Saturday, September 13, 2014

Pleasant day

Miss D. and I spent the day helping a friend of Oleg's move her larger household items up to Kentucky in preparation for starting a new job there next week.  (When one owns a pickup and is willing to help, one's always in demand!)  It was a pleasant drive, with my pickup generally behaving itself after its recent repairs.  The cruise control hiccuped once, but only once, and behaved itself for the rest of the journey.  Considering that it was much worse before the repairs, I'll take that as a plus!  I hope it'll settle down and behave itself even better in future.

After delivering the furniture, we all stopped at a local Cracker Barrel for lunch.  I'm consistently impressed by the value for money there.  Every branch I've visited seems to have the same high standards of food preparation and overall cleanliness - a very valuable consideration, given the alarming differences in quality between branches of some other establishments.  (No, they're not paying me to say that;  I simply like good food and good service, and mention them when I find them.)

On the way home we paid a second visit to Beachaven Winery near Clarksville, TN.  We introduced Oleg's friend and her helper to the place as well, and came away with a couple of cases of wine between us.  We'll definitely be going back there - their wines are worth it.

Miss D. cooked up a mess of ravioli for supper, which we washed down with the remains of a bottle of Beachaven Riesling.  Right now I'm working on a book proposal, and Miss D. is using the treadmill desk next to my seated desk while working on projects of her own.  It's an enjoyable mutual domesticity, sharing an office and workspace like this.  Now, if I could just persuade her to take her 'tinkering' with writing and make a book out of it . . .


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