Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Why African migrants will flood the world over the next half-century

CDR Salamander has an interesting series of charts about Africa at his blog.  They're all factual, and I'll leave you to read about them for yourself.  I'd like to highlight this one in particular.  (Click the image for a larger view.)

The reasons for Africa's pyramid-like population distribution and youthful population explosion are many, including (but not limited to):
  • Improved medical care, which has greatly reduced child mortality and diminished the impact of traditional "killer" diseases like malaria, dengue and other fevers;
  • The AIDS epidemic, which has killed many older Africans and disproportionately increased the ratio of young to old;
  • Improved nutrition, particularly through international aid in response to regional disasters like famine, which previously killed thousands (if not millions) of people.

However, those people have nowhere to go in Africa, and nothing to hope for.  The continent is cursed with a chronically low-IQ population.  They're largely unschooled by Western standards;  and even if their educations were better, there are few if any local jobs that would require that sort of learning, and pay a commensurate salary.  There's little industrial development in Africa beyond mines and government infrastructure, and those need cheap labor rather than skilled workers.  There's no social security or welfare network in Africa, because countries on that continent by and large can't afford to provide one;  so, if you have no work, you starve, or turn to crime.  China has spent billions on the economic colonization of Africa, but has done so by importing her own workers to that continent, rather than educating, training and using local staff.  That's not likely to change anytime soon.  (I wrote about the immensity of Africa's problems a few weeks ago in more detail, if you're interested.)

The inevitable result of this lack of opportunity, and intense competition between the multitudes of younger Africans for the few scraps that are available, has meant a veritable invasion of Europe by people desperate to grasp at any opportunity - legal or not - for something better.  A street-sweeper or garbage worker or manual laborer in Europe will earn more in real terms, and have far better economic prospects, than the average school-teacher or government bureaucrat or miner in Africa.  This is what's fueling the influx of so-called "refugees" through Libya and other northern African nations to the southern nations of Europe, across the Mediterranean Sea.  Non-governmental organizations opposed to concepts such as national borders are aiding and abetting this flood.  What's more, it's reached the borders of the USA as well.  We're going to see more and more of it here.

Of course, we can't afford to allow this invasion to overwhelm our economy.  We can't provide for the millions of desperate "refugees" (in reality, economic migrants) from South America who are already overwhelming our border facilities by the millions every single year.  We certainly can't provide for an even greater influx of desperate Africans - yet they're going to keep on coming, because they have no other hope and nothing to go back to in Africa.

I certainly believe in the Christian principle of helping one's neighbor;  and, to the extent that we share a common planet and a common race (i.e. human), we should be willing to help those less fortunate than ourselves.  Sadly, aid to Africa as presently allocated and distributed is a lost cause.  It's almost all embezzled, stolen, and diverted into the pockets of the authorities and the bureaucrats in most African nations.  We need to mount a major effort to make sure that stops, and that aid goes to those who'll use it to genuinely help their people.  Our aid should create economic and other opportunities for them, so that they don't need to flee elsewhere to make some - any! - kind of future for themselves.  At present, this is not happening;  but unless we make it happen, the invasion of First World countries, including our own, by illegal aliens will become an unstoppable flood.

Go look at CDR Salamander's charts again, and think about them.  All that is headed Europe's way today.  It'll be headed our way tomorrow.  What are we going to do about it?  There's no way we can shoot all those who are desperate - not without making ourselves monsters.  We have to find another way . . . but what?



  1. Percentages are difficult to work with but make a good graph.

    Europe 741.4 million

    Africa 1.216 billion

    The world 7.5 billion

    I don't know if by "The rest of the world" he means the 7.5b minus Africa (1.2b) & Europe (.74b) or the world percentages in general.

    Hmmm, it does look like there are a lot more young people in Africa than there are in Europe.

  2. If these are ( as I suspect) the numbers self-reported by assorted African Kleptocrasies that depend on per-capita foreign aid, why do we believe them?

  3. A few well placed neutron warheads in the stratosphere could reduce those numbers.

  4. It's a flood that we have NO way to counter... sigh

  5. "There's no way we can shoot all those who are desperate - not without making ourselves monsters."

    Let's put this into perspective:

    Situation #1 - 200 armed insurgents show up at the gates of your town and commence attacking to gain entrance in order to gain access to food and homes. No one probably would find fault with anyone defending the town with force.

    Situation #2 - 20,000 immigrants show up at the gates of your town and commence to slowly push their way past the gates of the town in order to gain access to food and homes. I CERTAINLY would not find fault with anyone defending the town with force.

    It really is that simple. An attack is still an attack and needs to be treated as such no matter what tactic the opposition chooses to employ.

  6. That population information is collected by NGO's like Doctors Without Borders, not the African 'governments'. It's fairly accurate.

    Low IQ limits what education can do, and culture holds back the bright ones. Without a major culture change, there's no way to help them. When morality only matters within your tribe or even just your family, everything will be stolen. Africa isn't ready for nations, the 'nations' currently existing are just methods of theft and abusive rule.

    So, how do you change the culture? Christianity has the best chance of making that change, but it has to be true Christianity, not the current veneer over tribal superstition. No juju, no raping children to cure STDs, it has to be a replacement of those beliefs with the teachings and spirit of Jesus.

    Islam isn't working, note Cdr Salamander's other charts, showing the majority of areas where government has broken down entirely to be where Allah is worshipped (or should I say warshipped?). Hinduism in Africa is limited to Indians that immigrated to South Africa, it doesn't have the 'legs'. Secular progressivism has gone nowhere as well. Christianity is the best hope that I see.

    Cultural changes take decades, but without that, there's no fixing Africa. The last hundred years should be proof that you can't build a civilization on top of tribal culture, it's like building a skyscraper in a swamp.

  7. They cannot walk to the US, and there is not enough transportation for them to get over the ocean to America.

    There are even enough Countries between them and Europe that care more about survival than they do bad press that they won't walk over to Europe and take over.

    Unfortunately, a large percentage of the young people in the report are not going to survive to adulthood, which is why the numbers of older people are not much larger than they are (or do you think medication just started getting to Africa in the last four years?)

    I also find it suspicious that there are so many gaps in these graphs, why only show every other 5 year group?

    David Lang

    1. It is showing every 5-year group, but only every other group is labeled.

  8. " At present, this is not happening;
    ****** but unless we make it happen **********, the invasion of First World countries, including our own, by illegal aliens will become an unstoppable flood."

    Of course, were we to attempt or even openly talk about doing so...
    well, the Lefties would attempt to tear us limb from limb.

  9. It's the World's Most Important Graph:

  10. And what do we do with them if they get in?

    We have few positions for those with an IQ in the 80-90 range (and most africans, or people descended from africans are at that level). Very few positions that are not already filled. Very few jobs that they can do....and those are starvation wage jobs that others already do.

    What can they do that is not already being done?

    Add in the cultural issues and invaders such as these will make the inner city black population problems and cultural issues (crime and welfare dependency) look positively benign by comparison. We whites can't continue to subsidize the life of the blacks we have right now, the "indigenous" ones that live in our inner cities....our tax structure is already at the breaking point to support them....

    What, exactly, do we do with a bunch of dumb, unemployable people?

  11. tweell said @1403: So, how do you change the culture? Christianity has the best chance of making that change, but it has to be true Christianity, not the current veneer over tribal superstition. No juju, no raping children to cure STDs, it has to be a replacement of those beliefs with the teachings and spirit of Jesus.

    And Islamic groups like Boko Haram and Al Shabab are working through Africa killing off the Christians. It's still a relatively "retail" operation: a school here, a church there. It hasn't gotten to wholesale slaughter, yet.

  12. it is something I addressed a few years ago. I'm one of those that wants our southern border closed and sealed.

    If I lived south of here I'd do anything to get over that border.

    Somebody already has the lab that is working on or has developed the virus that kills most of humanity.

    It will be along anytime now.

  13. Population pressure like this usually results in a large war. Whether or not our global transportation system can relieve the pressure enough to prevent such a war...well, I doubt it. I fear there will be a lot of tears in Africa.

  14. The population graph for India looks the same, by the way.

  15. Sink the boats. Shoot down the planes. If they want to come here, let them walk.

  16. Just remember, the IQ's you're talking about are averages. Just because the group a person be!longs to has a lower AVERAGE IQ doesn't mean that his individual IQ is lower than yours. The tradgedy here is that we are skimming the cream rather than having them deal with the problems at home in Africa

  17. If the cold climate change occurs, Africa will starve, since no one else in the world is going to have excess food production to ship to them, including the US. We should know in a few years if the sun is going to turn down the thermostat.

  18. "There's no way we can shoot all those who are desperate - not without making ourselves monsters. We have to find another way..."

    Maybe, but let's try shooting them all first, just to see if it works.

    Just kidding.

    But let's get serious:
    We wouldn't have to shoot them all.
    Just shoot down the planes and sink the ships.
    It isn't as if they could ever build one themselves from scratch.

    That's where the problem is.

    Left to their own devices, we wouldn't see more than 10-20 people annually make it across the Med or the Atlantic on a dugout canoe or raft, and at that point, just running over them with larger ships, or even just running alongside them and letting the wake swamp and capsize their trash-built flotilla would suffice.

  19. @Aesop

    I disagree with you a little bit.

    those determined and smart enough to make it on their own are probably exactly the type of people we want to have.

    And any who MacGyver themselves aircraft/ballons/etc to get them and their family away should be encouraged in any way we can.

    The only way they will overwhelm the first world is if the first world breaks itself to import them en-mass (and even then, the number evacuated will only be a drop in the bucket in terms of the overall population of Africa)

    Or if we get a global government and one-body-one-vote worldwide that lets them vote the first world give them everything (and the first world is suicidal enough to do so)

  20. (and the first world IS suicidal enough to do so)


  21. Nah.

    Those determined and smart enough to make it on their own should be the ones to rise to the top of things there.

    Then they can renovate their own little slice of Trashcanistan or Sh*tholia, and when they get to, say, 19th C. technological levels, we can began to treat with them as near-peers, and cherry-pick the ones who still wish to transfer their citizenship, and meet the statutory requirements.

    I've seen what makes it over the Southern Border, and while clever and industrious at breaking the law, these are not "exactly the type of people we want to have".
    Unless you're running a criminal cartel, and need recruits.

    Until then, those on the continent, from Cairo south to Capetown, are overwhelmingly nothing but tribal loincloth savages, as 500 years of history demonstrates beyond argument (Rwanda and SAfrica, anyone?) and probably always will be, for any value in the next 100-200 years.

    Wakanda is not real, and they have nothing to offer us but exported misery. (Baltimore and Detroit, anyone?).

    What all those Southrons (a contraction of Southerner and moron, btw) who keep yapping endlessly about the War of Northern Aggression forget, is that if another left-wing actor hadn't tried his hand at politics in 1865, Lincoln's follow-up encore to Appomattox was to start shipping America's tragic mistake back to Africa, by the shipload, by way of apology.

    Which would have increased the average IQ on both continents.

    Imagine the nations both we and they could have had, at that point.
    Opportunities missed.

  22. @Aesop
    > I've seen what makes it over the Southern Border, and while clever and industrious at breaking the law, these are not "exactly the type of people we want to have".

    you missed my point, getting to the US (or Europe) is not just walking like getting tothe US from Central America, it's a significantly higher barrier.

    > (Baltimore and Detroit, anyone?).

    That is uncalled for. The people in Africa have almost nothing in common with the Baltimore and Detroit Blacks except the color of their skin (even if the Left claims differently), the cultures are completely different.
