Friday, March 4, 2022

He has a point...


Found on Gab.  Click the image for a larger view.

Makes you think, doesn't it?



  1. Also to consider, who did NOT get cut off and what is their behavior?

  2. It is almost that that is the only "reasonable" action they have.

    They only have hammers in their tool box and this is the only one left.

    I also don't think that bluffs would be called and they really don't know how to react.

  3. Peter, go see this post and the video therein:

    Yes, thought!

  4. 1) Characterizing Zelensky et al as the "globohomo" regime, besides being gratuitously pejorative and wildly inaccurate, is simply farcical. But he's a "Jooooooooooooooooooo! Run for your lives!", so it's pretty obvious whose group's itch that mischaracterization is scratching. it would be helpful if that team would keep the white hoods on 24/7, so we'd know what we're getting.

    2) What was the rest of the world supposed to do? A nuclear alpha strike? A strongly worded letter? Call the homeowner's association? The dog catcher? {"Hey, the dictator two yards over is letting his artillery crap on my neighbor's lawn..."}
    As if.

    3)Let's try this another way:

    First communist dictator gets visited by popular uprising, deploys economic rape on democratic assembly.

    Second stealth-communist dictator rapes democratic assembly, gets economic rape deployed on him.

    Sauce for the goose.

    See how Vlad likes being the cow in the bull's breeding pen for a change.

    Krushchev: We will bury you.
    Reagan: Here's the bill for the shovel.

    Putin: We will conquer you.
    Whole World: We are not amused, and it's not 1938 anymore.

    If that's too passive-aggressive wimpy for anyone, Ukraine is accepting all foreign volunteers, no questions asked. AK and Molotov experience helpful, but not required. On The Job Training provided on the bus between the airport and the front lines.

  5. WTF is "Globohomo"? I've had guys throw that term at me on Twitter as if I was supposed to know what wild conspiracy they were talking about.

    1. It's "the gay agenda" with a side order of "globalism" thrown in.

  6. I'm with Mauser. I don't get half the garbage they're selling. Don't really care, either. That seems to tick em off, too....So sad, too bad.

  7. I have no idea who came up with the expression "globohomo". It's a modern buzzword that gets thrown around as an accusation, description or put-down. I don't use the term myself - it seems like yet another cop-out by those who prefer to sneer rather than think about what they're saying.

  8. A view I share (not my words though)...

    I would remind you it wasn’t Vladimir Putin who has been conducting a scorched-earth culture war upon our beliefs, history, and identity, and degraded our social fabric to the point we now have to fight against the normalization of transsexualism. It wasn’t the Russians who outsourced our productive capacity while sending us upon one misbegotten war after another and flooding the country with drugs. It wasn’t ‘Ivan’ who caused the biggest wealth transfer in human history with the Covid scandal, fomented riots across the country, or “fortified” the election. Most of the ills I’ve seen metastasize over the course of my life, with increasing speed over recent years, were not the result of some foreign plot, but were born right here. Rattle your sabers against foreigners on the other side of the planet if it makes you feel better, but don’t confuse that with bravery. It just makes you a mark. If you truly wish to show your quality, summon the courage to attack the very real patronage networks who guide our course. Bring your powers to bear against those who shape the opinions and policies by which we live and die.

  9. Since last night's negotiations directly with Russia, Ukrainian troops have literally begun firing at the traitorous neo-Nazis that brought on this entire situation.
    God bless Russia and Vladimir Putin.
    A lot of arrogant, ignorant old Westerners with worldviews based on 70 year old lies are going to be eating their words very soon.


    Do try to recall that a week ago, any reference in the MSM narrative to neo-Nazis meant YOU.

    Let me know when the penny drops, and the gumball pops out.
