Saturday, March 24, 2018

The resemblance is striking

I'm sure many readers have already seen this image of left-wing/progressive media darling David Hogg giving a Nazi- style salute during today's anti-gun rallies.

Quite apart from the unpleasant connotations of that salute, there's also his impassioned calls for Fascistic, unilateral abrogation of people's constitutional rights.  I couldn't help but be reminded of someone else.

Ah, yes.  A definite resemblance, I'd say . . . both personal and political.



  1. I dunno. He strikes me more as a Goebbels than a Himmler.

  2. Hogg's neither fat enough, nor brave enough, nor has he yet plundered enough helpless victims, to be Goering - though his brains may be as addled.

  3. Suffers from ID10T Syndrome.

  4. State (and Deep State) propaganda used to be more subtle and when it wasn't it was more masculine and far better dressed. That miserable little Soros Deep State bought and paid for soyboy twerp looks like he should be trying to get out or a locker or drying off from a swirly.

  5. And this after the armband incident...

  6. More communist solidarity fist than Nazi salute, especially in the context of the vid, but then, I actually consider that WORSE..

  7. Too scrawny to be a proper Hogg.
    David is the little piggy that cried "Me me me!"

  8. Scarcely expected to see a Pak name in the responses,but considering the climate, it's likely not too early at all. The dolt followers do not have either experience nor knowledge to see where it is they are going- in spite of the fact that it is all written down to be learned from. All the young impressionable ones see is the prospect of free stuff, college classes they need never graduate from, room and board. The fact of the promise socialism fails to deliver is ignored by them, as Venezuela is SO far away....

  9. And just where, oh, where are all those "AntiFa" morons, just when you have something whereat you could throw them head-long??...

    You look at that kind of looney-toons idiocy, and you absolutely have to say: There has NEVER, in the History Of Leftist, Limpbrained, LumpenProletariat Lunacy, been a more deservedly-punchable visage than that smuggy, scuzzy, smarmy, simple-minded, simpering, s**t-eating jug-head you behold, uselessly-puerile paw upraised...

    That jacket should be blazing-red, with TOTAL!! DORK!! across it in foot-high letters.

  10. If that photo of the alleged salute, I daresay the people accusing him just want to hang him regardless of what he has or hasn't done wrong. A perusal of the archives for some actual Nazis will show that's it's not got much to do with them.

    Not here to defend him though, never heard of him and the anti-gun rallies are one of the most offensive things I've ever had the misfortune of reading about. Just do for him what we ought to do for everyone - hang him for the things he's actually done. Do unto others and such.

  11. 18 USC 241-242 never sleeps.

  12. I'm certain that some of you are as sick and tired of this crap as I am.

    I fully understand what is meant when they say that when white Christian males are pushed hard enough and are finally stirred into action, there are no rules - none - no prisoners are taken, no mercy is given.

    Japanese Admiral Isokuro Yamamoto understood this when he commented " I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve."

    This is a hard lesson that is about to be re-learned very soon.

  13. Peter and all:

    The more I see of this movement, and the Left in general and their "othering" of anyone to the right of Stalin, the more I fear for the future. At the risk of shameless self-promotion, here's my essay on why I oppose gun control:

    A Very Personal Opposition to Gun Control

    Incidentally, I added you to my blog roll. If, after you vet my blog, you'd do the same I'd be honored.

  14. M4 - I suspect context is the key. His armband earlier, the speech and how he has described the NRA and Republicans, his complaints about the high school's new transparent backpack policy being a terrible and unfair infringement on his rights, and then the Nuremberg-like rally and the salute.

    I would dearly love to sit him down and require him and his supporters to watch _Triumph of the Will_, and some of the original footage from the liberation of the camps, and what Germany and eastern Europe looked like after the War, and let them see where their primrose path leads.

    But I'm a history teacher by day, writer by night, and some things resonate HARD with me.


  15. @Peripatetic Engineer: It's the standard communist "raised fist". Not a far cry from the Hitlerian, certainly in intent...

  16. I'm a bit concerned about how much this "youth movement" resembles the one of a century ago described below:

    "In the decade preceding the First World War Germany, the country most advanced on the path toward bureaucratic regimentation, witnessed the appearance of a phenomenon hitherto unheard of: the youth movement. Turbulent gangs of untidy boys and girls roamed the country, making much noise and shirking their school lessons. In bombastic words they announced the gospel of a golden age. All preceding generations, they emphasized, were simply idiotic; their incapacity has converted the earth into a hell. But the rising generation is no longer willing to endure gerontocracy, the supremacy of impotent and imbecile senility. Henceforth the brilliant youths will rule. They will destroy everything that is old and useless, they will reject all that was dear to their parents, they will substitute new real and substantial values and ideologies for the antiquated and false ones of capitalist and bourgeois civilization, and they will build a new society of giants and supermen.

    "The inflated verbiage of these adolescents was only a poor disguise for their lack of any ideas and of any definite program. They had nothing to say but this: We are young and therefore chosen; we are ingenious because we are young; we are the carriers of the future; we are the deadly foes of the rotten bourgeois and Philistines. And if somebody was not afraid to ask them what their plans were, they knew only one answer: Our leaders will solve all problems.

    "It has always been the task of the new generation to provoke changes. But the characteristic feature of the youth movement was that they had neither new ideas nor plans. They called their action the youth movement precisely because they lacked any program which they could use to give a name to their endeavors. In fact they espoused entirely the program of their parents. They did not oppose the trend toward government omnipotence and bureaucratization. Their revolutionary radicalism was nothing but the impudence of the years between boyhood and manhood; it was a phenomenon of a protracted puberty. It was void of any ideological content.

    "The chiefs of the youth movement were mentally unbalanced neurotics. Many of them were affected by a morbid sexuality, they were either profligate or homosexual. None of them excelled in any field of activity or contributed anything to human progress. Their names are long since forgotten; the only trace they left were some books and poems preaching sexual perversity. But the bulk of their followers were quite different. They had one aim only: to get a job as soon as possible with the government. Those who were not killed in the wars and revolutions are today pedantic and timid bureaucrats in the innumerable offices of the German Zwangswirtschaft. They are obedient and faithful slaves of Hitler. But they will be no less obedient and faithful handy men of Hitler’s successor, whether he is a German nationalist or a puppet of Stalin."

    von Mises, Ludwig (1945). Bureaucracy

  17. @JK Brown:

    The more things change, the more they stay the same.

    But that means teaching history, which our schools no longer do. And that means a little humility on the part of youth, which is difficult at best, but in today's "snowflake" generation is nigh unto impossible.

  18. Aw, I liked his cute little sissy kick at the end...could someone post that video? "Awww, who's a good little useful idiot? Yes, YOU are, good doggie! Have a treat."
