Wednesday, June 8, 2011

A dumbass in the blogosphere

I read on Breda's blog this morning that another blogger had appropriated a photograph of her - without so much as a 'by your leave' - and posted it beneath a headline that included the word 'porn'. That may be a good way to attract hits from search engines (he seems to do it often), but it's extraordinarily disrespectful to a lady like Breda.

To add insult to injury, when she asked him to take it down, he initially refused. After much to-ing and fro-ing, he deleted the picture, but left the post up, with Breda's name still linked to that nasty word. He then posted this comment on Breda's blog entry complaining about his conduct:

Gunmart said...

I knew girls like you in High School, but I thought they all grew up.

I am still waiting for you to politely ask me to take it down. No, you havent asked. You have yelled and screamed demands, but I do not respond to that. If you had asked politely instead of jumping off the deep end and started all this silly drama, I would have removed it immediately... and I'm still waiting.

My blog is not run by mob rule, and I will not get dragged into this silly high school nonsense. I'm not gonna play your little Twitter sniping games nor will I chase posts all over the internet.

When you are ready to lose the drama like a mature adult politely address your concerns, I am willing and waiting.

I'd like to ask all of my readers who like and respect Breda, and/or who object to seeing a lady treated in this way, and particularly all those who find Gunmart's self-serving braggadocio and infantile smug self-righteousness as nauseating as I do, to please let him know how you feel about his (lack of) manners. Furthermore, I'd be grateful if you'd please write to his advertisers, letting them know that as long as they support him, you won't support them.

We can do without people like this in the blogosphere.


EDITED TO ADD: Bob, over at The Drawn Cutlass, has added his $0.02 to the debate. *Snerk!*


  1. Really makes you wonder if he talks to all women this way.

  2. As I've posted elsewhere, including my blog (and an email to the clown in question):
    What a Maroon!
    (and THAT defames Mel Blanc!)

    (You mess with one of my blog-moms, you talk to ME!)

  3. Guffaw,

    Please do not associate that asshole with my blog.



  4. Bwuh?

    So he posts a picture of a pretty woman with a gun and headlines it "porn" to draw hits... and he accuses HER of juvenile behavior?

    Wonders never cease, indeed. Perhaps if she'd offered a cookie and a promise of no timeout.

  5. And, of course, Reasoned Discourse has broken out over there, as someone at Breda's said.

    You have to be on his "team" to comment.

    No. Really. It says that.

    Must suck to be a team of one.

  6. Still refering to "high school" tells me a lot about this person. I don't blog; I am very particular about who's blogs I do visit however, and this guy has never been one of them. This reminds me of Rep. Weiner saying he won't resign. Okay numnuts, don't take the post down. Your just giving us all the nails we need for your coffin. (Reminds me of pig wrestling too. He's got to be loving the attention.)
