Monday, June 6, 2022

If you choose to sow bad seed, don't complain about the harvest


Oregon is finding that out the hard way.

Overdose rates in the state of Oregon rose by 700% after voters in the state approved a ballot measure to decriminalize all hard drugs.

Voters in the state of Oregon voted to decriminalize all hard drugs in the pursuit of encouraging those struggling with drug addiction to seek medical help. The measure, referred to as Ballot Measure 110, was the first of its kind in the U.S. and went into effect in February of 2021 after being approved by the public the year before.

. . .

Steve Allen, Oregon’s behavioral health director, acknowledged that there has been a “dramatic” increase in overdoses and overdose deaths, but he attributed much of these to an influx of methamphetamine laced with fentanyl.

Allen indicated a belief that if public health resources received enough funding and support, then overdose deaths would decrease as the state’s drug problem begins to improve.

There's more at the link.

This is a textbook example of the non-fact-based, touchy-feely approach to government.

  1. Ignore the hard reality of drug addiction and its health consequences.
  2. Pass legislation that's politically correct and feeling-centered, "compassionate" rather than reality-based.
  3. See the problem get worse and worse as a result.
  4. Double down on the "touchy-feely" and demand more resources and funding, in a desperate (and doomed) effort to make the touchy-feely work in the face of reality.
The late President Ronald Reagan observed:

“If you want more of something, subsidize it; if you want less of something, tax it.”

"Subsidizing it" may include more than just financial subsidies.  If you make it easier to do something, and de-stigmatize it, you'll get the same effect.  That's what Oregon chose to do:  and, since the proof of the pudding is in the eating, it's now seeing the inevitable result of its misguided policy.  In the same way, "taxing something" might involve not just lesser or no subsidies, but active measures against whatever it might be (laws, regulations, punishments, etc.).  Oregon - and many other states - had for a long time had minimal "taxation" of drug offenses in that sense;  therefore, their problems kept on increasing, leading to their latest "touchy-feely" effort (which was as doomed to failure as their earlier attempts to solve the problem).

You can't legislate human nature out of the equation.  Rudyard Kipling warned us about that.

As I pass through my incarnations in every age and race,
I make my proper prostrations to the Gods of the Market Place.
Peering through reverent fingers I watch them flourish and fall,
And the Gods of the Copybook Headings, I notice, outlast them all.

. . .

As it will be in the future, it was at the birth of Man
There are only four things certain since Social Progress began. 
That the Dog returns to his Vomit and the Sow returns to her Mire, 
And the burnt Fool's bandaged finger goes wabbling back to the Fire; 

And that after this is accomplished, and the brave new world begins
When all men are paid for existing and no man must pay for his sins, 
As surely as Water will wet us, as surely as Fire will burn, 
The Gods of the Copybook Headings with terror and slaughter return!

Will Oregon learn from its mistake?  Under its present government, and with its present deluded liberal-progressive majority, I venture to doubt it.



  1. I see most of OR joining ID and Portland and the surrounding area becoming a city-state.

    And unless their is a major turnover in goverment, no they will not

  2. Always someone else's fault too.

    "Steve Allen, Oregon’s behavioral health director, acknowledged that there has been a “dramatic” increase in overdoses and overdose deaths, but he attributed much of these to an influx of methamphetamine laced with fentanyl."

    If the demand wasn't there (which YOU boosted you idiot!) it would not be coming in!

  3. The issue is that drug abuse and mental illness go hand in glove. The US has a mental health crisis that is manifesting itself in substance abuse, transgenderism, pedophilia, other sexual dysfunction, and increasing levels of violence.

  4. The unexpected consequences may be the goal. What’s cheaper and easier than effective drug treatment? A funeral. It’s monstrous, but they are monsters.

    1. It may be that evil. Consider that even b the small doses of oxycontin andbo oxycodone are compounded with near dangerous amounts of Tylenol (good in limited doses, but too much = liver damage and death.
      John in Indy

  5. gotta admit: stupidity has its own rewards; the welfare rolls have diminished, somewhat.

  6. I have no problem with this as long as it is accompanied by a ban on using NARCAN/naloxone when there has been an overdose by illegal/unprescribed users.


  7. Gee, almost like people weren't told 4000 times that legalizing some drugs would explode all drug use across the board.

    No points for guessing how it's gone in Califrutopia or Colorado too.

    Almost like some drugs are just bad, and ought to be criminalized, and possibly hinting that criminals don't obey laws. Ever. Who'da thunk it?

    Now do gravity.

  8. What MYOB said. With the easy access to Narcan, druggies feel a-okay in searching for harder and deadlier highs, safe in the knowledge that society and/or their friends/associates will save them in case they go too far.

    Just watch any 'live' rescue program. "Night Watch" used to have overdoses as every 2nd or 3rd 'patient' and often commented that the responders have responded 3-8 times in the previous weeks to the 'patients'. This last season the show avoided showing the overdosers.

    Let the drug suiciders suicide. Leave them alone. The public health crisis will clear itself up after a few years, going from an 'epidemic' to controllable levels.

  9. I think Oregon should go one step further, not only make them legal, but give the druggies a five gallon bucket full with the drugs of their choice. Hard? No, druggies are a drain on society, let them end the way they want. Homeless numbers would drop, crime would drop, welfare would drop, illegitimate births would drop, a lot of their stink would go away. Win win win win win.

  10. 700% increase was in one district, and it was overdoses, not deaths (120% increase).

    Overdose deaths in Oregon in 2021 was 607 deaths, a 200% increase.

    And there are around 14,000 homeless.

    Probably around 4% each year dead from drug issues. No official numbers.

  11. Don't ignore the fact that Chinese fentanyl is shipped to Mexican cartels where it is mixed with other illegal drugs and then smuggled into the USA. China's actions should be considered an act of war in this regard. They are actively participating in the poisoning of Americans. Druggies or not, China's hand in this should not be ignored.

  12. Refugee of the People's Democratic Republic of Portlandia checking in. Currently in exile singing the song of my people in the coast range foothill mist a bit S, upstream the mighty Willamette.

    Wastrels and vagabonds abound. Drainage and lowland waterways remain befouled by sun and wind shredded blue tarp listlessy saluting passersby.

    Out for a smoke on a train switchover , I successfully dodged a pile of feces on Sunday just outside Union Station in Portland.

    Stepping back on the train, a smile beginning to creep in, I nodded goodbye to Stumptown. Perhaps the kiss of a Casaba-Howitzer to redecorate the space?

    Yes, shaped-charge nuclear lances tracing the Terwilliger Curves would be a nice start.

    The lead Orion-class dreadnaught sends a tight-band MASER to signal "weapons free".

  13. Ban the use of Narcan and the overdose rate will drop in one year.
    It's called thinning the herd.
