Thursday, November 3, 2022

A fundraiser for a very worthy blogger and writer


Our mutual friend Lawdog, who's a blogger and a writer as well as a recently-retired peace officer, has been fighting a legal battle for the past two years.

I can't say too much about it prior to the court case, but basically he was accused of unprofessional conduct - which I don't believe for a moment.  It involved a very violent situation that had to be resolved right then and there, for fear of injury to others, and he did so very effectively, IMHO.  As one who's worked with law enforcement in a prison setting for a number of years, I applauded when I heard about the incident - and I still do.  Sadly, some of the "woke" influence in law enforcement appears to have rubbed off on others involved, resulting in bleating, moaning and misdemeanor charges against him.  You can hear the man himself talk about it on a recent livestream with Old NFO.  The video is here:  the relevant excerpt starts at 14 min. 4 sec. into the clip.  Please click over there to view it.

I give Lawdog my highest possible personal seal of approval.  When my wife and I moved here almost eight years ago, it was primarily because of his presence;  being friends, we wanted to be closer to him, as well as live in an area offering greater security and peace and quiet.  He's become an even better friend since then, to both of us.  If my wife's life were in danger for any reason, and I desperately needed someone to get her out of it, Lawdog is one of the top three people in the world I'd call upon for aid;  and she and I know he'd respond without a second thought.  He's that kind of guy.  It goes without saying that, knowing him as I do, I regard him as innocent of the charges brought against him.

Sadly, Lawdog has expended his available funds on pre-trial legal costs and other defensive measures.  A peace officer's salary isn't great at the best of times, particularly not in smaller towns and cities in Texas, so he's never had the opportunity to accumulate much in the way of savings.  He's launched a fund-raiser to help pay for future costs.  My wife and I are already all-in on that, and will remain so.  I'd like to ask you, dear readers - particularly those who've read Lawdog's books - to please help him out as well.  I can't think of a worthier cause than his.  I'll be personally very grateful if you'll please click over to his fundraiser and do what you can to help.  Good lawyers and expert witnesses ain't cheap!

Thanks in advance.



  1. Put in my bit, it's a good cause. Lawdog is getting jerked around by the DA, in an attempt to make him plead guilty.

  2. I did as well. A good man and a good cause.

  3. Bad DA's are a problem. I donated to Lawdog's defense fund and hope he prevails.

  4. Gave some. Hope he beats that charge.

  5. Found Lawdog blog by accident and spent the next day starting at day 1 of his blog and finished the next day. Love his writing and books. So I have no problem donating to this fund. But I have a couple of questions. Upon acquittal is there anyone he can sue to get the money back? The supposed victim? Or where is his police union? Are they not involved? Some of that may be answered once he's able to speak of this.

  6. I've followed Lawdog for years. Thanks for making me aware of his need.

  7. Glasslass, the sad part is that CLEAT lawyers don't come up to our county because of getting screwed by the courts/DA with reschedules, short notice hearings, and delays (going on 2 years now)... I've known him for over 20 years, consider him a close friend, and know the whole situation. He's getting @#%#@ by the SO due to politics and personalities that he wouldn't kowtow to.

  8. Nothing worse than crooked lawyers and judges.

  9. I've been hearing about this for a while, but I still haven't heard just egsmackly happened. Do you know of a good account? Or maybe we'll just have to wait for Lawdog to tell us.
