the troll, and all that money floating around, there is no way anyone else could have beat him.
    Please, don't get me wrong, I really like Sarah Palin, but would prefer to see her as a Senator to help the Republicans, than have her run a losing campaign. Now, if Hillary got the nod, then yes, run Palin, and Cain/Pailin or Palin/Cain might work well. I'm not certain about Bachmann, don't know enough yet to decide.
    My personal choice would be Pawlenty. Ok, have at it! :)

  9. Pawlenty...? Well, my beef with him is that he wanted to tax the Indian casinos back in the day when I lived in MN. (My wife is Cheyenne/Sioux, so you can imagine how yet another screwing of the Native folk was recieved around our house.) Fiscal responsibility != treaty-breaking.

    So, my pick is Palin/Cain/West/Bachmann. Or any combination thereof.

    Remember when we couldn't find a decent candidate? Now we have a plethora of them! It's going to be a very interesting election year.

  10. Keep the faith, Pete. I really agree with your take re: the lousy choices on the board.
    The best is the enemy of the possible. We need to go for possible - nay, baby steps - before the inscrutable DC mess can be unscrewed, and this country has a firm footing again.

  11. To Wraith: I can see where you were upset. CA has 163,695 sq. mi and 58 Indian Casinos and 90! Poker Casinos, one casino for every 2822 sq mi or one poker casino for every 1818 sq mi. Whereas MN only has 18 Casinos to 86,938 sq. mi., one casino for 4829 sq mi. The sq mi include water, of which you have a lot, compared to CA., so that when CA decided to tax the sovereign Indian Nations it was a way to retrieve some of the lost tax monies. Looking at the MN map and figures, I can see where there would have been some serious grumbling.
    (I took these figures from the net.)

  12. I'll be voting for Johnson as well. Doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell, but he's got Paul's libertarian principles with some closer contact with reality.

    Plus he's a tough son of a bitch, which always counts for something.

  13. I did a 2012 Tea Party Straw Poll and was not even aware of who Gary Johnson was/is. In this poll he comes in as 21/28. I went to his website, and shall pay more attention.
    If you are interested, the site for the Straw Poll I took is:
