Monday, December 19, 2022

A helpful (?) holiday reminder


From Eaton Rapids Joe:

Sometimes holiday guests bring devices that you cannot figure out or are "locked". Alarms go off. They make distressing noises. 

The owners of the devices are sleeping in. What to do???

I throw them into the refrigerator. Close the door and the sound goes away! Problem solved.

Note: Generally not a good idea if the source of the noise is a young child.



  1. I laughed out loud when I first read it yesterday.

  2. Likewise smoke alarms. They always seem to decide it is time to do the End-Of-Life scream when a house-full-of-guests is sleeping.

    If placed in the fridge or freezer, it won't be an "out of sight, out of mind" situation as it will be in the way the next day, hopefully when stores are open to enable replacement.

    I've replaced the battery-backup sump-pump system that had an incessant siren sounding whenever the pump needed to run during power-failures. That was an interesting chat with their tech department. "So the point of the 3AM siren is to alert me that the pump is doing what it should be doing, and I have nothing to worry about?"

    "YES!!" the engineer shouted excitedly "You seem to be one of the few customers that understands this, to express it so clearly!"

  3. When I was stationed on Antigua while in the Navy, I was part of the group of watch officers who were normally doing rotating shifts. The Supply Officer apparently had a problem with me, because when I was in the part of the rotation that had me sleeping during the days, he'd call me to ask where he could find another of the watch officers. Most of the time, the one he asked about was the watch officer on duty, who was easily available. After a week or so of this, I started putting the phone in my BOQ room into the fridge before I went to bed.

  4. Linked

  5. Depending where you are but in much of the northern hemisphere at this time outside is a remarkably large fridge / freezer. You *can* use that "fridge" for kids too, they often enjoy it, run off their squeals and come back in nice and quiet and tired

  6. Years ago, when I worked as a civilian for the Army Security Agency, my younger-than-me Boss issued an edict that all his minions had to be available 24/7 using the new technology Blackberry. (I told you it was years ago!)

    I said, I didn't want a Blackberry. He said I had to have one. I said fine, but I would flush it down the nearest toilet as soon as I got it. He decided he didn't need to be able to get hold of me that badly....

    BTW - I was the Director's Senior Personnel Officer (i.e., the head of HR).

  7. I thought the Army Security Agency disappeared right after Vietnam. At least that's what my former co-worker told me... Maybe it was the 'electronic leash' aka numeric pager?

    BTW, I have dropped a pager into the toilet. It seemed right at home in there!

  8. ASA did not disappear per se. Old timers probably still call it that, though it became INSCOM (Information & Security Command) while I was there and later transferred to CECOM (Communications-Electronics Command). And no, it was definitely a Blackberry. I was assigned originally to Arlington Hall Station, the US equivalent to Bletchley Park in UK, then actually stationed at Vint Hill Farms Station outside of Warrenton, VA. I stayed there until the post was BRACed in 97 when I retired under the DOD Early Out.

    I really am Old.

  9. From experience, I will offer that placing the offending item in a plastic bag and burying it in a fire bucket filled with sand works
