Monday, January 11, 2021

Larry Correia and Tom Kratman on our stolen election and its consequences


Two of my friends, authors Larry Correia and Tom Kratman, have weighed in on what happened in November, and what's facing us now.  I'll quote them in full, and let their words speak for themselves.

First, Larry Correia.  Writing on Facebook, he had this to say.

This was a comment I made in someone else’s post yesterday, but then it started getting shared:

I don't even like Trump, but I've spent the last four years getting screamed at by angry people for defending him, when I'm actually usually just defending basic reality.

Oh, we are so ****ed. Today is nothing. It's probably going to get worse, because we're on a road that I can't see any off ramps.

Sorry, here comes a rant.

People are confused and constantly bombarded by conflicting information, some correct, some bull****, and nobody knows what to believe because nobody trusts the people we are supposed to be able to trust. Then we have a super powerful global media complex that straight up gas lights everyone, and we're shocked the people have lost trust in information sources.

Then when people have valid concerns, they get mocked, belittled, and insulted. They get gas lighted and told what they've seen with their own eyes didn't happen, and then they're "fact checked" with things that are basically a list of excuses generated by partisans who have zero clue what they're talking about.

Repeat that daily, for literally every topic, and you get to a point where nobody trusts anybody and we have massive competing groups that can't even agree on basic pieces of relative truth anymore. And social media then rubs that in everyone's face, so we don't feel any commonality with our countrymen.

But that's basically because we are several different countries crammed into one. As a people we've got two primary philosophies with a bunch of offshoots of those two, except they are mutually exclusive and cannot exist at the same time. So instead we get a muddled mixture of nonsensical bull**** that isn't really either, but is primarily a vehicle that exists to benefit the same people who benefit from our totally untrustworthy information sources.

Then let's have a global pandemic, make everybody poorer, put them out of work, make everything they would normally do to blow off steam illegal, and once again if they express any concerns about this situation and the conflicting information presented to them, they get insulted, belittled, disparaged, and disrespected.

Then let's have riots and looting and arson and murder for months on end, where the rule of law appears to be a one way street.

Oh, and let's have a bunch of scandals with our political betters that tell everybody we have a two tiered justice system, where we're peasants, but our moral betters can do pretty much anything and get away with it.

All while our information sources obviously lie and conflict with each other and run interference for their powerful friends, but giant soulless mega corporations will straight up destroy regular mundane people if they feel like it.

And then at the very end of this ****ty year, let's have a election that is insanely anomalous in a bunch of ways, but let's not actually investigate it in any meaningful manner, and instead let's just insult anybody who is concerned about it.

Because nothing bad could possibly happen from tens of millions of people believing that their votes will never matter again and the system is irreparably rigged against them in a country with billions of guns and nuclear weapons.

Whew... And that's just this year, after the last two decades of escalating tensions in a country filled with people who hate each other's fundamental beliefs.

Which brings us to now... Which is why when buildings start exploding and politicians get beheaded, I won't be in the least bit surprised.

And I'm usually the optimist. I'm seeing people I would consider boring vanilla normies, not gun culture people, not Trumpkins, not preppers, not even that political, now talking about violence and revolution like those are perfectly normal topics. Twenty years ago that was reserved for us internet gun nuts and taboo crazy talk for everyone else.

Yeah... we are basically ****ed.

A couple of days later, Larry added this post on Facebook, and later on his blog.  The link in the text is my insertion.

I said I was going to try to avoid the internet, and anybody wake me if something asinine happens... 48 hours later three giant mega-corporations collude to crush a little uppity company for not bowing to leftist orthodoxy.

If you conservatives don't like it here, go start your own place!



(Wow. I'm sensing a pattern here)

Now comes the part where leftists suddenly love free enterprise and companies being able to do whatever they want... Okay, can all the small businesses open? Nope. Only companies that benefit leftist orthodoxy get to do what they want, and if you disagree with this double standard, obviously you hate--the leftist has to look at the printed word and try to sound it out--cap e tall ism?

Listening to lefties explaining capitalist philosophy is a lot like listening to militant atheists explaining what your religious beliefs are.

In principle I'm usually in favor of letting businesses do whatever they want. You know what else I'm usually against in principle? Bombing Japan. Yet strangely, after Pearl Harbor, circumstances change, and things which were previously disagreeable become necessary. Go figure.

So basically, if Home Depot and a cabal of every building supply store in the country wants to ban an entire class of citizens, that's fine, just grow your own trees, cut them down, and shape them into lumber yourself. Oh... except once you've put in the labor and grown the trees, then the saw companies say no chainsaws for you either. I guess you should just build your own chainsaws from scratch.

It's okay though. All those companies are allied with the political party that hates you and wants to see your kind utterly eradicated from society, because you are bad people who deserve it. And most of the "leadership" on our side says this is fine, and it's more important to be polite and play by rules the other side forsook a long time ago. When they get around to throwing dissidents into gulags, I'm sure guys like Mitt Romney will still be chiding us for using impolite swear words during our executions.

And this whole thing is a stupid play on the left's part anyway. (I will admit to some schadenfreude, seeing thousands of pissed off republicans using a quote from lefty hippy George Martin about how ripping a man's tongue out shows you fear what he has to say).

A giant swath of America already knows Big Tech is biased and full of ****. We all know that they lie and manipulate us constantly. It's easy to spot because they are so damned bad at it. Even the people who pretend that Big Tech isn't biased bull**** know that it is, they just lie and pretend to like it because they are shortsighted and think the lies currently benefit their team. Then all of us put up with it because it has basically become the public square (oh, and the government's closed all the places human beings would actually talk to each other).

So when Big Tech all teams up to crush some little company, it's going to make more people interested in the little company. Which is ass backwards for Big Tech, because if they'd just left the little oddball alone, it would probably end up wallowing in obscurity like most social media start ups without a critical mass of users. A few weeks ago I saw people saying "lol I don't want to go to some stupid right wing echo chamber" and now the SAME people are like "omg we have to download the app before Big Tech takes it down" and sharing pics about how to change your settings to keep Apple from deleting it off your phone. Because nothing makes a real American want to do something more than a bunch of scolds telling them they can't.

Personally, I registered on there as a fallback and I think I've posted like twice. But oh, NOW I'm invested.

So it's stupid business, but there is much worse coming. So much worse, that these idiots can't even sorta comprehend because they are totally out of touch with most of the country, and their view of us is a laughable caricature.

When tens of millions of people are feeling ****ed over and that the system is rigged against them, and the media who are assuring them that everything is in fine working order are the same untrustworthy media who've been caught lying to them about literally everything else daily for years, now feel like their voices are being squashed by the same cabal of mega companies that have been lying and manipulating all the information we are allowed to see for years... and an increasing number of these usually calm and responsible, but now angry and disenfranchised people (who are also the ones who make society work and keep the lights on) are starting to think that lefty style stupid political violence might be the only way to be heard... so go ahead and kick them while they are down.

I'm sure that will work out splendidly, with absolutely no long term negative consequences.

And now I'm going to get off the internet again until the next crisis. Honestly, debating with repetitive idiots is the time suck part. So I'm just gonna share my take and then walk away... until they ban me for bad think again, obviously.

. . .

Somebody else asked if I thought all these megacorps who are in a symbiotic relationship with the DNC destroying one little social media page was really going to push people further to the edge. That’s SO SILLY, CORREIA (insert vapid gas lighting here). Except it isn’t just this one thing in a vacuum. It’s a bunch of things. It’s business magazines threatening any company who dares to hire evil bad republicans who worked for Literally Hitler with bad press forever. It is one act of stupid civil disobedience being Kristallnacht, while thousands of acts of violence, looting, arson, and murder are fine. It is where congress works being a sainted temple but where you work being expendable. Shut up. You’ve got insurance.

Yep.  That gets it said.

Tom Kratman has his own perspective on what's going on.  Links in the text are my insertion.

Widest possible sharing authorized and encouraged; share via copy and paste. Be sure to include my name, so the left can understand I am not afraid of them and perfectly willing, on my own ticket, to fight:

So why, after all this, do so many of us still believe the election was stolen?

In the first place, there are two things we mean by “the election was stolen.” They’re mutually reinforcing, yes, but they’re not the same. The first of these is via the influence of media and social media. It was not illegal for them to have been Biden’s campaign, but they were Biden’s campaign. What that means, in practice, is that they used their privileges under the first amendment to violate the intent of the first amendment. 

I say “privileges,” by the way, rather than “rights” because by their conduct they have undermined the first amendment to the point we can calmly consider killing it, as regards the media, as so many lefties want it to be killed for the common citizenry. It no longer serves its purpose.

The second factor is our belief that actual spurious ballots were introduced into the system by both mailing in and other means. And the numbers were not even that large; Trump “lost” by about twelve thousand in Georgia, eighty thousand in Pennsylvania, and under twenty-one thousand in Wisconsin. Let’s not pretend that those were particularly difficult numbers to have illegally come up with.

But there’s not a shred of evidence…the courts…

Look, friends, we live in the age of MiniTru and Comrade Ogilvy. We have precisely zero sources of reliable direct information. Don’t believe me?

Answer these questions:

  • What was on Hunter Biden’s laptop?
  • What party and philosophy ruled the states that drove United States’ Covid stats into the stratosphere?
  • Who took the blame?
  • How much evidence did there turn out to be of Russian interference with the 2016 election?
And, conversely:

And, if you don’t know the answers to these, ask yourself why you don’t?

Moreover, why did Facebook and other social media suppress any notion of election fraud? One doesn’t need to suppress a lie; “a lie will not stand.” There’s only benefit in suppressing “inconvenient truths” (to steal another fraudulent Democrat meme).

Of course, when you control the media, a lie most certainly WILL stand…if it’s your lie.

Instead, we are thrown back on secondary increments of data, because the left isn’t clever enough – well, not YET, anyway – to have doctored those. (“Call for Comrade Ogilvy from Democratic Party Headquarters! Comrade Ogilvy please pick up the red phone in the lobby…”)

Among the secondary sources of information are:

  • The railroading of secession through various Democrat-run southern states by careful selection of those who would be allowed into the secession conventions.
  • Tammany Hall.
  • “Vote often and early for James Michael Curley.”
  • The Battle of Athens and the E. H. Crump (Democratic Party) political machine.
  • Cook Country, which is to say, Chicago, 1960.
  • Princess Nudelman, the dead goldfish (yes, I know the fish didn’t cast a vote. What’s important is that someone TRIED).

Look at the election fraud map.

In short, election fraud is so completely a part of the Democratic Party and the left, more generally, and has been for so long, that it would only be remarkable if there were a close election where there wasn’t any. We expect it. If we can’t easily see it, we expect it to be only because it’s a little better hidden than usual.

The Democratic Party is and always has been a party of corruption, heavy on power, short of or bereft of principle. The only difference between it and any given sub-Saharan African kleptocracy is in the shade of skin.

But what about the courts?

No, wait; you didn’t know that the legal profession is up there – or down there – with college sociology departments for its tendency to lean left? You didn’t know that coming up with direct evidence is often quite difficult? Investigations take years to uncover single instances of discrete bank fraud; we’re expected to find evidence of massive voter fraud quickly? See below.

Then, too, one might well wonder just which John Roberts it was that visited Epstein’s pedophile island. Epstein didn’t waste his efforts on nobodies, you know; oh, no, he turned over the use of his harem of barely post-pubescent teens to the already powerful and the up and – you should pardon the expression – comers.

I don’t know that it was him. I will not insist it was him. I want to see an honest investigation into whether or not it was him.

Of course, to be more fair than he probably deserves, Roberts probably does think he’s heading off a civil war. He’s wrong, of course, as Roger Taney was before him; he is bringing the war closer and ensuring it will be worse.

Difficult to come up with evidence? Enter the mail-in ballot, a positive Godsend for would be election fraudsters. Just think about what’s required to prove effective fraud on that scale. It’s not the mere one hundred and thirteen thousand vote that allegedly swung things in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Georgia.

We’re not talking here about railroading Jefferson Washington Lincoln III, the small-time dope dealer and occasional fence. Oh, no; this is a much more – an infinitely more – difficult problem.

For one thing, the investigators would have to scrub the voting rolls themselves. Then they’d also have to scrub the obituary columns and social security death register for the last century or so…or three. Add in the birth and naturalization records. They’d have to match not just the one hundred and thirteen thousand votes in question, but every mail in ballot AND every other ballot too. (No, the mere likelihood of most of the fraud coming via mail does not rule out more traditional methods.) And they’d have to do all this in a country that has an automatic revulsion against keeping and consolidating those very kinds of records, and often where the government in charge of the states in question will interpose every possible obstacle. And all of that with MiniTru ensuring that no adverse information ever sees the light of day.

Has anyone put that kind of effort into the investigation? No, they have not. Hence, with the best will in the world, the courts had not enough to work with. Hence, none of the investigations can be said to be valid. No, none of them. Neither can any of the court decisions, even where legally sound – and they were not all legally sound; Roberts, you swine, I’m looking at you – are dispositive, either.

So forget it; the information coming from the media is doctored and dishonest, with anything contrary studiously suppressed. The investigations were trash. The court’s refusal to hear cases prejudiced where not just outright unconstitutional.

Now some ignorant toad is going to scream, “Conspiracy loons! Conspiracy theory!”

Not on your life. People are not competent to conspire at this level, while Biden, cowering in his basement, certainly wasn’t. No, no; this is not a conspiracy but a consensus or, rather, several of them. A consensus exists when similar people, with similar values, backgrounds, and educations, see similar issues and problems, similarly, and come up with similar programs and solutions. A consensus doesn’t rule out conspiracy (“Adam, should we introduce spurious bit of bullshit X as people’s exhibit A, for the impeachment trial?”) but doesn’t depend on it either. It was sufficient in this case for enough middle and lower party workers and sundry activists, plus the media and the vile and filthy denationalized rich to a) believe that the only legitimate directions for the United States to go were further left, more globalist, less nationalist, more feminist, less nativist, etc., b) to recognize the promise of mail-in ballots, c) to deny for themselves that any principle is more important that continuing to move in those directions, and d) a resolve to do it, each in his or her or s/h/its individual capacity. No, Facebook did not conspire with Twitter; there was no need. No, X judge didn’t conspire with the Democratic Party; there was no need. No, Buffet and Bezos and Billzebub Gates didn’t conspire with Soros; there was no need. There was no need because they share a consensus.

And, so, no; we do not have any faith in the election results. Nor will we have, especially since we are quite certain that election fraud is now the way of the future. Soon to be President Harris (does anyone, anyone at all, have any illusions about that? Did anyone, ever? I have no more doubt of it than I have that she gives the best blowjob in the world, if the payoff is right) will never be considered legitimate. And she, and we, can expect everything from civil disobedience to nullification to riot to resistance in arms until the war commences. (Bet you didn’t know that the South was not the only region the states of which engaged in nullification.)

Trenchant thoughts from two men I respect.



  1. Hmm. And have you prepared an alternative to Blogger?

  2. Have you a link to the original of the Kratman article? It's not at, and I wasn't able to find it via (non-Google) search engines.

  3. @stencil: Yes, I have. Stand by for details in due course.

    @roamer: The original was posted on MeWe, in various groups to which I belong, after having been sent by Tom to one of his correspondents there. I don't know whether he's posted it on one of his own sites. However, I've confirmed it's his words.

  4. I have no doubt who the demonrats want in office.

  5. Peter - any idea what happened to:

    I started reading the site after you mentioned it. It’s been eye opening.


  6. Remember: if it's free, you're the product. Avoid anything, and I mean anything, free.

  7. Ray -
    It appears to have gone "invitation only".

  8. standard cuckstuff from the Krat: "...and the democrats are the real raycisss....: & etc. I will admit, though, that

    Trump has been the best Prez Israel ever had. For America? A steaming pile of shit....everything awful for the past 4 years

    HE ENABLED. It's stupid to allow yourself to be be played and replayed by a con-artist as transparent as Trump is stupidity so vast it has zero survival value.
