Monday, December 19, 2016

So, which fantasy novel should I write?

As I discussed a few weeks ago, and again in my response to your feedback, I'm planning on publishing my first venture into the field of classic fantasy novels during 2017.  It's going to be fun for me, and I hope for you as well.

There was a split between readers wanting a classic sword-and-sorcery type of novel, and those wanting a more late-Middle-Ages, early-Renaissance type of world where swords and sorcery are also involved, but in a more 'civilized' setting, taking a less prominent role.  I've worked on both scenarios, and partially completed both novels.  The question is, which would you prefer to read?  Which should I take to completion first?

In order to settle the question, I'm going to post large chunks of the first chapters of both books on this blog, on consecutive days.  The first, tomorrow morning, will be of the more typically sword-and-sorcery novel.  I could publish this as a one-off, stand-alone novel, or tailor it to be the entry point for a trilogy or longer series.  The second, on Wednesday, will be a chapter from the second proposal.  I've already posted it here some time ago:  this version will be cleaned up, edited and polished to reflect more detail.  This novel is intended to be the start of a trilogy or series, rather than stand-alone.

When I've put up both chapters, I'll ask for your feedback as to which book you'd rather read first.  I think that's the fairest way of deciding which project to tackle next year.  I'll let my readers choose.

Look for the first sample chapter tomorrow morning.



  1. Silly me, put the comment on the wrong post. Sorry...and I join the rank of idiots!

  2. One of the more interesting "alternate history" novels I've read was one where the Roman Empire never fell, set in modern times - and narrated by a centurion. I'm looking forward to both samples. :)

  3. Peter,

    If your going to put magic in your books then I suggest you try an approach similar to Susanna Clarke in "Jonathan Stange and Mr Norrell". In her world magic is a dangerous unpredictable entity that poses as much danger to the user as to the intended subject of the spell.

    I prefer fantasy novels where the use of magic is more thoroughly thought out by the author than simply someone with an inate gift yelling "hey presto!" while waving a wand around.

    Ben Aarovich's books where magic can kill you if you overuse it and Robin Hobb's books where magic is highly addictive are other examples.

    A book where magic has to be actively rejected or shunned by the hero would be interesting to read: Where an alternative has to be found.

    Good luck.

  4. You write it, I will buy it. Write the one you are the most comfortable with.

  5. I'd love to see you write a "Discworld" story.

