Monday, July 23, 2018

Storms, and a bleg

Pitsnipes Gripes (warning:  site content is sometimes NSFW) has a fascinating post containing GIF (i.e. animated) photographic sequences of storms.  Here's one to whet your appetite.

There are many more at the link.  Recommended viewing.  Click on each image for a larger view.

Also, I need to ask a favor of my readers.  My "Cochrane's Company" trilogy is now fully published, with the first book coming out in May, the second in June, and the final volume earlier this month.

As I write these words, the review count is as follows:

Volume 1, "The Stones of Silence" - 64 reader reviews

Volume 2, "An Airless Storm" - 32 reader reviews

Volume 3, "The Pride of the Damned" - 9 reader reviews

I really need to get more reviews for Volume 2 and (in particular) Volume 3, to help prospective readers decide whether or not to risk their hard-earned entertainment dollars on my books.  If you've read either or both books, would you please help me by leaving an honest review on each one's Web page at  The links are provided above for your convenience.  Independent authors like myself rely on reviews as a very important marketing tool, and you'll help me put bread and butter on the table by doing so.  Thanks!

I should add a word of explanation to readers who want me to send them a free copy for review, or something like that.  Amazon specifically prohibits incentives to reviewers, for obvious reasons:  it wants the reviews to be fair, objective and impartial, as a legitimate indication of customer opinion.  If free product or another incentive is provided, that implies that the reviews won't be as fair, or objective, or impartial;  so it's prohibited.  I agree with Amazon on this one.  I'd rather have honest reviews from those who've bought my books, or read them via their Kindle Unlimited subscriptions - even if the reviews aren't uniformly favorable.  Honesty is a good thing here, from both the author (by not "bribing" reviewers) and the reviewer, by not looking for incentives.



  1. I loved them, so reviewed. I must have KUed the first one, so purchased.
    - mrsizer

  2. I bought the 1st book of this series when you were looking for reviewers. I figured it was time to read something different (for me), time to read one of your books (I like your blog) and it was not too spendy...
    I'm about half way thru it and I'm enjoying the story.

  3. Sadly I'm banned for life from leaving Amazon reviews, they have refused to tell me why.

  4. Done. I'd already reviewed 1 & 2, but I've added a review of #3.

    I've got to say that much as I like the Maxwell books, it's apparent your writing style has matured. And you've greatly broadened your world without undercutting our previous understanding of it.

    Can we expect Cochrane's or his people, as well as Maxwell, to get cameos in the next Laredo book?

  5. Hi Peter,

    I don't care for Cochran's Company as much as I do for the Laredo or Maxwell Saga.

    Just saying.

  6. @Unknown at 7:46 PM: That's all right. We all have our favorites among other authors' books. I'm glad you enjoy Maxwell and Laredo. There'll be more in both series, both directly and indirectly.

  7. Left review. 5 star all three. Love how you didn't have to wait as long, but fear that means a longer wait on your next book any ETA? I think this is my favorite so far. Your one of my top authors now, but for some reason I just read the Laredo books. Loved it to so anything in the Maxwell universe would be great. Plus I love you post civil war books to.
