Thursday, September 17, 2015

Dang kidney stone again . . .

To my disgust and (considerable) pain, my kidney stone troubles have returned.  Last weekend, while moving furniture and hefting boxes of books from one place to another, it felt as if something tore in my right side.  By Sunday morning all the symptoms of kidney stones that I'd first experienced in June were back in full force.  Very fortunately I still had some of the 'good' painkillers the doctor had prescribed for that incident, so I was able to keep going until I saw him again this morning.  He wasn't happy to hear my news, and sent me straight down for a CAT scan.

Turns out that a chunk of the previous kidney stone had not been passed (it was too big), but had concealed itself in a corner of my kidney somewhere.  The heavy exertions over last weekend had pulled it loose, and it was now trying to pass through to the bladder and thence out the usual way;  but it was too big and sharp-edged, so it was sitting at the top of a 'pipe', causing bleeding and pain and generally mucking up the system.

I'll be going in on Monday or Tuesday for a procedure to break it up.  It won't be external lithotripsy like last time;  this will involve an ureteroscopy and laser lithotripsy.  Right now, it hurts enough that I don't care what they do, just so long as they deal with it!  I'll be popping painkillers until then.

Please keep me in your prayers as I prepare for yet another surgical procedure.  I've had so many of the damn things in my life (not for kidney stones, but for plenty of other reasons) that I really hate them with a passion.  Still, I don't exactly have much choice in the matter, so I may as well let them get on with it.

Growl . . . snarl . . . grumble . . . etc.



  1. Good luck and enjoy the happy pills. Take your time and come back to us healthy. And do augment your intake of beer and scotch in the future. Old wives tales say that they keep the stones to a minimum and help them pass fast.

  2. Prayers for you and hugs for Miss D. (Wives don't like watching their hubby in pain.)

  3. Sad to hear this...

    I went through two bouts with kidney stones and I know the pain.

    Like Miguel says, "enjoy the happy pills", and thank God for modern medicine.

  4. Praying for a speedy recovery Peter. My wife has suffered with bouts of this pain. She claims it exceeds the child birth thing. I am taking her work for it.

  5. So sorry to hear that. I've never had one but colleagues who have described in great detail the pain and it was measurable. I hope they get it cleared up for good.

  6. My Lady suffers from periodic kidney stones and I never want to go through what she endures. You have our sympathy and best wishes for a successful procedure.

  7. Ouch! Hope it gets taken care of with minimal fuss. Try to stay comfortable until then.

  8. Will do. And hope the recovery is short.

  9. Sorry to hear of your problem. Glad they can do something about it. Said a prayer for you.

  10. I hope you heal quickly and fully and don't have to go through this again! Healing thoughts coming your way.
