Saturday, August 17, 2019

Oh, all right! I know when I'm beaten . . .

I'd initially planned my latest fantasy novel, "Taghri's Prize", to be a stand-alone work, without sequels.  However, a large proportion of the reviews on have hinted, suggested, or plain outright demanded that I write more in Taghri's universe.  I know when I'm beaten!  If I want to be a successful writer, earning a living, I have to give my readers what they want - and you clearly want more Taghri.

I've begun working out a plot for Taghri 2.  It's going to involve theft, plots against a King, skullduggery on the high seas, and city-states competing against each other for power and influence.  I'm already laughing as I envisage the complications that may ensue.

The third Ames Archives Western novel, "Gold on the Hoof", is preparing for publication right now.  I'm busy writing the third and final volume of the Laredo War trilogy.  Next will be the sixth volume in the Maxwell Saga.  Coming soon, possibly even before Laredo 3, will be the first Maxwell Omnibus:  the first 3 Maxwell books, plus a new short story set in that universe, to give people an incentive to read it.  I'm also working on a joint novel with another author, and a short story with a short-term deadline for another anthology.  That'll keep me busy for the rest of 2019 and into early 2020.

When most of that is out of the way, look for Taghri 2, Ames 4, a preparedness handbook (which we discussed in these pages earlier this year), and at least one science fiction novel in 2020.

They do say there's no peace for the wicked!



  1. Congratulations on the 33 reviews to date!

    I hope the sales are in the same trajectory.

  2. I have enjoyed all the books so far. You are a good story teller. I wish I was half as good. Course the back spaces I make typing this preclude my literary tendencies.

  3. Smiling at the thought of more books: I enjoy your stories.

    While reading Taghri’s Prize, a little voice kept saying “a simplified version of this would make a great young adult novel”. Maybe a new market in the future...

  4. Now I have to read it but please give me more Maxwell and finish the Laredo trilogy.
    Reading those is on my reading bucket list.

    The Maxwell books are lovely examples of excellent scifi that shows the strengths of people with a high moral code and
    traditional approach to family and kids. Perfect for recommending to younger readers as the action is great but the science is accurate too.

    Keep up the excellent work please.

  5. I agree on the Maxwell Saga. Book 5 ended with unanswered questions regarding the futures of Brooks, Steve and their wives.

  6. I concur please finish the Maxwell Saga and the Laredo Trilogy. But I also understand that when the muse talks it is best to listen. So I will wait patiently. I've waited longer for less tasty fare...

  7. First let me say glad for your success you truly deserve it and glad it will be a series. Second I'm looking several times a day on gold on the hoof, any ETA. Third in another post you mention Tom kratman, how is he. He doesn't update his website and after a 3 year I feared his smoking got him. Was a big surprise see new book last year from him. Can you expand on the work planned.
