Thursday, December 22, 2022

So much for Texas resisting illegal border crossers...


Michael Yon reports:

Texas Governor Abbott is one of the Invasion Commanders. Abbott is aiding and abetting the invasion of United States.

I have published this many times from ground zero.

As for now, we were just right here in El Pason (from the bridge above) 48 hours ago with recently retired LTC Pete “Doc” Chambers (Green Beret doctor who was in Texas National Guard), and two staffers of Congressman Tom Tiffany whom I took into Darien Gap last year.

Texas National Guard are NOT stopping the invasion. They are making photo ops and then aiding the invasion.

Abbott’s troops are acting as part of the invasion force. Taking over from where the cartels left off.

Texas National Guard is being used in a massive child and sex trafficking operation. United States and Texas governments are as guilty as Chinese Communist Party in modern s lave trade.

America is a giant Epstein Island.

There's more at the link, including the URL of a four-hour-long livestream showing Texas National Guard troops doing exactly what Michael Yon describes.

I'm sure many Texans have heard Governor Abbott pontificate about standing up to the federal government over the incessant influx of illegal aliens across our southern border.  I guess this proves he's just another politician.  Q - How do you know he's lying?  A - His lips are moving.

The pressures caused by illegal invaders are growing throughout this country.  Sooner or later the lid's going to blow off . . . and it's not going to be pretty when and where that happens.



  1. I'm really disappointed with the Texan response, both by the government and the citizens! I've been hearing "If they try something like they're doing in CALIFORNIA, why, we'll..." Well folks, there you are, and you're doing absolutely NOTHING.

    ...Texas... California 2.0...

  2. The states are our best pre-existing alternative to the illegitimate Federal government. But no state seems to be willing to go first ... no, not even Florida.

  3. I have been told Texas can secede any time it wants without any challenge from the Fed because of an agreement made between Texas and the Federal Government before Texas joined the Union. Does anyone know of this. and is it true?

    If true, Texas would be in great shape... cattle, corn , gas oil, major seaports, all manner of industry. Would be nice.

  4. Need to research just what the governors have the authority to do.
    Can they authorize the use of force to repel the invaders?
    This mass of humanity is not bearing arms and there lies the problem.
    Can't bloody well off them can we?

  5. No politician from either branch of the UniParty is going to save the country.

  6. Color me shocked. >yawn.<

    Three of us - literally three people - stopped all illegal invasion in a ten-mile stretch of the CA border just by showing up, and calling Border Patrol to pick up what we either saw, or apprehended ourselves on private property.

    Shooting video of the efforts so annoyed a certain president - from Texas - who kept claiming (falsely, all along) that the border was secure, it got a 20' tall virtually uncrossable stretch of border fence put in, and our ten mile stretch today experiences annual crossings of nil. They now have to go 5 miles east or west, which they undoubtedly do.

    Which means, if the PTB wished it, a few thousand people could shut the entire border from the Pacific Ocean at San Ysidro to the surf off of Brownsville, 24/7/365, if TPTB wished it so.

    Which they clearly do not.

    (Further proof is Arizona building a conex barrier in many areas, and accomplishing much the same effect, with minimal staffing.)

    When private action takes over, "apprehension" is going to become a shooting war, because the cartels will shoot back, and the range will go live in both directions.

    And it won't be "at the border", it will be as far north as the cartels have penetrated.
    San Francisco, Portland, Seattle, Las Vegas, Phoenix, Dallas.
    And probably Chicongo, Philthydelphia, D/C/, NYFC, Bahstun, Atlanta, Miami too.

    Remember you were told that when it happens, and bodies start decorating overpasses, and heads wind up in duffel bags.

    TPTB want this to take place, and are doing everything in their power, both by commission, and ommission, to bring it about.

    Bear all of that well in mind when the light pole justice courts open for business, as they inevitably must do.

    Gravity works.

  7. he is the lesser of 2 evils. when you run against one issue retards like wendy davis or beta o'tool it wasn't too hard to pick him

  8. Like George Carlin said. It is a big club and we aren’t members.

  9. Something for you to think about when you post something like this is that some of us reading this dreck are indeed Texans. And while having NOT visited the border, we have personal friends and neighbors performing that thankless task for the Guard who are not child or sex traffickers or who would suffer those who do. I had been wondering about this blog for awhile now and even wondering what MY was doing these days and this does clear up some things. Do yourself a favor and seek out some of our Guardsmen and women who are standing on the border facing a sea of inhumanity and misery and get their stories. Don't just republish stuff that has all the earmarks of clickbait.

  10. @Barney, you're new around here, aren't you?

    You should lurk and read a while before you comment. It's just basic politeness. Not that Aesop needs me to fight his fights but as you say "think before you post something like this".

    Just sayin'.

    - Borepatch

  11. Ok. So I am circling back around to pick up where I may have went astray. Some advice for me has always been that when I have felt offended it is best to look closer at my behaviour for oftentimes the most offensive things in others being the ones I find myself guilty of. During the build up to this border crisis here in Texas I have friends, neighbors and relations in both DPS and Texas Guard rotating on and off that damn border. And the whining, crying, pissing and moaning about performing this duty has really reached epic levels. And to my shame, whilst still being supportive, my attitude at least for awhile was that of "Suck it up, Buttercup. Isn't this what you signed up for?" But, realization set in late that it is NOT what they signed up for. It is a task they are ill-equipped for without the meager protections and support that those of us on active duty had. They had plenty of opportunity to join the regular active duty if that was what they wanted. No, they wanted to serve their fellows in times of emergency and then go home. There is room for that. In the end, they prepared their families as best as they could and took the guv's orders and went to the border. So we cover for them at work and pray for them at church.
    So, I give to you this teaching moment. Take pity on me and explain to me in simple words of not more than two syllables each, (kind of like explaining to your grandpa who sees a lot going on in a world he no longer recognizes), how lurking this blog for a hundred times will not find offensive the sentence "Texas National Guard is being used in a massive child and sex trafficking operation. United States and Texas governments are as guilty as Chinese Communist Party in modern slave trade" is not offensive to anybody in the room. Am I in the wrong room?
    I look this missive over and I wonder, "What is my point?" I guess the point is that I feel that I have obviously missed something or that my understanding is falling somewhat short. Again, simple words please.


  12. @Barney, you're in the wrong room.

    I recognize your frustration, but the headline is accurate and true.

    If you don't like it, it doesn't make it any less true.

  13. No one cares if you're offended.

    The fact that it's demonstrably and undeniably true should fill you with a bloodthirsty rage at TPTB that make it so.

    The "we were just following our orders" defense/excuses pretty much lost all credibility at Nuremburg around 1946.

    You could look it up.

  14. So, I guess I have been suitably chastened, even given a homework assignment. Eh, about that, curious that you should mention that Nuremburg trials bit... Even the most cursory study of that whole sorry, sordid mess would reveal that it was NOT about people following orders, although that certainly happened (when a finger is pointed at the moon, the idiot looks at the finger). It was about a people losing their humanity. Which wasn't an overnight thing. And that actually brings us back to the whole point of my post in the first place. The point wasn't that I was offended, the point was why wasn't anybody else within earshot. Step by step down that Nuremburg trial path, people, identified their grievances, identified their enemies and tupped on that "bloodthirsty rage" that so many are willing to provide. The results are unavoidable.

    My ma would tell some stories (hilarious to her) on me about being in the wrong room. Sadly I haven't heard those stories in a long while. But, it is important for a man to know when he is in the wrong room. So, I am not going to lurk or even do a touch and go here again. Any further comments will be to yourselves.
