Tuesday, April 25, 2023

I think he has a point...


From Stephan Pastis last Sunday.  Click the image to be taken to a larger version at the Web comic's home page.

That's why I have almost no social media presence, apart from accounts on Gab and MeWe, where I read a lot more than I post.  I question whether most "short format" social media outlets are worthwhile any more.  Most seem to be overrun with people who talk their hind ends off, but don't listen very much - or very well.  Those who are willing to put in the time and effort to read longer posts, such as those found on blogs, Substack, etc., appear to be more balanced in their approach.



  1. I don't understand anyone who ever went on such retarded forums, and suspect they've self-selected for being idiots.

    It's the same sort of tell as facial tattoos for social dysfunction and mental incompetence.


  2. social media is where stupidity reached critical mass.

  3. I’ve always found I learn more by listening, rather than talking. Doesn’t work with women, though - they just leave.

  4. Well, Pete - the blogs are no haven for sanity and reason either. Not to throw stones from the porch of my glass house… but I remember you telling us that the modern battlefield was over because two-bit hobby drones would be used to eradicate anything from the main battle tanks on down. I’m still waiting for General Aesop to write his victory speech for the war in the Kraine.

    Hate to tell ya this boys… but all those voices on those platforms are no different from yours. Or your neighbours, or the people you pass and dodge on the freeway.You’re intimidated because instead of a soap box, you’re looking at an apple crate. Old women are frightened by modernity. Old men should not.

    But whadda I know? Suit yourselves.

  5. @Glen: Well, "two-bit hobby drones" are indeed taking out anything from main battle tanks down. That prediction has become reality. See Ukraine's home-grown "hobby drone" program, and the video evidence on Funker530.com.

    As to the voices on those platforms: that's why some people read (and write) blogs, but many find it too much trouble. Sound-bite social media suits them better, I guess.

  6. Sigh. Have it your way, Pete. In the real world, when you can take out a Leapord II, a T60 or an Abrams with a 300g submunition with all the explosive potential of a popcorn fart ... let me know. In the meantime, Russia is pounding the stuffing out of the Kraine with precision guided heavy weapons costing tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars. Or standard artillery. The cheap hobby drones are changing the battlefield with their surveillance abilities and that's about it.

    The old geezers are on blogs. And Bookface, and Twitter and OyTube. The kids are migrating off to smaller and more obscure platforms as they become ever more pozzed and they are right to do so. Plus, they don't want to poast with old geriatrics like us and their parents. The difference between Blooger and Gab is the difference between a soapbox and an orange crate. Older boomers are reluctant to use the new platforms and its ridiculous. (I say that as a former nay-sayer like you and Borepatch). You don't have to put up with lunacy and rage heads on social media. You have to learn how to filter those guys out which takes about 15 seconds. Once you start blocking those people, the algorithms will start doing it for you. Easy-peazy, Japaneasy!

    For the average poast, Gab is tops. The only marginal advantage to Blooger is it offers a better format for the dedicated, serious essayists. For the average stubfart gas bag... Gab is actually the better option hands down.

    I really think the more influential poasters like you and BP would be doing yourselves and your friends a service by learning the new platforms and explaining them to your followers... but you do you.
