Friday, August 25, 2017

RCOB moment, coming right up

Kim du Toit (who has returned to blogging after a long absence) coined the acronym RCOB, standing for 'Red Curtain of Blood' (i.e. before the eyes), to describe the furious reaction that a particularly stupid or evil event, suggestion or policy could produce in him.  Since I have similar reactions to similar things, I'll gladly appropriate it for this complete and utter crap from the Social Justice Collective Weekly flyer at the Colorado Springs campus of the University of Colorado.  Click the image for a larger view.

(A tip o' the hat to Gab user Ellis Novak for posting it.)

A few highlights:

"... the problem lies in their socialization into the military culture that is that of a white supremacist organization.  They have been permanently tainted, and are no long(er) fit for a four-year university."

Clearly, whoever wrote this crap has never been in the military.  White supremacist?  In an integrated military, with a higher percentage of people of color in uniform than exists in civilian society?  Are you s***ting me?  As for being 'permanently tainted', oh, boy . . . say that to my face, boy, and let me show you my taint!

"Veterans usually have an overwhelming presence in the classroom, which can distract other students.  This is usually true for vulnerable individual such as LGBTQQI2SAA, who have been known to be the butt of insensitive jokes made by veterans."

No s***, Sherlock!

"This is not to say that veterans should not be allowed an education.  Veterans should be allowed to attend trade schools, or maybe even community college.  But, in order to protect our academic institutions we must ban veterans from four-year universities."

I've got a better idea.  Let's make it compulsory for aspiring university students to serve their country first, before being allowed to enter.  One year of military service, or two years of service in other organizations such as the Peace Corps, equates to one year of university courses.  Thus, after a four-year military hitch, or double that in a civilian service organization, you'd be allowed to register for a four-year degree.  Sounds fair to me.  How about you, readers?

I think thousands of current and former service personnel would love to get hold of the author(s) of this screed, and edjumacate them in the realities of life.  I'm a bit far from Colorado Springs to do anything about it myself, but I'll gladly contribute to the beer fund!



  1. I seem to recall Heinlein writing a book based on that idea.

  2. Edgar Rice Burrough's often described his character "John Carter", lately of the CSA from Virginia, as seeing through a red curtain when fighting-pissed angry.

    I have heard this described as "Condition Red" by John Ringo in his "Paladin of Shadows" series.

    Same thought. So F'ing angry your eyes are bugging out and everything has a red filter over it. I get that way sometimes. It isn't good. Have destroyed several projects that I was working on when I am in that state. I have enough brainpower left to tell me to get away from my fellow man and hide for a while.

    It isn't a comfortable state. But I can attest that strength and temporary endurance is enhanced when I go all "Hulk." And I don't notice little things, like the gaping wound in my calf, or broken fingers or such. Afterwards, the emotional and power drop-off is substantial. And the pain returns, double.

    I think the RCOB is the origin of the Beserker. Guys who train to ride the RCOB can be frightening indeed, until they run out of gas.

  3. I'm offended!

    By the puling cowardice; no make that craven, smug, self superiority that hides behind those same military men when things go bad. Words fail me to express my disgust with the author of that flyer.

  4. I went to college back inthe '70s and the freshmen boys had the same problems. The veterans were a little bit older, the veterans were better funded (GI Bill) and the veterans were self-assured. We were men. Were we a distraction in the classroom? You betcha. The coeds could smell the testosterone rolling off us, and it excited them. We were both dangerous and desirable.

    During my Junior year, I nailed a different coed every week for an entire semester. The non-veteran boys didn't stand a chance. My junior year was pretty much a drunken blur of classes, work, and and endless stream of comely young coeds.

    1. That was me. I was a decorated E-5, playing baseball, and a fraternity gentleman with a nice Pick up. I could drink more beer than ten of the average freshman dweebs put together.

  5. ... say what now? That's just stupid.

    Oh well, some countries have separate military-track universities altogether... actually weren't there some that had a three-track university system, one track technical, one humanist and one military?

    Way to build a caste system, that.

    And there's just no way a modern military would function without a number of university-level educated specialists and officers, and fitting all that training in before boot camp is probably even worse.

  6. Even if some universities were to not accept veterans (which given their status, I suspect it would be illegal for a publicly funded college to do so), there are a number of colleges and universities that are cognizant of real life and who do gladly accept veterans; I would rather see those colleges grow and than the idiotic ones who encourage screeds such as the one above.
    Have you seen how much Mizzou has shrunk in the last 2 years since they gave in to their students? Pot, meet Kettle!

  7. Easily solved.

    Cut off all federal funding (that would be all student loans (in toto) to any institution which discriminates in any way against military veterans. The responsible PTBs there will shut that rag down in a NY minute when their paychecks are the ante for being a public jackass.

    And refer that screed to the EEOC and federal agents for investigation of a federal civil rights violation. Somebody wrote it, and somebody else distributed it, which fulfills the evidentiary point for a criminal conspiracy.

    Answering charges of conspiracy to deny civil rights to someone in federal court will be a lot less funny during opening arguments than it was when someone was typing it and taking weed hits off of a potato bong. Doubly so if any official funds were used to produce it.

    That'd be the last of that noise you heard for a generation or two, minimum, and somebody will be finishing the semester at the local JC, mark my words.

    A letter to the White House, CC'ed to the AG, EEOC, and FBI should get the ball rolling, esp. if you also send copies to local and national media, and a few talk radio pundits you could think of in about two seconds.

    Any veteran at the school who "feels discriminated against by the hostile environment" has standing to do it, and then it's a full-on BBQ.

    I'll get the popcorn.

  8. What a precious little snowflake, existing only for the purpose of being mocked by better men.
    Truly, the Lord is gracious to grant us enemies such as this.

    I would have a great deal of fun laughing in this fool's face.

  9. Attending college after my second all expenses paid trip to southeast Asia, I really hoped all the BS would disappear after a while. Wrong, wrong, wrong.

  10. It's obvious that there needs to be some sort of reform of the higher education system in America. They're failing at their primary task and have taken over by radical anti-American zealots who've turned them into Marxist indoctrination academies. There are a few places to start bleeding these behemoths.

    Eliminate tenure.

    Eliminate college athletics. Turn them over to the professional sports leagues and they can run them as the farm leagues they are and the players can paid for their labor.

    Eliminate federally guaranteed student loans and grants. You want a loan then you get it from a bank. Banks will be reluctant to give loans for useless "studies" degrees. If it isn't something you can earn a living with then the bank isn't going to risk a loan on especially when it is treated like any other debt dischargeable through bankruptcy.

    Tighten admission and graduation standards. I've seen far too many recent university graduates who are just ignorant. Ignorant of basic common facts like the branches of government, the difference between the state and federal governments, basic economics, simple history, basic 4th grade geography. How someone can graduate with a degree from a major U.S. university and not be able to find their state on a U.S. map without names or know that Poland isn't a US state? I had to explain to a university graduate that Poland is a country, show them on a map and explain that Poland isn't a US state and then have them argue the fact because NATO. NATO? WTF? The mind boggles.

  11. Anonymous just above me pretty much nailed it. Eliminate college sports, especially football and basketball. Raise admission standards to the point where getting into college is an achievement worth talking about. Restrict tenure to professors who have actually contributed something to their field.

    As for mandatory service in the US armed forces - sure, especially the good old boot camp experience. Get a few attitudes adjusted the old fashioned way, and you'll have fewer problems later on in life.

  12. I've read it called "the red mist".
    Whoever wrote that letter was terribly, terribly, misinformed. No doubt by the usual suspects. Which is to say, deliberately.

  13. I agree with all of the above, but I still want to know what "LGBTQQI2SAA" means!

  14. Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Questioning, Intersex, 2-Spirit, Ally,. Asexual

  15. You might want to think of a different saying than "let me show you my taint". I had to read that twice before realizing you didn't mean a certain part of your nether regions.

    1. You read Popehat too? Lol... If you don't get the reference, google "Popehat, snort taint" it's not anything NSFW, but it is funny. Ken White may be significantly to the left of me on certain topics, but he's a damn fine 1st Amendment attorney, and funny, too!

  16. The flyer was posted anonymously using an assumed name. Colo Spgs is a military town so sentiment like this doesn't get much favor. Indeed all the student who were queried about the thing summarily opposed the very idea. One snowflake does not a winter make.

  17. I'd like to see them try. Seriously.

  18. Stu Harfath. Sydney Australia.August 26, 2017 at 7:27 AM

    Back in '91, I finished 23 years service in the Royal Australian Air Force, and enrolled in 'trade' college, to achieve a Certificate of Building, a three year course. I was the token 'senior' student, the rest of the class were young males in their late teens, two or three nudging 20-21. All of these nimrods had a high school graduation certificate, so I presumed there was a degree of intelligence possessed by one and all. Was I sooo wrong. I'm certain they got their certificates out of a corn flakes box, that is the only explanation I can come up with. They were, to a boy, (not man) close to incapable of honestly applying themselves, to learn, to shut up and listen, pretty much useless, they only applied their minimal ability to cheat the exams. I mean flagrant, contemptuous of the teachers cheating, and still they got poor marks or failed. I lasted one semester and quit, my answer to one teacher as to why?, was, "I do not in any way want to be tarred with the same brush as them". Best post Service decision I ever made!.

  19. You both have to go back. -VD

  20. The "Social Justice Collective Weekly" header tells me this is likely socialist/communist driven. As for LGBTQQI2SAA, pretty soon no one will know what all the acronyms mean, and for that they will be called "racist!" That's ok. The more tantrums the leftists throw, the more the voters will move to the right.

  21. I chanced into a chat with one of the younger vets at Flat State U. (not to be confused with the vet Vets at the animal-doctor school. Anyway.) I got an ear-full about a certain poly-sci prof and her inability to understand the Constitution and her dislike for the military. That was, hmm, 12 years ago. By and large the students had no problems with veterans on campus, and I liked having them in class. They did tend to razz the ROTC students on their morning runs, though . . .


  22. *reads quotes* ... *rubs eyes* What the ever-loving *f@$k* did I just read?! At this point, it's not even stupidity, it's brainless, verbal/written diarrhea! God help the jackass who wrote this bunch of printed moose droppings, because no one else is interested in lending them a hand. I almost wish they'd *try* to enact this insanity, if only so I could watch their consequent destruction. I need a minute...

  23. I am an alumnus of UCCS and was a little surprised by this. Yesterday, I got this email from the UCCS dean:

    Dear UCCS Alumni:

    I write this morning in response to a flyer posted on the UCCS campus by a non-UCCS group. The flyer references veterans studying at institutions of higher education. UCCS does not endorse and vigorously rejects the offensive viewpoints expressed in the flyer.

    This flyer stands at the intersection of two core values for UCCS and higher education.

    On the one hand, we recognize the right of people to express their viewpoints, even when those viewpoints are offensive to many in our community. The University of Colorado system adheres to the freedoms embodied in the United States Constitution, which include the freedom of speech contained in the First Amendment.

    In doing so, we draw guidance from the words of the United States Supreme Court, which recently reaffirmed that speech touching on social and political matters is within the bounds of constitutional protection. When speech is a matter of public concern, even though it is racist or sexist, it "cannot be restricted simply because it is upsetting or arouses contempt" and we "must tolerate insulting, and even outrageous, speech in order to provide adequate 'breathing space' to the freedoms protected by the First Amendment." I reject the notion that we should censor those who denigrate others, as censorship would have silenced many voices over the decades who needed to be heard.

    On the other hand, respect for the right of someone to speak should never be taken as endorsing the viewpoints that someone has expressed. The viewpoints that the authors express are against the law. UCCS does not discriminate against veterans. But even more fundamentally, UCCS does not discriminate on the basis of race, ethnicity, gender, disability, religion, creed, veteran status, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, political affiliation, or political philosophy. People earn the right to study at UCCS by virtue of hard work and individual effort, and we do not bar the door.

    Beyond the fact that the authors’ position is illegal, it is also wrong. We ascribe to The Board of Regents' Guiding Principle that the University of Colorado shall always strive to "provide an outstanding, respectful, and responsive living, learning, teaching, and working environment." Veterans are positive and valued members of our academic and campus community. They bring experience and viewpoints that enrich our discussions

    So do many others. We have learned over time that higher education thrives when many voices join in the conversation. Just as I disagree with anyone who says that we should refuse a UCCS education to someone who ascribes to a religious faith, I disagree with anyone who says that we should refuse veterans a UCCS education.

    We recognize the pain caused to many in our community. Consequently, I call upon the UCCS community to recognize the value of free and open discourse, while simultaneously standing firm in the inclusive values of our diverse community. If concerns exist about safe expression of ideas, our faculty and staff work diligently and are available to bridge gaps between disparate viewpoints.

    We know our student veterans to be high achieving individuals with diverse viewpoints and values, and all of us are enriched by and fortunate to have the military community represented in our classrooms and campus spaces.

    Venkat Reddy, PhD
