Tuesday, March 23, 2021

The "shadow government" that's currently running the USA


I think James Kunstler puts his finger on the crux of our national problem right now.

Who or what is this shadow government? I’d say it amounts to a small group around former president Obama and former attorney general Eric Holder, plus a coterie of Intel Community figures led by John Brennan, all awkwardly funneling instructions through Susan Rice to the hacks in the White House, who form a flimsy cocoon around the barely-pulsating organism within: Mr. Biden. I will boldly suggest that this cabal is actually controlling the executive branch of the government, and doing it with stunning incompetence. If it sounds like a conspiracy, that’s probably because it is a conspiracy.

What were those crimes of theirs? Mainly the actions they took the past four years to cover-up their intense and sedulous ongoing corruption of previous years, especially all the channels of moneygrubbing that ran from Wall Street and K Street through the halls of Congress, and secondarily their political agenda to destroy by any means necessary the opposition vested in a weak and ineffectual Republican Party at odds with its own elected leader, Mr. Trump.

The “means” turned out to be one dishonest exploit after another aimed at disabling and eliminating the uncontrollable Mr. Trump: RussiaGate, the Flynn case, the Mueller Investigation, Ukraine Phone Call Gate (impeachment No. 1), Coronavirus hysteria, identity politics hysteria (including the 2020 summer riots), the social media companies’ censorship and “cancellation” initiative, and, finally, the engineered ballot fraud in the 2020 national election, with a re-play in the Georgia senatorial special election of January, 2021. How did you miss all this?

. . .

People-of-color and the gender-muddled were useful idiots in the game to bamboozle the public, and were allowed to turn their own grievances into lucrative hustles. Thus, everything became a “racist” and “sexist” boobytrap used to nullify anybody seeing through this game, while garnering new social advantages and large sums of money for the aggrieved, especially the Black Lives Matter org.

All of these cynical power games were, and still are, playing out against the very real collapse of America’s economy and culture. That is the part of the story that nobody controls or can even hope to control. The manufacturing part of the economy has been going-going-gone for forty years, but Coronavirus paranoia has been mobilized to destroy any remaining small business or service, leaving the shell of a commercial sector represented only by rapacious chain stores. The oil industry is on the ropes, confounded by the high costs of getting shale oil out of the ground and the shortage of investor money for an obviously profitless activity. All that’s really left are the financial rackets tied to the Federal Reserve and Wall Street — and they amount to the sheerest vapor given the de-linking of capital formation from genuine productive activity.

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Pretty soon, the game will be up. The election fraud story won’t go away against all efforts to suppress it. The shadow government will get outed as the nation sinks deeper into economic and civil disorder, and some people will have to do something.

There's more at the link.

(For one view of who's behind the "shadow government", see "Who is shaking the jar?"  It's a compelling analysis.)

Biden is a disaster that's getting worse and worse by the day.  His incoherent mumblings have alienated many of our allies, and made him - and, by extension, the USA - the laughing-stock of the rest of the world.  Foreign news media openly describe (and mock) his obvious disconnect from reality.  He's not capable of making decisions;  those are being made for him by a person or persons unknown.  That's clearly unconstitutional and illegal, but no-one in his administration gives a damn about such piddling little irregularities.  After all, they control the reins of power.  Why should they care?

I suspect those pulling the reins are going to find it harder and harder to actually accomplish anything.  They'll meet increasing headwinds from overseas, particularly from China and Russia - and I don't blame the latter in the slightest.  When their chief rival is so clearly led by incompetent buffoons, why shouldn't they take advantage?  We'd do precisely the same thing, if we were in their shoes.

Domestically, they're in a bind as well.  If they did the honorable (and constitutional) thing, and removed Biden from office under the 25th Amendment, and let Vice-President Kamala Harris take his place, they'd lose her casting vote in the Senate.  They couldn't be sure of passing their cherished legislative agenda - indeed, they couldn't even be sure that the Senate would approve her replacement as Vice-President.  As a result, they're desperately propping up Biden.  They can't do without Harris' vote in the Senate - but by keeping Biden in office, they're making things worse for themselves by the day.  It's a no-win situation.

The tragedy is, they appear more than willing to utterly trash this nation and all it stands for, just so long as they can get away with their shenanigans.  It's going to take years - perhaps decades - to recover from the damage they've already done.  How much more damage will we allow them to do before we say, "Enough!"?



  1. Who or what is this shadow government? I’d say it amounts to a small group around former president Obama and former attorney general Eric Holder, plus a coterie of Intel Community figures led by John Brennan, all awkwardly funneling instructions through Susan Rice to the hacks in the White House, who form a flimsy cocoon around the barely-pulsating organism within: Mr. Biden. I will boldly suggest that this cabal is actually controlling the executive branch of the government, and doing it with stunning incompetence. If it sounds like a conspiracy, that’s probably because it is a conspiracy.

    Yes, but it goes farther and deeper than that. The American oligarchs, beyond the coterie of misfits you identified, are up to this to their eyeballs. You can't leave them out of it and to some extent, at least, they are directing Jo/Ho.

  2. I can't see how putting Kamala in as president hurts them in any way. They control her completely, and she'll put someone in as her VP that they own as well. "Oh, you won't be the deciding vote on our Green New Deal? It would be a shame if something should happen to your precious child/relative/pet, now wouldn't it?"
