Friday, November 18, 2022

20 Books To 50K Convention, Day 4


Thursday marked the end of the convention for us.  It'll wind up today with an author signing session and an open-to-the-public book sale from those authors who've chosen to sign up for it, but Miss D. and I will be traveling, heading to Arizona for a rendezvous with Larry Lambert tomorrow morning.

The seminars and presentations continued their high quality on Thursday, and both of us took in several of them.  There are so many of them that one's forced to pick and choose which to attend, so having two of us able to split the best between us made it much easier.  I plan to watch the videos of several panels I couldn't attend, when they're posted later this year.  Sadly, I understand they won't be open to general distribution, so if you didn't attend the conference, you probably won't be able to see them.

(I understand that next year, a "virtual conference" will be offered for a reduced cost, whereby one can register and attend by remote video viewing.  We'll probably take that option.  One loses out on the personal contact with other writers, which can be important from a networking point of view, but the savings in travel time and cost, hotels, meals, etc. should be very attractive.  Also, one will still have later access to conference videos when they're put up.)

Last night ended with a long social session for Miss D. and I.  She joined several other authors' spouses for a games evening, and they invited their menfolk to join them later to flesh out their numbers (you should pardon the expression).  I found myself in a laughing, talking gathering including Larry Correia, David Weber and others, plus their better halves.  Being much more notable authors than ourselves, they'd snaffled a place on the top (penthouse) floor, with spectacular views over the city that allowed one to see the lights to full advantage.  Much fun was had by all.

We'll hit the road today, Friday, and head south and east.  Prayers for traveling mercies will, as always, be greatly appreciated.  Homeward bound!



  1. See you soon. Keep in mind that I lose phone service for about an hour after I leave home, picking it up again as I enter Flagstaff.

  2. Travel safe! And say hi to Larry for me!
