Wednesday, November 16, 2022

The 2022 elections: a compendium


I've waited to comment on last week's midterm elections until the situation became clearer.  The fact that we still don't know which party will control either the House or the Senate is the clearest possible evidence of at least gross inefficiency, if not actual malice, in the vote counting process.  Most informed observers who aren't on the payroll, directly or indirectly, of the Deep State tend towards the "actual malice" side of the equation.  Here's a selection of their views.  All are insightful.  All are important.  The question is, what are you and I going to do about it?

First, Kevin at The Smallest Minority comes up with one of his classic posts.  He titles it simply "Democracy".  It's worth reading the whole thing.

It’s not “radical Authoritarians” on the Left and Right, it’s Joe and Jane Average who have discovered that the government doesn’t serve them, it services them in the animal husbandry meaning. That “sharp rise in income and wealth inequality” is primarily due to government regulations picking winners and losers. And the votes of Joe and Jane Average obviously don’t mean sh!t for the most part.

No s***, Sherlock!

Sarah Hoyt puts her own inimitable spin on things.

We told you it was fraud. We pointed out it was fraud. We told you how the fraud would be effected. You told us it was harder in mid term elections, which might have been true when the fraud wasn’t automated and baked in through a million security faults in the system. So, from the top:

a) If you think the other side isn’t taking full and amazing advantage of a) vote by mail. b) same day registration. c) no ID required for registration or vote. d) no proof of citizenship required to register (motor voter). e) legalizing and sometimes making mandatory vote harvesting. f) early voting that extends for months. g)machines that we know are connected to the internet and count fractional votes or “enhanced votes”, you must think the other side are angels. You also have never paid attention to how they fight like rabid weasels every time we try to take these fraud channels away.

b) Unless you can say with a straight face the following sentences: “Joe Biden had the most votes of any president ever elected, and the smallest loss of any midterm first term president ever. I guess he’s the most popular and charismatic president in America and all this time it was Barrack Obama holding him down”, it was fraud.

Quite so.

James Kunstler points out that information has become a key weapon, including both the suppression of accurate information and the spreading of disinformation.

Let’s get something straight: the Woked-up Jacobin Party of Chaos is not really worried about “mis-and-disinformation” — it’s just afraid of information. Only a tyrannical regime would work so hard and complain so loudly about opposing ideas entering the public arena as to brand them inadmissible. Apparently, that formula also applies to election results, an elemental kind of information that’ll determine whether or not censorship continues to be the order-of-the-day.

The stalling of election results also allows for wholesale correction of results that don’t come in as desired. At a certain threshold, the Marc Elias Lawfare-sponsored ballot-harvesting machinery kicks in and, voila, ten thousand or so mail-in ballots appear courtesy of, say, the Culinary Workers Union in Nevada, and … problem solved! The correct candidates win! My guess is that this happened in other select districts all over the USA. Will it be detected and looked into? Probably not. That would be election denial, a newly-taboo toxic reservoir of “disinformation.”

Divemedic says simply that "This smells".  I couldn't agree more.

Nevada. It’s election night. Laxalt, the Republican candidate, is ahead in the count and it seems that the Republicans are on the way to winning control of the Senate. Check out this timeline from Wednesday, November 9:

  • The poll workers who are counting ballots and election observers go home for the night at 2230.
  • At 2324, all security cameras in the facility fail.
  • At 0753 on 10NOV, the security cameras are restored. 8 hours of no video, no observers, a completely unguarded and unobserved room containing up to 70,000 uncounted ballots with minimal security.
  • The election officials claim that no one entered the ballot counting rooms in the interim.
  • But no proof of fraud, right?

Then the Democrat wins. In every state with mail in voting where ballot counting is delayed, the Democrats pull out amazing wins that defy history, polling, and statistical analysis. There are anomalies like missing camera footage, ballots being delivered in the middle of the night, election observers denied access. People notice and comment on this.

Then the Democrats demand concrete evidence, knowing that it will never be found because they made sure there were no witnesses.

. . .

So to those who think that the election was on the up and up, what evidence would you be willing to accept that the election was a fraud? Keeping in mind that a rumor of Russian collusion was enough for many of you in 2016, how much evidence do you need now? What standard will you set?

I am betting that no amount of evidence, video, statistical improbabilities, or other evidence will suffice.

I daresay he's right.

On the subject of smells, Aesop notes:  "Deja Poo".

deja poo: n. 1. The feeling you've seen this shit before

Yes, we have seen that before - often - in 2020.  Remember?

The acerbic Wayne Root states bluntly, "You’ve Been Gaslighted – Democrats Just Stole Another Election".

When something is so obvious, if the outcome makes no sense, if the outcome is literally impossible, then it is what it is. Forget “proof.” You know it. You saw it. You felt it. You experienced it. It happened. It’s real.

The 2022 midterm was just stolen. Just like 2020. 

If you disagree, you’re either delusional, or terribly naïve, or brain dead. Or you’re in on the fix. 

It’s time to admit we’re all part of a massive experiment in fraud, theft, brainwashing, and gaslighting to a degree never seen in world history.

Think of all the times in just the past few years you’ve been gaslighted. They lied to you about open borders…they lied about Hillary’s 30,000 deleted emails…they lied about spying on Trump…they lied about Russian Collusion…they lied about a perfectly fine Ukrainian phone call…they lied about massive Biden corruption in Ukraine and China… they lied about the Hunter Biden laptop…they lied about the origins of Covid…they lied about the need for lockdowns and masks…they lied about the need for Covid vaccines…they lied about the vaccines being “safe and effective”…they lied and covered up all the deaths and injuries from the vaccine…they lied about the success of miracle drugs Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin…they lied about the stolen 2020 election…

You’ve been the victims of nonstop severe gaslighting for a decade now. You’re all part of a human psychology experiment in the limits that government and media can go in propaganda and brainwashing…while you can see they're lying right in front of your eyes.

And these are the exact same people now telling you Democrats just over-performed, and stopped a GOP red landslide, against all odds, without cheating and stealing the midterm election.

It's hard to argue with that.

I'm particularly infuriated that even politicians like President Trump got in on the shenanigans, ostensibly raising funds for other candidates while in reality creaming off most of them for themselves.  Does that sound like fair and honest dealing to you?

Trump has $70M in political funds in the bank. He could have made it so Masters had double the super PAC spending of his opponent.

Instead, he created a "joint fundraiser" with Masters that actually gave $99 to Trump for every $1 that went to Masters.

Many Masters supporters who used this option (unaware that 99% went to Trump because that was hidden unless you hit a toggle) may have refrained from donating directly to Masters because they were under the belief that they'd already done their part.

That stinks.

Solomon, writing at SNAFU, complains:  "Sorry I don't trust our elections....DAYS to count after the day? Convenient results for the party in power? DON'T TRUST IT AT ALL!"  He concludes:

The USA is broken and the Western states are broken beyond repair.

Hate to say it but I see a break up of this country coming.  I just don't see a way to meld the liberal vs conservative states of this country.  

Let it break up, enforce borders and federalize the thing like in Fall Out Games.

This ain't working and I refuse to abide by the rules of a bunch clowns in mega cities on the coasts.

Again, it's hard to disagree.

Here are a few more links that are worth following:

All are recommended reading.

As for me?  I predicted this before the election, remember?  We didn't have some sort of major crisis to disrupt the elections, but I have no doubt whatsoever that 2020's electoral fraud was perpetuated in 2022 on an even larger scale.

What next?  I'm still thinking about that, and I'll have more to say shortly.  However, if there are any for-real Henry Bowmans out there, I fear greatly that their time may be drawing near . . . because nothing short of that is likely to work any longer.  I don't want that - nobody in his right mind wants that! - but it may now be unavoidable.



  1. So many things 'wrong', but no hard proof, as indicated... I think the end of the republic as we knew it. Glad I'm old... I won't see the inevitable fall...

  2. Anytime there is a drastic after hours jump in numbers it is for the Democrats. The system is broke. We need to start executing election officials.

  3. The more they talked about a "red wave", the more I knew it would be stolen. As I said before, they got away with stealing a presidential election. Stealing this one would be a piece of cake.

  4. Other things to consider are that in those areas with large scale cheating, the law enforcement are likely in on it, or else they would seize the voting machines and ballots to safeguard any evidence. Also, the judges are also likely in on it, as they refuse to hear any cases related to it in a timely manner, if at all.


    Totally legit results.

  6. Old NFO stated my sentiments precisely! The only thing I worry about now is after I die, will I be reincarnated back into this shitshow?

  7. What are we going to do about it? We're going to buy more guns and mutter darkly that "one day, they're going to go too far!"

    Seems to me that ship sailed so long ago it's coming back into port.

  8. Working with one of the audit teams in Texas. Dallas County has a 40,000 voter discrepancy. Harris County is epic festering sore of corruption. The folks working on Tarrant County haven't said anything yet, but if it's like 2020, I image they will find more harvested ballots with only the top races marked, nothing down ballot. Just like an Elections Director from Venezuela to inspire confidence.

    This is last big election I will work on documenting crimes of the Bolsheviks. We have to fight just to get the Republicans to notice the issues and most law enforcement doesn't give a poop. No amount of "Voting Harder" will stop the slide of this apathetic county into Hell.

    If you need bi-colored lists of idiots, I know whom voted in which parties primaries. So do TPTB.

  9. I also agree with OldNFO.

    The problem is that the Democrat Party is just a cover for an obviosly criminal organization. The ways to solve the problems are not desirable but seems the only way. We can try to have another national divorce but it will only end in a bloody civil war because Democrats can have nothing but total control or Old Testament defeat.

  10. "Old Testament defeat"

    I'm sure that's a "coincidence".

  11. Is it so difficult to say that the fraudulent party is pushing very hard for a revolution.

  12. These observations and anomalies are sufficient in any other situation in a court of law. Specially if it leads to investigation. Seen worse get a court date.

  13. Arizona may get a do-over in Maricopa County. We'll see how that unfolds in the courts.

  14. Folks, there is only the Uni-party. The Republicans haven't been the stupid party, they have been the deceitful party. The Dems have been more honest in their objections (really strange to have to write that). If the Democrats hadn't cheated they would have thrown open the records and crowed "Read it and weep!"

    The Government came for Henry Bowman, a miniature Bunker Hill. They've already come for the J6 protestors and we have crickets.

    The constant gaslighting, let's just say lying, is to keep people so confused they don't know what to believe, and therefore have no clue as to what to do. The biggest lie has been "This can be fixed at the ballot box."

    We seem to be on a path to food, electricity and fuel shortages. All good excuses for rationing, price fixing, minimum wage, basic income and other government solutions - i.e. power grab. Also, we are being bombarded with info so we distrust anyone of a different color, income, sex, age group, occupation, etc. No group big enough to resist, and no group willing to listen to any other and find out their problems are the same.

    We won't have a Civil War, we will have anarchy and chaos. Any state governor has repeatedly been given a causes belli to protest federal overreach. They have a bully pulpit to call out about open boarders, election fraud, or any other issue. NOTHING. When the chaos starts, expect to see some governors try to set up a new Union, Confederacy, whatever with themselves in charge. Don't believe it. It will be about their power, not taking care of the citizens. If you have done any preps, you will be spotlighted as greedy and part of the problem. You obviously were part of the problem and that is why you knew to prepare (Cynical? No. Check unprepared peoples behavior after natural disasters. When people have nothing they will rationalize why they should have yours, not share, take)

    The only way this is going to get fixed is if we become a government by the people - And I don't mean voting. County Governments are our best hope in the coming chaos as local communities will lose a lot of outside support from state and federal levels.

  15. Old Testament defeat is nice, but I was hoping for something Carthaginian, from the Third Punic War.

  16. I've been hearing about the election "fraud" now for 2 years. We all knew it would happen again. So did any republican do anything? Did Kari Lakes team or Laxalt team do anything? Maricopa county has a Republican organization. Didn't anyone think to watch the polling places? Did they set up watch parties and station people to watch every door in the polling place. If I can pull up in the dark of the night and unload as many boxes as needed for the 'correct' person to win who's to stop me. It doesn't take many people to keep 2 hour watches through the night.
