Friday, February 17, 2023

This is long overdue!


We've discussed in the past how some scientists and doctors are working to include mRNA vaccines in the food we eat, so that with every salad or slice of meat, we'd be vaccinated, whether we liked it or not.

Now Tennessee appears to be considering what I think is the right response to such forced medical procedures.

A bill proposed by Tennessee lawmakers would require any food containing a vaccine to be clearly labeled.

HB 0032, sponsored by Rep. Scott Cepicky, R-Culleoka, and Sen. Joey Hensley, R-Hohenwald, adds new restrictions to the current Tennessee Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act, which criminalizes adulterating or misbranding food, drugs, devices or cosmetics.

The bill would prohibit manufacturing, delivering and selling food that contains a vaccine or vaccine material unless the food labeling contains a “conspicuous notification” of the presence of the vaccine or vaccine material in the food.

There's more at the link.

I couldn't agree more with this bill.  It's a long way yet from becoming law, but I hope it'll serve as a blueprint for other states to pass their own legislation along similar lines.  I guess it's too much to hope for federal law to be changed in the same way - too many moonbats in Washington, D.C., I'm afraid - but we can dream...

I object violently to anyone trying to medicate me in ways I can't avoid, and even more to anyone trying to sneak-medicate me without my prior knowledge.  I insist on my right to be informed of any and all medications that are proposed for me, and my right to refuse any of them to which I object for any reason at all.  Anything else treats me like a subject, not a citizen;  like a slave, rather than an individual with guaranteed rights.

I hope the Tennessee legislature passes this bill with a quickness, and sets the example for other states to follow.



  1. Pre-emptive strike. Why can't the states conservative legislators do this on other things? The things that conservatives find abhorrent. Put out laws or bills; have the demoncrats go bat-shit-crazy. Let them try to explain to the soccer moms why they, the demoncrats want all their weirdness in society.

    1. Pols at every level are funded more by tyese corps than the people.

      Id love to see a law that limited donations to the constituatncies they would represent.

      That and the sort of people who run are mostly lawyers who know little about anything else and have a big enough ego

    2. You're a decade late....SCOTUS pretty settled that in Citizens United v. FEC

  2. There is a theory that one of the causes of our obesity epidemic is that adulteration of our food is actually encouraged or required by the feds. Specifically, "enriched" flour. It contains some witches' brew of vitamins, mostly B vitamins, and minerals, including iron, which most men don't need at all.

    B vitamins are also in cattle feed to help fatten them.

    This is one potential explanation of the "French paradox", where French women eat a lot of bread but don't get as fat as American women.

  3. They should widen the applicability to include any mmRNA or other DNA alterations to include country of origin.

    If you remember, the official definition of vaccine quickly changed when it was politically required to do so.

  4. When I was a kid, I remember a cereal box that had the message "Helps Kids Grow 7 Different Ways!". Nowadays that probably means it is mutagenic.

  5. We deserve anything 'they' do to us. I am outraged! Outraged I say! Yeah, so what. Americans are a contemptible lot. If something doesn't affect them directly today they could care less. They won't even give it an erg of their mental time. An enemy with a handle on long time line planning & execution will dictate terms to us and we will stand there mouth agape bloviating with outrage. But that will be it.

    Idaho legislature puts a law criminalizing COVID shots on the table. A step in the right direction even though it won’t pass and the rino governor won’t sign it.
    Idaho Bob

  7. Only problem with this "vaccines in the food" theory is, how will the elites avoid eating it themselves? They know it is poison. Once you contaminate the food chain, EVERYONE eats it. Then it won't just kill the lower classes, it will poison the "good and great" as well. And there can't be two different food chains--cross-pollination is very effective. . .

  8. Vaccines or medicine in any of our food should be illegal. Our food is already filled with all manner of unhealthy slop. If you want vaccines or medicine, go visit one of the local croakers. If there are still any that you trust.

  9. Unless it comes with criminal provisions, starting at death by hanging per violation, and going up to dismemberment by wild animals for multiple counts, it's toothless theater, and just more "boob bait for the Bubbas".

    Asking for 300M friends: how well do restraining orders work against serial stalkers??

  10. The right response is to gather up and road-haul those suits and eggheads down the interstate til their skulls are rattling around like cans behind a car after a wedding.

  11. Definitely long overdue and those pushing this need to be arrested and held accountable for even suggesting it.

  12. For a corporation to be fined 10 million dollars on an illegal act that they knowingly perpetrate (and make multiples in profits vs the fine) is insulting.

    For something as egregious as including vaccines in a food item without labeling as such should result in nothing short of the immediate death penalty for all involved.

    Until such penalties are forthwith, I'll be of the opinion that these corporations do as they please without any real punishment.
