Saturday, October 13, 2012

Around the blogs

Old NFO compares two electricity generators, one 'over-the-counter' (i.e. built to civilian, commercial standards) and the other built to military specifications.  It's an eye-opener for those who've never considered the different approaches involved.

He also links to a retired USMC Sergeant-Major's 2006 blog article about the politics of the day.  Looks like not much has changed . . .

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The Not Dead Dinosaur posts about a patient's proposed remedy for poison ivy.


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Stephen Bodio describes how public policy can be 'purchased' by companies and pressure groups donating significant sums in the right quarters.  His article shows very clearly how democracy can be (and is being) undermined.

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Several bloggers touch on the subject of what America has become, and where we're going.  They all have different perspectives, but they all make interesting points.

I think the change that’s coming, and which my grandchildren might see the end of (though I’ll tuck away a hope that increased longevity will allow me to see the middle of it) will refashion the way individuals the world over think of themselves.  It might at that bring the triumph of the American way of life – once the present generation of doubters shuts up or disappears – because a constitutional democratic republic is the best way to manage a diverse and pugnacious society.

BUT my guess is what it will birth will not be a worldwide regime, but something far more complex, fractured and interesting.  People might at long last really be able to experiment with forms of government they believe in, (even if they are stupid, yes) by living near other like minded people, regardless of what they do or what natural resources the area has.

All four articles are well worth reading.

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Crucis highlights one of the great scandals of the current election cycle, one largely ignored in the mainstream media - what appears to be the cold, callous, cynically deliberate disenfranchisement of the military voter.  I can only hope that post-election inquiries will result in criminal and civil prosecution of those responsible for this travesty of justice and democracy.

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Walter Russell Mead points out that the Obama administration's deliberate downplaying of the so-called 'War On Terror' doesn't mean that the war isn't as hot as ever.  He provides more than a few sarcastic and tongue-in-cheek examples.

(A report in the Telegraph about a rash of forest fires in Europe, which it blames on Al Qaeda sympathizers, lends weight to his assumptions.)

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Joel describes being really pussy-whipped.  The puss in question is very cute, too!

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Powerline describes how the US press compromised our anti-terrorism efforts.  It's a rage-inducing article, but all too true, I fear.  That same attitude on the part of the press is what's driving their pro-Obama bias at present.  They don't want to know the facts;  their minds have already been made up . . .

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The American Power blog looks at the sad state of California's community colleges, and points out the harsh reality that family background is far more of a predictor of academic performance than any amount of money thrown at the problem.

While on the subject of education, Warren Meyer points out one of the clearest cases of administrative bloat that I've ever seen.  Want to know why post-school education costs so much?  Look no further.

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Roberta reminds us that our vote really does count, and links to a news report to prove her point.  Interesting reading.

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Dustbury brings us news of a pair of shoes that had me shaking my head in disbelief.  No point in my describing them - go see them for yourselves.  Verily, the mind doth boggle . . .

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Paul Howe takes an in-depth look at shooting instructors and their qualifications, and what you should look for when choosing one.  He makes some good points.

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We close on a sad note.  Mike Vanderboegh of Sipsey Street Irregulars has done an invaluable job in publicizing the ATF gunrunning scandal.  Tragically, he's been stricken with cancer, and has been fighting it for some time.  He was admitted to hospital yesterday after suffering two strokes, and has been diagnosed with an additional condition as well.  The latest update on his condition (from his friend and colleague David Codrea) is that he's doing as well as can be expected . . . but from this author's perspective, having worked with more than a few patients in similar situations, things don't look good.  I'd be personally grateful for your prayers for him;  and if you'd like to send your good wishes, details of how to do so are here.

(While you're at it, please continue to pray for the Anarchangels, Chris Byrne and his wife Melody, as he recovers from thyroid cancer surgery.  He's also got a long way to go.)

That's all from around the blogosphere for this week.  More soon!



  1. FWIW: Chris Byrne had thyroid cancer, not prostate.

    I'm sad to hear about Mike Vanderboegh. Not merely because I think he's done good works, and I wish he wasn't sick, but also more selfishly because I wanted to read Absolved all the way through once it was finished, which may now never happen.

    I'm not much of a prayer, but my hopes for his recovery are there.

  2. @perlhaqr: Thanks - that was a mindfart on my part about the wrong cancer. I've corrected the post.

  3. In regards to the military vote and the utter pooch-screwing that is going on there--our current Teflon president could shoot his dog and his kids on the WH front lawn in front of everyone and the MSM, and the MSM would completely ignore it. He can do no wrong.

    And the only way it'll ever get investigated (even in a half-hearted manner) is if the current resident at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave is evicted. And the only result there will be a new "volunteer" to go under the bus.
