Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Re-learning a hard lesson on safety and security from Buffalo, NY


The mainstream news media have been deafening in their silence about widespread looting that broke out in Buffalo, NY after the epic winter snowstorm there last week.  The New York Post is one of the few that mentioned it, and then only in passing.

Looters ransack snowbound Buffalo as cops are stuck elsewhere

Deadly blizzard conditions in upstate New York gave cover to local looters over the weekend as they robbed businesses while police were stuck elsewhere.

“I don’t know how these people can even live with themselves, how they can look at themselves in the mirror,” Buffalo Mayor Byron Brown raged to reporters Monday.

“They are the ‘lowest of the low,”’ Brown said of the opportunistic crooks.

Some businesses had their windows smashed and merchandise damaged and stolen as snow and ice pummeled the region, local TV station WRGZ reported.

. . .

“They’re not looting foods and medicines, they’re just looting items that they want. So these aren’t even people in distress,” the mayor said. “These are people who are taking advantage of a national disaster and the suffering of many in our community to take what they want.”

There's more at the link.

Gun Free Zone provides links to a number of video clips on social media showing the extent of the looting.  Here's a screen capture from one of them, showing part of what's left of a Walmart supermarket there.

The author goes on to warn:

With the police busy dealing with people who underestimated the harshness of the weather, the Savages who prey upon the civilized set upon stores and businesses to pillage and plunder.

This shows just how tenuous our grasp on civilization really is.

Some sub zero temperatures and a few feet of snow and am American city goes Lord of the Flies.

This is why self reliance and the ability to self rescue are so important.

People will venture out and get stuck.  Law enforcement will go to rescue them.  The savages will use the lack of available law enforcement and the cover of darkness and bad weather to prey upon the helpless, and nobody will come to rescue you.

When the snow piles up, cracks will form in civilization and you are on your own.

Be prepared.

Again, more at the link.

He's right, of course.  That's exactly what we're seeing in Buffalo, and what we're seeing more and more often in many of our Big Blue cities.  When law and order is deliberately downplayed, hamstrung, ignored . . . then the low-lifes come out to play.  Snow was a factor in Buffalo, but it's far from the only one.  Heat, power outages, failure of the EBT benefit system, and a host of other factors might all, jointly or severally, provoke such an outbreak of crime.  Groups such as Black Lives Matter, or Antifa, or others might also deliberately orchestrate such events, to demonstrate that the city administration has to negotiate with them, or else.  (Personally, I think the "or else" option is greatly undervalued, and that salutary lessons need to be administered to such groups and their followers:  but not everyone sees it that way.)

What's even worse is that the flood of illegal aliens crossing our borders almost unchecked is merely adding to the problem.  Most of them come from countries where this sort of thing is rampant.  Do your own research into criminal and gang activity in South America, where most of these illegal aliens come from.  They're bringing those attitudes across our borders, and I'm willing to bet they'll act on them as soon as they realize the welfare money is finite, and they (legally, at least) don't qualify for many of our generous entitlement programs.

If you're fortunate enough to live in a town like ours, where the administration and the police and the populace as a whole are all united in their emphasis on law and order, you'll be spared much of that.  In a Big Blue City, where the cops are underfunded, understaffed, and under pressure from liberal District Attorneys who free many of the criminals they capture . . . not so much.  Again I repeat:  if you live in such a city, get the hell out of there while you still can.  Don't wait passively to become a victim.  Your life, and the lives of your loved ones, are worth more than that.

If you see this sort of criminal axe coming down, get out from under it, and move back to civilization!  Remember the Killhouse Rules, particularly:  No-one is coming to save you.



  1. The sooner that the American public realizes that they're on their own, the better.

  2. What the big chain stores such as Walmart should do (The won't) is shut down every store within the city and suburbs. Don't come back until the city administration has changed and policing is being restored. I've talked with too many who say, well the problem is over there, not here, what can you do? The problem spreads unless actively opposed.

    Now following Peter's advice about change of housing, but too many can not. The biggest reason for me to believe in conspiracy theories and voter theft is everyone I talk to is opposed to what is going on, but votes and town meetings don't seem to stop it.

  3. I hadn't heard about this but unfortunately I'm not surprised. I stay away from any city as much as I can - to the point that when I drove through a major city this week, the light nighttime traffic seemed unusually heavy to me!

    And as mentioned - be ready to take care of yourself, because you are the only one who can, and is willing, to get to you.

  4. Crime is rampant and people take advantage in this day and age. Last year we were dealing with a tornado. Donations of food, water, blankets and all types of things showed up but with that came people from other states with large trucks, SUV's and 3 or 4 would all load up till they were full and leave. It took a while but they finally got wise. Very little house looting went on but isn't showing up in your new cars and truck's and taking away from people in need the same as looting.

    As for people moving please don't. We don't want you. We are fine here with very little crime. So for my town stay away and if you really won't stay away don't bring your city voting attitudes.

  5. Historically looters have always been tracked down and summarily executed; they're committing crimes against society, not individuals.
    But today, the wokesters (and some religious organiztions) are crying, "You must forgive these poor people; they're starving and don't know any better."

  6. The parasites are getting out of control.

  7. I live in one of the areas in San Antonio that lost power for 4-5 days during winter storm Uri. My house is all electric, so no heat. At one point, I took a slow drive around the area to warm up one of my little dogs. Roads were icy, so 0 traffic. Not a single light to be seen. I realized that in such situations, I was my own cavalry, no one would come rescue me if there was trouble. I was a bit more prepared this year, with a couple of Mr Buddy portable heaters and a bunch of 1lb propane tanks. I did test them, they did well (read the instructions and be sure to have a carbon monoxide alarm handy!) but didn't really need them as we didn't lose power this time around.

    Unfortunately, even in San Antonio, we now have a Democratic mayor, city council, County judge and DA. Crime has been going up with targeted killings and random crime. I don't really see things getting any better. Every one I have spoken to is against what these people stand for, but they keep getting elected. I wonder about that.

  8. The problem of looters would be solved in a few weeks if EBT cards were permanently shut off. Darwin would approve.

  9. Back in 1977 Johnstown Pa had another flood,it was bad. There was a lot of lives lost and the structural damage to be surrounding area was horrible.I as a teenager will never forget Johnstowns mayor,his name was Pohl ,got on television and radio out of Pittsburgh,Altoona and anywhere he could,asking for help. They needed it,I saw it with my own eyes,Johstown was flattened. He was asked about crime,people looting, and his response was looters will be shot,he said this with a State police officer,the Johnstown Police Chief and an Pennsylvania National Guard Officer standing next to him at the podium. There was NO looting after the flood,and if there was,flood victims. That was less than 50 years ago,what changed?

  10. Livyer: What changed? Demographics.

  11. “I don’t know how these people can even live with themselves..."

    Yep. The mayor's remark is the bedrock of ignorant firearms laws an equally ignorant handling of criminals. Far too many politicians have no clue how criminals think and yet feel fully qualified to tell *us* how to act when it comes to the possibility of dealing with them.

    Kudos to those who do know and aren't afraid to buck the far(?) left with you-will-be-shot statements.

    1. They can live quite confortably with all the stuff they stole.

      I would add that the tax payers are likely paying their room and bored though welfare and EBT

  12. In a Big Blue City, rookie cop Rodney Taggart is weighing his options. Things are getting worse and worse, both in the town generally and in his job. Crime is on the increase, crooks don't seem to get caught hardly ever, and when they do, they are all too often released on bail, never to be seen again... until the next looting or shooting. Talk about demotivating! The mayor mouths platitudes of support but does nothing; the PD is understaffed, underfunded and under pressure to do ever more with ever fewer resources. Many older cops took early retirement. The latest one to go, Dennis 'the Menace' Hooper, a vet of 20 years, had spoken to Rodney as he was leaving. Rodney happened to be passing by when Dennis was cleaning out his desk. "Need a hand?" offered Rodney. Dennis straightened, slowly (his back was never the same after that car smash a few years ago), looked Rodney in the eye and said, "The writing's on the wall, kiddo. If I were you, I'd be clearing out my desk and sprucing up my resume."
    "But I've just started! Seems kinda cowardly to quit so soon. Like a hit-and-run. Taggarts don't run."
    Dennis squinted at him. "Didn't your great-grandma do that? The only one holding Taggart Rail together and she just up and left, is what I heard. Maybe she did the smart thing. Maybe you should, too."
    Rodney had scowled and said nothing, moved on. It was a sore point with him. He'd heard different versions of that story, and hadn't made up his mind about her. She'd had an odd name. Deirdre? Dorothy? His tired brain came up with James Cagney. He shook his head. Never mind that now. He had to make up his mind about his own life.
    To stay? Or go?
    He was just getting out of his squad car, looking forward to his coffee when his phone buzzed. A text message, from... Damn! Again? This was the third time this week. What did that old bastard want? Enough was enough. He banged his thumb on "call" and before the other could say anything, he shouted: "What the hell, Frisco? What do you want?"

  13. America is not doomed to become a third-world s-hole, but parts of it are. People in good communities should start forming defense organizations, identifying choke points where they can prevent the goblins from invading their spaces.

  14. One of the blogs I follow said the recent pop-up looters and the organized flash mob robbers are the beginnings of the North American version of the cartels that plague Latin America. Kidnapping for ransom is next. Hide your wealth. Act poor.

  15. 'But today, the wokesters (and some religious organiztions) are crying, "You must forgive these poor people; they're starving and don't know any better." '

    How much are we paying to feed the poor? There's the EBT cards, which are loaded each month with the full cost of feeding each family (if someone in that family can and does cook). On top of that, each kid between 5 and dropping out or graduating gets 2 free meals a day at school. And there are many private charities providing food. Except for those that are so far into drugs they forget to eat, the poor in the USA aren't starving, they are _fat_.

    Anyone who talks about starving people in the USA is incapable of comprehending what they see right in front of them. They have blocked their inputs with leftist dogma, and any decision they make will be based on false data and logical fallacies, and therefore almost certainly wrong. I wish we could just block them on discussion sites and never hear their idiocy again - but there are idiots that vote for the worst of them!
