Thursday, April 13, 2023

Critical advice from Massad Ayoob on riots, mobs and self-defense


We've met Massad Ayoob in these pages before on many occasions.  I've taken three week-long courses from him (back in the day they were known as LFI-1, -2 and -3;  today they're labeled MAG40, MAG80 and MAG120) on what he calls "managing the self-defense environment", involving both shooting skills and legal and other considerations.  He's one of the seminal figures in this country in terms of developing the skills of armed civilians, and I have the highest respect for him.

In the light of this morning's previous article, concerning the conviction for murder of Sgt. Daniel Perry following a confrontation with Black Lives Matter demonstrators, I'd like to recommend a video series by Massad Ayoob very highly.  He produces it in conjunction with Wilson Combat, a premier pistol manufacturer that's been on the scene almost as long as Mas himself.  They call the series "Critical Mas".  You'll find a complete listing of all the videos at this link.  Scroll through them, and see what interests you.  I suggest all of them are worth viewing.

In particular, two videos address the sort of situation in which Sgt. Perry found himself, and in which we might find ourselves at any time in this divided, polarized, partisan society of ours.  I'll embed them both below.  The first, IMHO, is essential viewing for those who might run into a demonstration on the road;  the second offers thoughts for defending our homes and loved ones if the riots come to us.

I highly recommend that you take the time to watch those videos, then scroll through the others in the "Critical Mas" series.  They're very educational, and may help us avoid going through what Sgt. Perry did - both during the riot, and in a court of law some years later.



  1. Riots?

    24K advice:
    Be. Somewhere. ELSE.

  2. The best advice is from Ol' Remus: Stay away from crowds.

    1. Sgt Perry didn't seek this out. He was a man doing his job, driving Uber and dropping off a client

  3. I just wanted to throw in a comment about a conversation I had with a nurse while I was hospitalized a few years back. She was home alone with 2 small kids in a condo and someone started trying to break in the front door. She ran and got the kids in the car in an attached garage through a different door, opened the garage door and just drove off. She called the police on the cell from the car. I told her I though that was a great defense strategy. Be elsewhere. She abandonded the castle and just got the kids the heck out of there.

  4. Have followed Mas for many years profit from his experience it can only help.

  5. I strongly encourage everyone to use rumble instead of YouTube Wilson combat is on rumble
