Thursday, August 9, 2018

Somebody should tell President Trump . . .

. . . that a failed Israeli project might be useful for  US border security.

One thousand crocodiles have been left homeless in the war-torn West Bank after a man's failed bid to open a tourist attraction.

The ill-fated attraction is causing a huge headache for authorities, as the 'escape artist' creatures are stranded with nowhere to go.

Israel's Defense Ministry was forced to admit it had no idea what to do with the snappy reptiles.

The Petza'el farm was originally set up with the intention of bringing holidaymakers to the region more than 20 years ago.

However, this went badly wrong.

War meant that tourists stayed away, and the government had to step in back in 2012, when 70 crocodiles managed to escape.

. . .

In a statement, the Civil Adminstration department said: “The Civil Administration continues to work to solve the issue of the crocodiles. To our sorrow, despite the repeated attempts, we have not yet found a suitable place."

There's more at the link.

As a former African boy, I'm here to tell you, crocodiles will make you think several times before crossing a river.  They may (they should!) persuade you to stay out of it altogether!  If President Trump were to offer these abandoned crocs a "mercy flight" to the Rio Grande River in Texas, it might solve part of the USA's illegal alien problem in no time at all . . .

(South Africa has found the same thing with prides of lions in the Kruger National Park.  Local opinion is largely unsympathetic to the illegal aliens, something along the lines of, "Hey, the lions have to eat, too!")



  1. Sanity EXISTS! Not enough, though.

  2. ROTF, that would be interesting... To put it mildly!


  3. Questions, questions. What kind of tributary system does the Rio Grande have - that is, how far north and west will the crocs disperse? Will they eat the camels and wild horses? Are the camels protected? Will croc-skin riding boots become hate speech? Would you have to crossbreed a crocodile with a wendigo for the species to thrive in the St Lawrence watershed? If a croc was a certified maneater would its tail meat meat fetch a higher or lower market price?

    These days a man cannot dander.

  4. At El Paso you can walk across the Rio Grande and not get your feet wet, no crocs there.

  5. Same thing with the invaders coming across the Med.

    Step 1: Tow the boats back with them on board.
    Step 2: Push them off, then sink the boats.

    Step 3: If Steps 1 and 2 don't work, missile the boats, strafe the survivors. Sharks have to eat too, you know. And sunken boats make nice dive sites and artificial reefs.

  6. Is there not alligators there already?

  7. No, alligators are not found far up the Rio Grande system. Search for a range map for the American alligator and you will see its officially-recognized presence doesn't generally extend far was from the coast, except in swampy eastern Texas.

  8. El Paso, TX, on the Rio/Sandy Grande had 'gators. Somehow they survived more than one freeze over the years.

    "Back in the 1950s and 1960s, downtown El Paso's San Jacinto Plaza featured a pond filled with live alligators. They'd entertained citizens since the 1880s. The gators are long gone, but have been replaced with an impressive fountain at the Plaza de Los Lagartos (Plaza of the Alligators)."
