Wednesday, March 1, 2023

"Our society has devolved. Get a gun. Train hard. Shoot first."


That's the advice of SNAFU Solomon, a blogger we've met several times in these pages, and who now serves as a sheriff's deputy in a Louisiana parish.  He's commenting on the open, flagrant daylight murder of a vagrant in St. Louis.  He concludes, in red text, in italics for emphasis:

Sorry folks.  This one has me spun.  I've seen what I thought was some jacked up stuff but the new wave of things is getting me pissed and almost living in [Condition] Red as soon as I leave the house. If this ain't societal breakdown then I don't know what is.  It has to be at least the first stage but the worst thing is that our so called leaders see what WE'RE seeing and are doing nothing.

There's more at the link.

Go read the whole thing, and then re-read my article from a couple of weeks ago titled "I can't say it too strongly. GET OUT OF "BLUE" BIG CITIES. NOW."

St. Louis is one such "blue" big city.  The District Attorney there is so liberal, so lax-on-crime, that the state of Missouri is trying to remove her from office.  Under such a DA, as Solomon fears, I won't be surprised if the perpetrator is released on bail.

So much for public safety...



  1. Some one should have approached the guy and got the gun during the fumbling routine instead of making a commentary video. WTF did they think was going to happen? Last time I was in that area I was armed and would not go into that area now on a bet.

    1. Someone should have? Look at the risks of doing so these days. Not only would one expose himself to potential serious injury or death, but you risk jail, lawsuits and personal destruction for attacking a person of color or other protected class. St. Louis is a democrat stronghold. It's not American.

    2. Well, with that answer it's wassy past time for you to surrender your 'man card'.
      You're no better than the video makers

  2. It won't be long before neighborhoods begin to form their own militias. Sure, they will call them something else. Maybe "Armed Neighborhood Watch" or something, but the complete breakdown of society is upon us.

    Now it's just a matter of how long things will take to unravel.

    1. @Divemedic - they used to be called "Committee's of Vigilance ", when there was no organized law to be had... I see Vigilante Justice making a comeback with "defunding de Po-Po" coming about....

    2. No intelligent person is gonna join any d*mn "committee.
      I smell glowie stink...

  3. Situational awareness would have saved the dude that got capped in St Louie.

    If he had stood up and walked away....

    I am not disagreeing with you but carrying a gun won't do you any good if you don't do jack-all when somebody walks up behind you and fumble-fingers a round into the chamber.

  4. honestly, not sure what's worse...the fact it happened or the people videoing it could see what was about to happen and didn't do shit...step outside, throw a bottle at the guy...scream at the guy sitting down to run...something...

  5. Divemedic, I don't think there will be neighborhood watch militias, because the same R and D party people who vote for mainstream policies will snitch militias out. Militias won't appear until the neighborhood is already libertarian, and voters are scared to admit they seek power over you. On the other hand, the mainstream voters denying reality are the ones who will get victimized first, so step out of the line of fire and don't interrupt your enemies when they're making a mistake.

    By 'libertarian' here I mean a personal foreign policy of not attempting to convert innocent strangers to my 'church' at gunpoint. For example, abortion: I am not a party to the conflict between the fetus and the mother, so I won't dispatch policemen to enforce a particular outcome.

  6. Interesting

    By 'libertarian' here I mean a personal foreign policy of not attempting to convert innocent strangers to my 'church' at gunpoint. For example, abortion: I am not a party to the conflict between the fetus and the mother, so I won't dispatch policemen to enforce a particular outcome.

    I'd query what offence or even defense that fetus has from her "mother".

    So, the innocent can expect no concern, let alone mercy nor protection from you?

    We could argue about the innocence of an adult but maybe not a fetus or infant being swung around by its feet like they did in South Africa to bash its brains out for "Amusement"-Terrorism against its community?

    Is there any situation you might intervene? Perhaps if someone was assaulting one of your group? If not, how could you "HAVE a group"?

  7. " I am not a party to the conflict between the fetus and the mother, so I won't dispatch policemen to enforce a particular outcome."

    Telling. Apparently the non-aggression principle in anonymous' mind extends to not defending children from assault. Perhaps he should include his actual name so that we can keep our children away from him.

    1. Agreed.
      More damn Star Trek tee vee crap

  8. Clicked on the link to get a look at the perpetrator. And sure enough...

  9. @Michael, @heresolong -- A new human grows and develops in a continuous process from a single cell to a child which can be self-sufficient around age 7. A fetus does not have capability similar to a child, so arguments assuming that are false.

    How did you get from "I won't dispatch policemen" to 'I am not concerned'? What I said is I won't insert myself into other peoples' disputes. This is a strategy picked because it has a good track record, not because it makes me happy.

    Non-aggression is not a principle, it is a conclusion and a goal, and it's not 100%. For instance, shooting at the British at Lexington Green would endanger innocents nearby from the bullets that miss. Choosing how much collateral damage to cause requires adult moral judgment.

  10. the real tragedy,
    defend yourself with a gun and the DA will be right there to charge you with murder.
