Wednesday, January 18, 2023

There's no hell hot enough for this filth in human form


I'm not going to post a lengthy excerpt from this article, because it's just too sickening for words.  I'll let the headline speak for it, and leave you to click over there if you want to read it.

I've been exposed to some of the most ghastly crimes - including offenses against children - during my work as a prison chaplain.  However, I've never come across something as bad as this before.  To homosexually assault your own adopted children, make pornographic movies of it, and pimp them out to other pedophiles . . . it's beyond comprehension.

All I can say is, I hope the investigation yields the names of many more offenders, and that all of them are prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.  If those responsible are convicted, I also hope their fellow inmates behind bars learn of their crimes.  They'll most likely provide a far more appropriate punishment than anything the law might allow.  (Personally, I think it might be time to bring back public burning at the stake.  I'll gladly contribute firewood and/or charcoal.)



  1. Public hangings/gallows trees would have a salutary effect on public morals.

    And deviants of every stripe should not be permitted custody of children.

  2. The current woke, LBGTQWTFBBQ+ forces cultrual acceptance has emboldened these people.

    They cannot help themselves.

  3. I have found CPS is often involved in this wickedness. I suspect adoption agencies too. I'm not saying that is the case here. I wouldn't be surprised though.

  4. Yes, this is so far beyond the pale as to be beyond comprehension.

  5. Vlad Drakul, where are you now that we need you?

  6. Unfortunately, most people will read this and think "I am glad that is in Atlanta" thinking that the crime is a one-off and there is absolutely no way similar abuse could be happening in their suburb or small town.

    Sadly, the world is full of Larry Nassars, Jeff Epsteins and people like the scum in the article you linked to.

    Sadly, "compassionate" prosecutors will slap them on the wrist, maybe, and free them to abuse some more.

  7. What is the line where it is no longer beyond the pale? I have never heard a judge hand down a sentence of 'life with daily episodes of anal rape & savage assaults'. There is a reason prisoners treat child molesters/abusers the way they do and you know what it is, Peter. Abuse is the gift that just keeps on giving. Delve into the origins/backgrounds of the now defendants and abuse will be found. All that said I would sadly build a gallows within earshot of all those involved. Give them time to make whatever peace with Jesus they can. Then march them unceremoniously up the steps, noose them and pull the lever. It has to stop somewhere

  8. They are only 20 miles from me. There has been nothing in the local news media.

    Drop those two in general population at prison. They won't last a month. Felons do not like child molesters.

  9. Put them down like the rabid dogs they are.

  10. There are good reasons why we used to demand the maximum penalty from those convicted of the worst crimes.
    1. The punishment firs the crime and justice is seen to be done.
    2. There is zero chance of recidivism.
    3. They are immediately placed before the ultimate judge, before whom there is no dissembling, no blame-shifting and no pretence of mental illness.

    Jim is right. Heads. On. Pikes. Pour enourager les autres…..

    Keep in mind that when the woke keepers of statistics record this crime, it we be classified as “family”.
    There will be no distinction between type or relationship.
    The fact remains that when you do the analysis, the safest children ( as well as the best fed, the best-educated and the least-likely to offend, themselves) are those living with both biological parents
    …..In the same house.
    We used to call that “marriage”, to distinguish it from everything else that wasn’t marriage and was less beneficial for the offspring.

    Now we have sacrificed the welfare of children in order to avoid hurting people’s feelings.

  11. One of the theories fed to us in law school is that the criminal justice system is intended to take the "revenge" motive out things, making for a more civilized society.

    What our criminal justice system seems to have forgotten, in their trend toward less harsh treatment of criminals is that eventually, the public will get sick of allowing an ineffective system to run things. The longer this continues, the worse the cleansing will be.

    It's like allowing fuel to build up in the forests for year after year. Eventually, something will set that aflame, and the resulting conflagration will be epic, and purge society of anyone thought to be a criminal.

  12. Well, at least, for once, they didn't work at Disney.

    As to the shocking unexpected horrid act, does anyone else remember the children in NYC that 'came' down with Monkeypox, a disease only transmitted sexually? Ummmm....

    It's not all homosexuals. But it's a higher percentage of homosexuals than in regular non-homosexual population. Far higher. It is time, past time, for Teh Gays to clean up their act. But they won't. They will, as a group, consider any attacks against the pederasts and pedophiles amongst them as an attack upon all of them.

    Just like, well, Monkeypox and AIDS.

    Stuff like this, this, this is why polite society often descends to vigilante justice. Because the crimes become so horrid and the government so useless that even the normal man, woman, child on the street is forced to act. (Like the Texas Tacqueria Shooter, who, by all accounts, was finally done with the criminals' garbage.)

    And, sadly, the backlash from this will hit Teh Gays overall.

    Absolute garbage. Time to, as Stencil said above, start decorating lawns the old Vlad Tepes way.

  13. When people talk about letting criminals do in the worst offenders in prison, that speaks to me of people trying to offload the guilt of doing the dirty work that needs to be done, and should be be done under the cool deliberation (we hope) of the courts, rather then the impulses of the criminally deranged. Why should we depend on prisoners to deal out the justice these "men" deserve?

  14. Love the sinner , hate the sin. Some folks just need to be loved to death...

  15. Put them in a room with a pint of whiskey and a pistol with two bullets.

  16. Refer to these as Millstone offenses, cuz they need a Millstone around their necks, and some deep water. Let em feed the crabs....Grindstone is building Kaleb House to put Biblical coverings over the victims of sex traffickers, they've got 2 dozen n their care already aged 2 to 19, and haven't got the facility built yet! Any one up to donating should check them out, they're doing Yah's work....

  17. I fully support the Vlad Tepes idea. Some public impalements might focus peoples minds. Add to that, these days it's gender neutral.

  18. I've always suspected that the real reason the gay lobby pushed so hard for gay marriage (instead of civil unions) was adoption.

    And I'm sorry not sorry, but adopting a child is not a right that any of us have, therefore there cannot be discrimination if certain groups are excluded from the get-go.

    Adopting is solely about one person's interest: the child, what's best for that boy or that girl. There is no shortage of lawfully wedded couples (husband and wife) wanting to adopt. All other things being equal, would it be better for the child to be adopted by one of them instead of a same-sex couple?

    The question answers itself.

  19. Mauser is correct. The punishment should not be pushed to prison inmates.

    How many states allow capital punishment for pedophilia? Does your state? Just like everything else in America, the foundations are crumbled and need to be rebuilt on Jesus.

    And it isn't called pedophilia anymore -- it's Minor Attracted Person (MAD) and there is even a flag to help promote this evil act.

  20. I bet all of us saw this as inevitable; the satanic LBGTQetc mental cases will never be satisfied with "just leave us alone." And if you dare to hold moral or religious convictions - like NHL'er Ivan Provorof - you are publicly denounced as a bigot and a homophobe by the gay sickos - all because he refused to wear a pro LBGTQetc practice jersey due to his religious beliefs- he's Russian Orthodox.
    And as we'd expect, the jerks at NBC try to tie his decision Putin & Russia.

  21. Not for the first (or last) time. A few years ago a young boy in Arkansas died when (IIRC) his crying was silenced by having a sock stuffed in his mouth. His gay parents (“he has two dads”) adopted him to molest and prostitute him. Lots of cries to remember him, but no one does.

  22. These people need Jesus.
    Someone should help speed along the reunion....just sayin'

  23. If any future historian ever wonders why there was a sudden explosion of mass impalements and burnings of houses with rainbow flags on them...this sort of thing is why. Not advocating or endorsing it, just predicting. History rhymes, and these "pride"ful fools have sowed the seeds of their own destruction. Tolerance isn't the norm, historically. Brutal, savage suppression is the historic norm. And that's where we're headed. And the people who helped normalize the madness of allowing disordered, sexually warped individuals (who otherwise could not have children, unlike the heterosexual degenerates who unfortunately cannot be prevented from doing so, but who could in the past have been punished for their degeneracy) to adopt and care for (and teach) innocent children...they'll be burning in hell right alongside the pedos. Hopefully the (relative, ordinary degenerates undeserving of the suffering they'll receive from an undiscriminating mob) innocents caught up in the backlash will have the opportunity to confess and repent, and this not end up in hell alongside the monsters. Mob violence is ugly.

    All that aside, these specific monsters deserve public impalement on blunted stakes.
