Sunday, August 19, 2018

A special Sunday morning request

Normally I don't put up regular blog posts on Sundays, instead offering something in my "Sunday Morning Music" series.  However, Kevin Baker, all-round good guy and author of "The Smallest Minority" blog, is in hospital.  He needs our help.

Let his daughter describe what's going on.  From the GoFundMe appeal she's launched:

Kevin was admitted back to the hospital last night (8/15/18) after collapsing and having to be taken by ambulance to emergency. He had just gotten out of the hospital on Tuesday.

. . .

A little about my fabulous father. This is a man who took me under his wing when I was 15 years old. I was a troubled teen and he still provided the best care and attention that any teen could ask for. He taught me how to enjoy cars, how to drive, how to change a tire, how to check my tire pressure and gun safety/shooting. A lot of survival skills that many aren't blessed to be taught. All have had a huge impact on my life.

Fast forward to more current times. His health in the past few months started to decline rapidly. He had previously been diagnosed with porphyria. They then found Cirrhosis of the liver (hereditary). Later they found a bleeding ulcer in which he became very anemic. His liver condition is progressing at a high rate of speed to the point that he has now become very confused and cannot even use the technology that he needs in order to perform his work. He has exhausted his paid time off due to this. He keeps saying that he doesn't need help but he is a very stubborn individual who doesn't like burdening others with his problems and is too proud to ask for help. So here I am.

. . .

Sorry that his is so long but I cannot express enough how much this wonderful man has made a difference in my life and his family. He has always been the greatest support for his family and friends amongst many others. Please take a moment of your time to contribute whatever you can. If you can't donate please just say a prayer. These are by far the worst times we have ever seen him in.

Thank you a million! His grateful daughter,


There's more at the link.

I've encountered Kevin's illnesses before, as a pastor and chaplain.  Porphyria often leads to cirrhosis, and being a hereditary condition, it's often hard to detect and even harder to isolate what type the patient has.  Suffice it to say that it's not good.  Please keep Kevin in your prayers for a swift and full recovery, and his family for the emotional burden they're undoubtedly carrying right now.

The latest update on Kevin's condition is:

He had to [be] put on oxygen but has since been taken off. Bad and good news. He is coherent enough to have small conversations now. Which is more great news! However, when they did further examining they found that his kidney is not doing so well. This is not good news. Therefore he will be staying in the hospital yet another night and maybe more. We are still optimistic about him making it to his Mayo Clinic next Thursday.

Many of us know Kevin, and have already supported the GoFundMe campaign for his medical and other costs (including Miss D. and myself).  I'll be personally very grateful if you'll please show your support as well.  Kevin is good people, and has helped countless others over the years.  Now it's his turn to need help, and I hope he gets all he needs.

One important note:  If the campaign reaches its stated goal, please donate anyway.  We all know how medical expenses mount, and I'm sure the small amount his daughter has requested won't cover everything.  If we can help his family cope with that burden, they'll be better able to concentrate on giving Kevin all the love and support he needs, without financial distractions.

Thanks in advance, friends.



  1. I boosted it too. And sending prayers.

  2. no money here, all going to docs and hospitals. but prayer has been offered.

  3. King George III of England suffered from Porphyria. He was king during the American revolution. The movie "The Madness of King George" tells the tale.

  4. Donated. Baker's writings (and he has written some humdingers) have been a great influence on my own thoughts. I still return to the Smallest Minority blog just to re-read some of his major posts in the left hand sidebar.

  5. How's he doing? I hope he can follow Bill Whittle's path and make a book of his writings.
