Saturday, February 4, 2017

That's one way to protect your family!

A Florida man found a unique way to prevent another from laying his hands on a gun.

The truck driver stopped at a red light and Aponte got out of his car, approached the vehicle and began punching the driver's face through the window, according to an arrest affidavit.

The victim's girlfriend screamed that there was a gun in the truck in an attempt to stop the attack when her boyfriend was unable to grab Aponte's hand. The girlfriend did not actually have a gun, police said.

Aponte told the family, "I'll show you a real gun," and then started to walk toward his vehicle. Traffic prevented the truck driver from moving forward, so instead, he backed up his truck and parked it on top of the Camry, so Aponte wouldn't get the gun and cause further harm to his family, police said.

Witnesses were able to confirm the victim's versions of events.

Aponte was arrested at the scene and charged with burglary, battery, criminal mischief and driving with a suspended license. The truck driver was not arrested.

There's more at the link, including pictures of the truck balanced neatly on top of the car.

Quick thinking on the part of the truck driver - and a good reason to have a lift kit on your truck, in case of emergency!



  1. One mind, many weapons. And no one was hurt. Works.

    Take care.

    PS: Also... the wife might consider not bluffing in the future.

  2. Never try to bring a gun to a truck-fight...

  3. Never try to bring a HAND gun to a truck fight

    Take care

  4. Well, that should silence the 9mm/125 grain vs 45ACP/230 grain discussions for a while ... Now, let me see ... a 1 1/2 ton truck is 23.52 million grains plus the weight of the passengers, that would be ... Ummm ...

    Phil B

  5. You think lift kits and loud mufflers are just to look redneck cool when you live in the country? A lift kit prevents a deer or elk from joining you in the cab of your truck when you eventually hit one on a country road. The loud muffler serves as a warning to any animals in the road for hundreds of meters away (or more, ungulates have pretty good hearing). Yeah, its great to 4 wheel in the mud and pick up chicks and all that. It is even better to remain uninjured in an impact at 60 mph with a 600lbs elk 100 miles from the nearest hospital.
