Thursday, March 9, 2017

Is she serious?

I was left dumbfounded by this headline yesterday:

It was followed by 'Happy International Women's Day!'

What would the reaction be if a male actor made a similar statement about his own anatomy?  Would it be treated with such breathless sincerity?  Would it be applauded as an example of cultural zeitgeist?  Or would it be panned as crude, thoughtless, condescending and insulting?

If that's what International Women's Day was all about yesterday, I'm very grateful indeed that I avoided all contact with it!



  1. I'm just glad the day is done. UGH!!!!!

  2. Yeesh... Something 'fishy' about that statement...

  3. Yesterday I got up, puttered around for a bit, met oldest son and a friend for lunch then we proceeded on to the public shooting range for an afternoon of plinking.
    Returned home in time to clean up and get ready to go to my regular weekly poker game (guys only).
    Only interaction I had with a female was the very nice lady at the sandwich shop who made our lunches and took our money. Did so with a greeting and a smile I would add.
    As for the whole Woman's Day thing, I'll quote a bit of Heinlein if I might:
    "Whenever women have insisted on absolute equality with men, they have invariably wound up with the dirty end of the stick. What they are and what they can do makes them superior to men, and their proper tactic is to demand special privileges, all the traffic will bear. they should never settle merely for equality. For women, "equality" is a disaster. "
    From The Notebooks of Lazarus Long as recorded in Time Enough For Love.

  4. I'm beginning to think its high time people who do not support these comments have a strike against movies and actors who support those thoughts. Why should we help them stay in the spotlight.

    Parents - hold your hands over your children's eyes and ears until grown-ups are allowed to speak again.

    Remember - TEACH - YOUR CHILDREN WELL ...

  5. So.... Her "moral compass" is her pet name for Andrew Upton's Penis?


  6. If this is unsuitable, please do not publish it.

    That statement reminds me of a very old limerick

    Said the gentleman after they'd dined
    'My dear, I don't wish to be unkind.
    To be perfectly blunt,
    Your brain's in your ....'
    So she gave him a piece of her mind.

  7. Funny. I'm a woman and here I thought my moral compass was in my soul.

  8. One of the women I respect most of all in my life is my grandma. I KNOW what she'd say to this:

    "More money than sense, that one".

    International Grandma day is something I could totally support.

  9. Hey Peter;

    What the heck..? The Virtue signalling by the left is getting unreal, they are coming out with more statements trying to stay relevant and ahead of their so called peers in the social justice my friend *Shelldude* would "when you have time for this crap, you have too much time on your hands."

  10. Zounds! Would be a blast to go geocaching oe orienteering with La Blaanchett, no?

  11. That's one old, worn out, used up, clapped out, weather beaten, nasty compass that most likely reeks of dollar store canned cat food. If it were artillery, the round count would be such that it would've required tube replacement years ago.

  12. I'm thinking her statement is the equivalent to 'him thinking with the head he keeps in the dark'. Judy

  13. There is a hole in her moral compass. It all makes sense, now!
