Thursday, January 26, 2017

About that inauguration crowd . . .

Mr. B. points out that according to CNN's own gigapixel photograph of President Trump's inauguration, there appear to have been many more people in attendance than the news media have claimed.  Here's a portion of that image, reduced in size to fit here (click it for a larger view).

I can only suspect that other images were taken either a long time before, or a long time after, the actual inauguration, so that much of the crowd would have either not arrived, or dispersed.  That would allow CNN and other news media to claim (as they have) a smaller attendance for Mr. Trump than previous Presidents.

Right now, I'm at the point where if most of the mainstream news media assured me that Monday was the day after Sunday, I'd immediately fact-check them against the nearest calendar.  If the calendar agreed with them, I'd probably fact-check that, too!



  1. "Right now, I'm at the point where if most of the mainstream news media assured me that Monday was the day after Sunday, I'd immediately fact-check them against the nearest calendar."

    You, and at least half the rest of the country as well. This is the central fact that has the deep state-media-leftist corporation in a state of fear- they have lost control of the narrative.

    Somebody, maybe Hannah Arendt, once said the the problem with ceaseless propaganda is the targets do not just end up believing one side, they start questioning everything.

  2. Wait for the pro-life crowd versus feminist crowd comparisons. Trump has already mentioned them not covering the pro-life march twice.

    I find myself laughing a lot.

  3. I think Trump should have just laughed at them and said, "You're lying through your teeth, but who cares. I'm in the Oval Office, not you!"

  4. The media were just using alternative facts.

  5. Whatever! The important turnout was on November 8 of last year.

  6. I watched the inauguration, and I noticed immediately that the crowd photos in the News stories that day didn't match what I saw on live TV.

    I also noticed that many of those photos originally had small captions like "crowds begin to form to view the inauguration" that somehow disappeared in later stories.

  7. There's a point I've come to with some sources where you tip over, and realize you can't trust anything they say.

  8. Apparently, the news photos were from the start of the inauguration. I've seen photos of protesters blocking entrances to the inauguration completely, and read that the security (TSA?) was working slowly when admitting people.

    It's not the first time a "not the peak" photo has been used to minimize the reported attendance at a protest; I remember some years ago, a photo analyst used shadows to determine that a photo showing a sparse crowd on the Washington Mall had been taken a couple hours after the function. I think it was the government that was trying to minimize the crowd in that instance, but I could be misremembering.

  9. And yet they keep on digging that hole.

  10. what is disturbing is that intelligent people watch the 'news' every evening and think it is true.
    they base decisions on it.
    an intelligent man here actually told me if trump were elected there would be shooting of democrats by conservatives, in large numbers, and he had planned to go to canada until the shooting died down and order was restored.
    he is not the only one to think it would happen!
    the evildoers have much influence, don't underestimate them.
