Friday, March 31, 2023

Another very - VERY - dubious teacher exposed


Click over to this link.  It's a tweet containing a couple of minutes of video from a Eugene, Oregon school board meeting.  The speaker alleges that a teacher & high school football coach, Kirk Miller, demanded that his students provide detailed sexual fantasies in an assignment he set.  He wants the teacher fired.

Fox News reports:

... parent Justin McCall said his older daughter, who is in the 10th grade at Churchill High School, revealed the assignment had also been conducted in class and that the teacher had asked students to pick the sexual items written on a piece of paper out of a hat that he passed around.

Further scrutiny of the "Health 2 Human Sexuality" class found that students were also allegedly given an assignment called "With Whom Would You Do it." The project involved a virtual spinning wheel labeled with sexual categories. Students were allegedly instructed to respond when the wheel stopped and write the initials of the person they would engage in the sex act with.

"My daughter told me it was literally up on the board and it mentioned you know who are you going to have anal penetration with, oral sex, licking of the ear, kissing and vaginal sex," McCall said, calling the assignment "disgusting and wrong."

There's more at the link, including more allegations against the school and school board.

Personally, if my child came home and told me about something like that, I honestly can't say what my reaction would be:  but I fear it would be rather less verbal and rather more practical than Mr. McCall's.  No teacher has any need - or any right - to ask such questions of his or her pupils.  The very act of asking them is, to my mind, an admission of pedophilia, and should receive an appropriate response from any parent who cares about their children.

I can only hope that attempts to supplant the Eugene School Board later this year in the next elections bear fruit, and that those who've permitted and tolerated this filth are removed from office as fast as possible.



  1. Why does that class even exist in high school? That teacher, the school administration, and the school board should all be burned at the stake.

  2. 1973...getting ready for Christmas break I was a senior in high school. Once again as in so many years past a 'teacher' was going to read a story to the class. They were always weird, disturbing or perverted stories. Some dealt with cannibalism others macabre murders all were strange. This year was no exception. The oddball english teacher took delight in explaining the background on James Dickie's poem/short story: 'The Wooly Baby'. A puerile piece of crap about farm boy fears of sheep conceiving and producing a....wooly baby which was now in a jar in the back of some science lab. At story's end I leaned on back in my seat and declared: "what a load of shit". This guy grabs me by the collar and hauls me out to the hallway rags at me and tells me he'd like to kick my ass. I looked him silently and deeply in the eyes. Merry christmas asshole.

  3. Gah, yes, he would be dragged out and tarred and feathered at best...

  4. These people should just be dragged out and beaten to death in the streets, showing our kids that we will protect them, and society that this BS won’t be tolerated.

  5. Theferalirishman has an image of the class assignment. I'm wondering if it's the same school, or another one; assigning the same thing under the Leftist "Core Corriculum". If so, this is a larger issue that we are just finding out about.

  6. If were my child I would be looking into a more permanent solution to this teachers lesson plans.

  7. Kirk Miller would need to be in witness protection in another time zone to have a lifespan measurable in more than hours after that meeting, and if the school board didn't fire him, call for his arrest, and refer him for immediate prosecution as a sexual predator, they could all look forward to joining him in Hell within the week.

    I live in hope.

  8. Now I'm wondering what my kids were exposed to that I had no idea about. I'd like to think they'd have come to me with concerns, but most of this stuff didn't even come to light until lockdowns forced online classes, and parents were actually able to see the material. College seems to be where they all went woke. 😔

  9. They MUST be made to

    leave the children alone.


  10. "What happens in the bedroom stays in the bedroom."

    "What happens between two consenting adults stays between those two consenting adults."

  11. You can bet that teacher has every assignment photocopied for continue reading along with flash drives to disseminate it to the other perverts on the internet. Were there really this many perverts out that that we never knew about or has having the internet allowed this to flourish so it's now mainstream?

  12. April fool? It just seems so over the top that I, perhaps naively, have trouble believing this apparent obscenity isn't fake news.
