Monday, November 28, 2022

A sickening illustration of the moral collapse of society


Canada's accelerating fast down the slippery slope to utter nihilism.

In a prestigious medical journal, doctors from Toronto's Hospital for Sick Children have laid out policies and procedures for administering medically assisted death to children, including scenarios where the parents would not be informed until after the child dies.

. . .

In a flowchart that outlines how a medically induced death would occur at Sick Kids, authors Carey DeMichelis, Randi Zlotnik Shaul and Adam Rapoport do not mention conversation with family or parents about how the child dies until after the death occurs in the "reflection period."

Patient confidentiality governs the decision about whether or not to include parents in a decision about an assisted death, the authors said. If capable minors under the age of 18 stipulate they don't want their parents involved, doctors and nurses must respect the patients' wishes.

"Usually, the family is intimately involved in this (end-of-life) decision-making process," they write. "If, however, a capable patient explicitly indicates that they do not want their family members involved in their decision-making, although health care providers may encourage the patient to reconsider and involve their family, ultimately the wishes of capable patients with respect to confidentiality must be respected."

The proposed policy for Sick Kids argues that there is no meaningful ethical distinction between a patient choosing to refuse burdensome treatment and accepting an inevitable death versus patients who choose to die by chemical injection before the disease brings on death.

There's more at the link.

So, if you're a parent in Canada, and you take your child to this hospital, you run the risk that you might be informed of your child's "voluntary" death by euthanasia only after it's taken place.  You'll have no input into the decision, no opportunity to prevent medical staff "coaching" your child to choose that option, no way to intervene until after it's too late.

Does that make you a happy parent?  If it does, you're not fit to be one!

Another illustration of how Canadian society is losing its moral foundation is this three-minute advertisement in favor of "assisted suicide" or "euthanasia" or whatever you want to call it.  It's from a clothing company named "La Maison Simons" in Quebec.

Here's the owner of the company on why he made that advertisement.

His utter amorality is chilling - and that's precisely the pointHe has no moral foundation to speak of.  Everything is seen in utilitarian perspective, whether a life is worth living or not in human terms alone.  For any person of faith, that's anathema.

This is already present in the USA as well, particularly in more liberal "blue" states.  It's going to get worse.  I can only advise all of my readers to prepare "living wills" for themselves and their loved ones, stating clearly their objections to such practices, and refusing that option if it's offered.  As for our children, we're going to have to make sure that if necessary, we put them into hospitals where they won't be subject to pressure to die.

I begin to think that anyone who pushes this sort of amoral evil - and evil it is;  there's no other word for it - has basically forfeited their own right to life.  I daresay, as this spreads, some of those affected by their decisions and actions will put that into action.



  1. The entire idea of children is that they are not capable of making decisions because children do not have the biological ability to consider the long term ramifications of their decisions. That's why children are not held to the same criminal standards as adults, why children cannot enter contracts, get a tattoo, or consent to sexual relations.

    And that is what this law is, in my opinion. It is a way to declare that children can consent to all sorts of things, including to marriage and sex. Just another sign that our world is being taken over by pedos who want access to kids as sexual playthings.

    At any rate, a person who takes my child, or any other person I care about, from me needs to watch his back.

  2. All I can say is that if this happened to my child, I would rain holy retribution on everyone involved, no holds barred. And salt the earth where they fell afterwards.

  3. My God! Anyone who has watched "Soylent Green" can see the parallels here!

    At its root, this is all a part of the Left's "Your children don't belong to you" narrative.

    Those of us who read "1984" when we were younge,r... PRIOR to 1984... most likely came away with "This couldn't POSSIBLY happen in the real world!" And yet, here we are...

    This is your world. This is your world without God... Any questions?...

  4. the hospital here, once a bastion of religeuses, has been sucked up by a huge consortium based in texas
    daughter has already informed me that she is to be taken there under no circumstances. she has studied chinese and herbal medicine and says she will treat herself where possible
    if you can find a hospital left in northam that is 'safe' then God bless you and be sure to let the rest of us know its name and location

  5. "All is Beautiful." Didn't I see this in "Soylent Green?"

  6. When babies in utero are callously sentenced to death on a whim, why would children outside of the womb be accorded anything more? It's a slippery slope and the Canadians think that it's very woke. Naturally so will many Americans.

    And by extension, what right to life do you or I have?

    The other side of the coin would be what right to life might THEY have?

  7. If you are a slave, you don't own your own body. Since we aren't slaves, I have zero problem with a competent adult deciding to end their own life.

    I do have a *huuuuuge* problem with doctors preying on children and convincing them they need to end their life with zero input from the (hopefully) responsible parents who are charged with the child's care.

  8. I wish that those Canadians (and others) so enthused by euthanasia would partake of it. It is not our prerogative to take an innocent human life or assist in it. I have seen the other instances where Canadians have been coerced into taking their lives because of some treatable medical condition and it frightens me that it could come into the United States. These people are EVIL incarnate.

  9. None of these doctor orders will ever have a name attached. A nameless, faceless committee will be rubber stamped by an equally unknown "medical ethicist" and the deed is done. No one will be accountable. Responsibility will be spread wide so everyone can say the actual decision wasn't theirs. History wasn't kind when this happened before. History won't be kind again. Long term, of course, history will be the least of their problems.

  10. While I think that parents should be informed before their kids get euthanized, I think that the overall ideas underlying abortion and such are good ones. I support abortion at all times, and I do like the idea of weeding out those who cannot function in a high tech society.
    Have you read Kornbluth's Marching Morons?

    A lot of the 20th Century's brightest people supported eugenics: Charles Lindbergh, Edgar Rice Burroughs, Rudyard Kipling, Henry Ford. I'm not getting into the racial quagmire or the (((%&*))) stuff in this comment, although as a Gab fan I think my views are shared by others...LOL

    Quite a few sf writers also supported it; I won't name any currently active ones, but among those that were concerned about how humanity was intellectually deteriorating were John W. Campbell, H. Beam Piper, Robert Heinlein, Jerry Pournelle, and L Sprague De Camp, to name just a few. I knew a few others in the 70s and 80s, including one prominent one who believed that there was more evidence of UFOs than god(this was private correspondence, although he did discuss the topic on his web site, so I'm not naming him here).

    Lastly, I don't mind being called "evil". Since I no longer believe in jesus or god,(see The Jesus Hoax for an alternative explanation of the new testament), I reject the label. There is no such thing as "sin", and there is a strong case to be made that Christianity set back humanity by over a thousand years, if not more. My graduate studies professor in Ancient and Medieval Military History certainly thought so.

    I could go on, but what's the point? Neither one of us will convince the other, and I need to get some writing done on my Hard SF Alt. History novel, The Balloonists.

    I do enjoy your writings, even if I disagree with some of your views.
    I am the Plague Monk...

  11. I won't type what I am thinking on the grounds it might be incriminating at a later date

  12. If there's anything good about this, it's the odd comfort in knowing that the brimstone will be falling upon Canada along with my country when God decides that enough is enough.

  13. Yeah, that is some creepy, evil s(tuff), right there.

  14. Well, the "unknown" commentator here is a good example of the original post.

    He rejected God. With nothing to base morality on other than his own feelings, he now favors murdering those "who cannot function in a high tech society" as well as, of course, unborn children.

    Thanks for proving the point of the post, "unknown"!

  15. Aaaaand now the videos are 'Unavailble' . . .
