Tuesday, February 28, 2023

A must-watch interview


If you haven't already watched Tucker Carlson's interview with Ed Dowd about the massive casualties being inflicted by COVID-19 vaccines, you really need to make time to do so.  I regard it as essential viewing.  It exposes the massive scale of the cover-up that's continuing to this day, and demonstrates why the "establishment" is completely untrustworthy when it comes to this issue.

Extremely American has published transcribed excerpts from the interview.  Here's a brief sample to whet your appetite.

The FDA has been wholly captured by the pharma industry. Seventy to 75% of the drug approval pharma arm of the FDA comes from pharma fees, directly from the companies, so this has been corrupted for a long time.

It’s now exposed primarily because [the COVID shot] is [injuring and killing] such a large amount of people. It’s hard to hide this one … This fraud is unveiled and out there for people to see, but it’s only in the echo chamber. Mainstream media is still beholden to Big Pharma because of all the ad spend and the government policymakers … [who] want this to go away.

There’s a giant cover-up going on as far as I’m concerned. The data that I’m going to talk about today is there for the global health authorities to see. They see what I see, and at this point it’s negligence, malfeasance, a cover-up and a crime.

That’s why I’m here, because I don’t believe anybody has a right to tell me what to do with my body, and I can’t believe this actually happened. The numbers I’m going to reveal to you are now a national security concern.

. . .

Something is happening to the most able-bodied amongst us, college students, those employed, those in the military, the frontline workers …

Those who are employed are getting disabled faster than the general U.S. population. That shouldn’t happen. The employed amongst us are healthier, generally speaking … If you have a job, you tend to be able to show up at work. Basically, the bottom line is this. The only explanation for this that I can see is mandates for experimental biological inoculations …

One of my whistleblowers from the insurance [industry] told me that as of August 2022, the millennial cohort of the group life holders is still experiencing 36% excess mortality.

People in Fortune 500 companies are dying at a much more excessive rate than those who are not employed there, so this has implications for years to come. It’s a national security concern as far as I can tell … We seem to have poisoned the most able-bodied amongst us through [COVID jab] mandates.

There's more at the link, and much more in the video below.

Please pass the word about this interview to your friends who may not have seen it.  It explains a great deal that the mainstream media are studiously ignoring, and highlights a very real danger to all of us.



  1. I can't recall where I read it, but some whistle blower said over 20% of Air Force pilots had been down-checked by the flight medics for severe heart issues after getting their mandatory Covid shots.

  2. I'm not sure if the rates are high enough (yet) to result in widespread major disruptions. In smaller groups, where the loss of one individual has a major impact, this has always been an issue.

    We will know something is very wrong when our life and disability insurance premiums go through the roof.

  3. All cause mortality across all age groups was up 20% in 2020 and went up another 20% in 2021 with the start of the vax. That was from the CDC's own data and is pretty easy to pull. Mr. Dowd has gone into it much deeper than I have. When I saw the simple numbers above that was enough for me. The disability numbers are interesting. But while the percentage changes are large, and it is a large number of people in absolute terms it is still a small fraction of the overall population. I for one know a large number of people vaccinated but only 1 person to have had an adverse outcome (Bell's Palsy that faded away-and I don't believe this person believes that was due to the vax). I think others are like me, at this point I only trust my own eyes and I don't see much evidence. And while he addresses disability, what about fertility and cancer rates?

    Is this the tip of the ice berg?

    The failure to openly address this is evil. Much of the interest he talks about was greed to such extreme levels that manslaughter is the outcome.

  4. “These folks performed a screen for myocarditis damage due to you-know-what, and found a fifty percent, roughly, positive rate.”


  5. That is an interesting interview.

  6. Young guy, 35, overweight, not diabetic, works outside/farm and manual labor, no covid shots, sudden onset cardiology issues. 1 1/2 months later, still haven't gotten an exact answer about what is going on, and cardiology testing past an ECG is booked 8 weeks out. Piles of people with bum tickers right now, who can't even get testing or imaging done in a timely manner.

  7. Have they looked at Sweden, which didn't do a lock down and tried to use her immunity instead of vaccinations?

  8. Sweden did not lock down, true, but they are fully "vaccinated".
