Saturday, January 12, 2013

Manhattan in motion

Here's a time-lapse video of Manhattan in New York City.  I wouldn't live there if you paid me, and this perspective on life there shows why!

I hope those who live there enjoy it.  For myself, I couldn't handle being perpetually surrounded by so many people, so much traffic, and so much concrete and asphalt!



  1. I'll bet it's great for people-watching, but I probably couldn't take it for more than a week!

  2. As I said to the lady I'm currently dating, I refuse to live someplace harder to evacuate from than New Orleans.

  3. Been there a couple of times for work, NO desire to go back...

  4. Went to school on Long Island, could see Manhattan. Didn't leave anything behind.

    -Joe E.

  5. I live 35 miles West of Manhattan and I can attest most people who live in "The Big Apple" either are born type-A on steroids or develop that persona just to survive.

    30 years ago I could handle their "fast track" life-styles from a distance, but now they are spreading over to NJ like some sort of out of control fungus.

    I'll be heading off to Western North Carolina in a few months to live out the remainder of my life in peaceful, slo-motion solitude.

  6. I like the museums. That's about the only reason to go to NYC, IMHO.


  7. "The city that never sleeps" as they say.

    Know what happens to people who never sleep? They go psychotic and have mental breakdowns.

    Coincidence? Just sayin'...

  8. I'm not a city person, but having lived in a city, and having grown up next door to NYC... I think for some people there is a certain rush in knowing, really knowing, all the routes, all the colors, all the noise of such a massive organism (for lack of a better term). It's a sense of power, a sense of being a part of something. Add to that the ability (perceived at least) to be completely anonymous, to reinvent oneself...that's seductive if dangerous.
    Having said that, the only reason I step foot inside Boston or NYC these days is for the museums and libraries. People in larger groups than about five send me running, even in small towns.

  9. Beautiful video. Thank you. And, thank you, no. But, to each his own.

  10. Stuart and Jill GarfathJanuary 16, 2013 at 12:23 AM

    In '08, my wife and I visited N.Y.C. During our stay of 5 days, we stayed in a small 7 storey hotel on W. Houston st. Onew night, we checked out the view from the flat roof, we soon had a table, lighting, and we ate our home-made meal, a few pleasant drinks, and watched, listened, and just enjoyed the ambience, the atmosphere. It was an incredible, quiet but noisy, slow but fast, experience.
    Sydney, (home town) has its harbour, and m any other delights, but there is still only ONE New York!.
    That night was beautiful, completely fabulous, I wonder how many people enjoy something like that?.

  11. +1 to what you and others have said here Peter. My parents have advised me to visit. The very thought gives me heeby jeebies. I do love the elapsed time camera pans they did in this video. I can only imagine the rig it took to pull that off! To Stuart and Jill, to each his own, I suppose. As I said, my parents think it's wonderful too.
