Tuesday, November 24, 2020

You and me both, buddy!


Found on the Twittersphere:

As the sage said:  "No s***, Sherlock!"



  1. i find it odd and revolting that cops are actually doing it. they erase what little belief in their integrity citizens still have.

  2. Police always, ALWAYS, go for the safe arrest/citation. Bust a drug house? No thanks, I have to go sit and write out a bunch of No Turn On Red tickets to soccer moms today.

    They choose sides when they accepted orders to not enforce the aw against rioters and looters. They chose wrong.

    1. Who is "they," considering that multiple police departments and sheriff's offices either did not have to deal with rioters and looters or enthusiastically complied with orders to do so?

  3. I am sure there will be a very small number of officers who would take part in this. Enough to make the news, anyway. I'm also certain it will be a tiny, tiny fraction of sworn officers. I'd be shocked to hear of anyone local to me who'd be involved.

  4. This doesn't look like a tiny fraction...

  5. They only pay attention to screwing up when you either arrest them, or shoot them in the face.

    Dealer's choice.

    I'm fine with this either way it works out.

    Honest cops with common sense and integrity are worth their weight in gold.
    But it's getting harder to find them.

    What happens to the rest of them concerns me about as much as monsoon drownings in Bangladesh.
    They made this bed, collectively. That's how they're going to lay in it as well.

  6. I wish I had more friends so I could test this.

  7. @Charlie: "Police always, ALWAYS, go for the safe arrest/citation."

    Yeah, but those dangerous arrest sure are good for demanding ever-larger budgets and cool gear, even if they are never carried out, aren't they?

  8. I reread it today, and note a mistake in how it was stated. It should read:
    I'm bothered that the police are being pressured/enforcing Governor's Executive Orders (dictates not backed by law) on a 10 person gathering inside a home, when the same police couldn't/wouldn't enforce actual laws on hundreds of people gathering, burning, and looting.

    Odd how that works.

    Still, it's a very good point.

  9. Bright blue parts of our country will very soon discover the ultimate result of defunding and crippling their law enforcement departments. Good (as in effective and dedicated) cops leave for either more supportive parts, or go into private security which for some strange reason expands drastically and pays far better in those defunded carp holes.
    So you wind up with departments that must lower their requirements to be able to hire enough staff, and thus allow bullies, overly aggressive types, and those seeking opportunities for graft onto the force. Service degrades and conflicts between citizens and police become much more frequent fostering ever more "us against them" interactions.

  10. You guys are painting with a way over-broad brush.

    In the county where I live, the Sheriff came out and very publicly stated that his department would not be enforcing the governors executive orders on gathering sizes.

    During the rioting this past summer, he also very publicly stated that the rioters had better stay away from *his* county if they didn't want to go to jail or get shot.

    Our county sheriff is an elected position. I suspect he may keep his job as long as he wants it.

    (The state police, on the other hand, can be assholes, but you hardly ever see them except out on the interstate.)

  11. "You guys are painting with a way over-broad brush."

    Not really, Roy. The only place that the Sheriff would matter much is counties that do not contain at least one larger city. Cities are where the cops are hired and work for an appointed Chief of Police. Those are mostly run by the Democrats. Sheriffs are elected directly by the county residents, and normally listen to the citizens, except where the county is run by those same Democrats. The Democrats hate sheriffs, and they are now working on getting rid of the elected means of selecting them, and getting them to become an appointed position by the state, primarily to stop what your sheriff is doing.
