Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Sounds like the Italians have picked themselves a worthwhile leader


I don't normally follow Italian politics very closely, but I've watched the recent election campaign there with real astonishment.  To have the President of the European Commission publicly and unashamedly threaten the Italian electorate with "consequences" if they elect the "wrong" government . . . that's mind-boggling.  So much for democracy!  Thankfully, Italian voters appear to have given her the finger by voting for a change in direction for their country, with conservative candidates and policies gaining support.  Nevertheless, that vote has brought out all the left-wing and progressive pundits, warning of "far-right-wing" and "fascist" and even "Nazi" policies that are sure to doom Italy.  Frankly, I think they're full of it.

Here's the probable next Italian Prime Minister, Giorgia Meloni, briefly describing her outlook on life and her political philosophy.

Darned if I find anything objectionable in that!  Besides, anybody who quotes G. K. Chesterton is likely to have her head screwed on the right way.  One can't help but approve.

Tucker Carlson points out that the negative reactions to her electoral victory are coming from those who believe that the will of the people should not count at all - that "experts", and the politically correct, and unelected bureaucrats, should make all the decisions.

Meloni is one of the very few politicians who ... is willing to say the obvious, the truth, out loud and as a result of that, because she's been willing to say what everybody actually knows, last night, her party, called Brothers of Italy, won an overwhelming victory in Italy. They took both majorities in the houses of parliament. 

By Italian standards, in fact by American standards, this is a revolution, but unlike most revolutions, the person at the front of it can actually explain what she's about. She can articulate it in a way people understand. She's smart.

. . .

She's as serious as the moment we are currently living through. "Our rights are under attack," she said, "The sovereignty of our nation is under attack" and critically "the prosperity and well-being of our families is under attack" and that's true. That's why it's resonant, because it's real and not just in Italy. It's true here. American families are facing the very same onslaught from the very same poisonous ideologies. The difference is that in this country, it's rarely acknowledged except on the fringes. Meloni's not on the fringes. She's the new prime minister of Italy. She will be and she's saying it out loud. 

Contrast that to what's happening in the United States. House Republicans just spelled out what they're running on. It's a document called "The Commitment to America." It's fine. Probably not much in it, you disagree with it. Have you heard of it? No, you probably haven't. You probably haven't read it. Nobody really cares. Why? Because there's nothing real in it. There's not a single word in that document about the attacks on the American family that you see every day. That's at the center of most people's concerns. How are my kids? Will they have a life that resembles mine? 

. . .

If you want to establish totalitarian control over a country, of course you have to destroy the family first, because nobody with deep family loyalty, the one thing every person should have, no one who has that will ever pledge absolute obedience to a politician. Why would you?

So, if you want absolute obedience, you have to sever family ties and that's why state schools brainwash your children with values that you despise and then instruct your children to turn you in as a thought criminal if you object. That's happening. It's not your imagination and it's happening for a reason. Wokeness is not just a political ideology. It's not just something annoying that emerged on college campuses that we can ignore. It's a state religion that supplants actual religion, which is also being destroyed. There's a reason the strip bars and the liquor stores and the weed dispensary stayed open under COVID, but the churches didn't.

If you can't draw the connection between those dots, you're missing it, but Meloni didn't miss it. She understands it perfectly. Watch.  

MELONI: Only a few months ago, European Union bureaucrats brought a document hundreds of pages long, telling us that in order to be inclusive, we had to exclude all references to Christmas. Jesus, Mary and all Christian names were to be removed from all official communication. Will we surrender in front of this? No, we will not. We will fight it. We will find it standing tall.

So, they hate your family, they hate your religion, and you don't actually have to put up with it because it's a democracy, and you're supposed to be in charge, you being the population. That's a radical message? God, family, country. That's not radical. It's hard to imagine a more wholesome message, a more pro-human platform. Fascists don't believe in God because God is a rival to their power.  

Of course, this is a person publicly professing faith in God. That's so scary, but it is so scary. It's so scary to the people running and benefiting from our current system and why is that? She's not the first person to say this. People have said it before, but she's just been rewarded for saying it. That's the point. The population likes it. This is what they actually want. They're not that worried about global warming. They don't want open borders. They think the woke stuff is absurd. They want to see what they think. And now it's obvious because she just won and so even in this country, the people running and benefiting from a deeply corrupt and doomed system are hysterical.

There's more at the link.  As always with Tucker Carlson, it's worth reading in full.

Can we find, and elect, a similarly level-headed leader in this country?  I honestly don't know.  I respect Donald Trump for breaking open the can of worms that we've come to call the "Deep State", and exposing it to public view;  but he's also an egotist and a very, very polarizing and divisive figure.  The Deep State and progressive politicians blocked many of his initiatives, and would redouble their efforts if he were re-elected.  I'd prefer another candidate (and hopefully a younger one - we have enough geriatric politicians already!)  Governor Desantis of Florida sounds interesting, but whether he has the national appeal needed to succeed on a broader stage is debatable.  Are there other alternatives?  Possibly, but I don't see anyone standing out so clearly as Mr. Trump or Mr. Desantis.

Of course, there's also the question whether any viably conservative candidate can overcome the shenanigans that we saw in the 2020 elections.  I don't expect that to change.  After all, if it worked so well for progressives and the Deep State before, why should they change the playbook now?



  1. I think the primary reason Trump is such a "controversial figure" is precisely because hw goes against the swamp. The establishment hates him and vilified him because he threatens their power. How much of your distaste is based on the persona created by media coverage?

  2. Why can't there be more Western women like her?

  3. My 35-year-old "kid" saw this and immediately said "She's fascist! She's WAY too Conservative. No way!" This is how the "next generation" sees things. Funny; everything his parents stand for is "fascist" now. Meanwhile, he has no problem with living under my roof, sleeping on my couch, eating my food... This is the generation that will yard sale America...

  4. At the risk of being too vulgar, I expect the 2024 presidential election to be a real s¥\£ show. The only possible viable candidate on the right at this time is Desantis. The press has done a good job of stigmatizing him as they do anyone of conservative inclination. Look at how many times you heard about Desantis “ Don't say gay” legislation, in fact the law was about not teaching sex orientation or gender identity to kindergarten through 3rd grade. Expect the anti Deasantis propaganda to escalate. As for the democrats, can you think of any of the likely candidates who would make a serviceable president.

  5. I feel Meloni is like Trump and the leader of Hungary. They all see that Globalists are taking over the world and destroying the basic country and people in them.

    I want Trump to run and win in 2024. I do not trust most of Congress on both sides as they are UNIPARTY and do not work for the people of the USA. We need Trump to regain the Presidency and with more MAGA members of Congress to clean out the Deep State, remove agencies and Departments not needed in the Federal Government, and move many agencies and Departments out of the DC metro area. Much of the Federal government has agencies that do multiple things that other agencies do and can be removed.

    DeSantis would be better for President after Trump did the first cleaning. DeSantis could continue the cleaning in 2028.

  6. I'm a fan of DeSantis, but I want him in 2028, give him a few more years in Florida to make the changes more entrenched.

    I really dislike the tendency (in politicians, but also in the tech workforce) to start working on finding your next job the minute you start your current one. This leads to people jumping around and never being in a job long enough to have to deal with the unintended consequences of their policies.

    If Trump were to drop dead today and DeSantis were to declare for President in 2024 tomorrow, by the day after he would be 'literally worse than Trump' according to the media.

    (not to whitewash Trump's personality)

  7. If only we here in Australia had a Leader with the strength of her character and convictions, sadly, no, not for the last 40-50+ years. We don't have 'Statesmen/Women anymore, we just mere Politicians. There is not one Australian politician currently in office, State or Federal, who is remotely as honest, strong and forthright as this Leader is. Not one.

  8. I wish Meloni lots of luck but she's up against the EU establishment who consider that the Italians voted for the wrong choice and so will try all sorts of tricks to bring her down.

    Moreover there's a good case to be made that she didn't really win that much. It was more that the apathy vote increased more heavily on the "left" than on the "right" and so she won. This is particularly because she has to form a coalition with two other parties to govern and the total number of votes for the three parties combined was about the same as it was in the previous election - it's just that the proportion that went to each party changed. On the left however several million 5* voters apparently decided to stay home because the 5* party, once it got into power, dropped all the 'radical change' promises it made during the campaign.

    Meloni's opportunity is to galvanize those former 5* voters to get involved and vote for her. They won't like all of her policies, but the general "say no to the EU, WEF etc." attitude is likely to attract. Assuming she manages to keep that up and actually stand up to the EU successfully.

    That's going to be tricky though.

  9. > egotist
    Name a person, anywhere, anytime, who isn't and egotist. You mean excessive ego, but that's common to all pols everywhere, as you know.
    > and a very, very polarizing and divisive figure
    Completely wrong. Only his political enemies think so. They, and the people who listen to the 'mainstream' (media who are self-recognized leftists).
    And about the tweets...you won't find a single instance of Trump being 'mean' to someone out of the blue. Always, he's responded to someone who attacked him, his family, and/or his country. Check it out.
    The alternative to the 'mean' tweets is Bush-style silence, which is why the official House minutes say the Bush enjoyed watching non-whites die on television, and the thundering silence that greeted that and all other accusations.
