Friday, February 24, 2023

Diversity kills


Tucker Carlson has the story.  It's only five minutes or so long, and worth your time.

A tip o' the hat to Scott K. for the link.



  1. some diversity hires are considered to be part of the cost of doing business
    the people are hired but their assignments they are given are in noninjurious activities and/or their work is, often without their knowledge, reworked and overseen by someone competent
    just the cost of doing business in today's ridiculous zeitgeist

  2. I'm waiting for the lawsuits that will come from Joe or Jane asking a doctor "Where did you go to medical school?" "What was your graduation rank?", and,"Are you a diversity hire?"

    As to who sues whom first in that scenario, I dunno, but I'm betting a whole lot of lawyers will be buying a whole lot of weekend cottages on this diversity thing. Which is better than your next of kin discovering the doctor's limitations from the autopsy report. Or worse.

    A friend, when caller ID tells him it's a friend calling, occasionally answers his phone "Billy Bob's auto repair and cosmetic surgery clinic, 6 mechanics, no waiting."

    He may be ahead of the curve, commercially and socially speaking.

  3. We had a diversity hire who was so bad that we'd put her out at the triage desk just so she wouldn't kill our patients. Eventually she cottoned on to it and filed a discrimination complaint, and we were forced to assign her a team, whereupon she promptly killed a patient. Hospital had recruited her specifically for melanin content (they went to canada specifically to recruit black nurses) and refused to fire her. Thereafter we were forced to take our own assignments, and hers too, just to make sure nobody else died. The other one they brought in was a thief; they promoted her to management.

  4. Simply put, DEI is the thinly disguised command DIE.

  5. never flying again if I can help it. Course this will get into the trucking industry and then the highways will run red.

    1. It already has been that way for years.

  6. And this is why I choose driving as my preferred travel method.

  7. "It's going to happy again. This should stop."

    Yes, it should, but it won't. To the leftists a few human sacrifices on the altar of DIE are worth it.

  8. The pedestrian bridge that collapsed in Sweetwater Florida was designed by a female engineer. As J Peterson points out, if you want 50/50 split male and female engineers the females will not be as good as the males, simply because the pool of females is so much smaller.

  9. Same-Same in emergency services and law enforcement.

    I used to have a management role as a senior volunteer in one of the largest such fire services in the world.
    Qualification for that role includes being elected by the people that you will be sending in harm’s way .
    One of the reasons that I resigned was the the Service shoe-horned someone into the role who was not qualified.
    She had no experience at senior operational or management level and had never had to face the people she was supposed to be representing. Her role includes making decisions under extreme emotional stress, including when there are no “good” options and when angry people are are in your face demanding that you do something different.

    All of us who were in the role had paid our dues. Not this cute young lady. She got an armchair ride.

    The irony is that those who cite “diversity” are not in favour of it when it means that others disagree with them. Hypocrisy in spades. I’m out of there.

  10. At a nuclear power plant that shall remain nameless, there was a test group responsible for periodic leak testing of valves on systems that penetrate the containment. Part of the group was a female administrative assistant. She handled the paperwork, test scheduling, etc. Apparently, during pillow talk she convinced her boss to change her job title to "Test Technician I" with no change in duties, but a pay raise. She then started agitating to actually do testing in the field so she could be promoted to "Test Technician II." Unfortunately she lacked the physical strength to haul the test gear around, and the technical knowledge to perform actual testing. She eventually filled a lawsuit because she had been "promised" the "Test Technician II" position.

  11. Can't help but remember a quote from Ruggero's book about paratroopers in WW2. Early in the war, airborne units were the hot assignment, and a lot of senior officers wanted to get in for the command experience (and checkmark on their resume). And these senior, older, officers were failing out in record numbers. When one washed-out officer complained, the jump school's CO repied that he wouldn't give anyone a free pass, because "gravity doesn't salute".
    Diversity may be a admirable goal, but eventualy it's going to run into gravity.

  12. If I was in the Insurance Industry, then I would refuse to insure that airlines aircraft if they are going to use unqualified and/or incompetent pilots. Legitimately they could refuse to pay out for that crash as the airline wilfully allowed someone to pilot the aircraft who was, apparently, incapable of the task.


    Phil B

  13. wonder who mechanics and pilots air force one
    maybe we can get dei to pilot jo and camel

  14. Deb, surely they can find a half-dozen good people in any color and gender desired, so Air Force 1 will be well-manned. The rest of us might not be so lucky.
