Tuesday, April 18, 2023

The links between "queer theory" and pedophilia


Advocates of the "gay lifestyle" are often infuriated by accusations that the philosophy they espouse (you should pardon the expression) is also strongly supportive of pedophilia.  However, the links are clear and unarguable.

I've just come across an excerpt from a talk given by an ecological and environmental activist, Derrick Jensen, in Eugene, Oregon in 2018.  In it, he makes the connections very clear.  If you have any interest at all in this subject, and particularly in protecting your children against "drag queen story hours" and other related trash, you need to hear this.

You'll find a news report about his talk here.  Interestingly, the report doesn't say anything about Prof. Jensen's views - only about the controversy caused by his presence.  One wonders why it didn't go into more detail . . . possibly to avoid offending the "gay mafia" in that city?

You might want to bookmark that video clip on YouTube, and trot it out whenever activists and supporters of gay theory try to argue that pedophilia is something completely different and unrelated.  In fact, it might be worth downloading your own copy, in case political correctness rears its ugly head and YouTube removes it.

As for the wider implications of this linkage, James Kunstler makes a trenchant observation.

The political Left these days is determined to promote sexual confusion as a crucial component of the common good. Politicians, agency officials, corporate executives, the chiefs of NGOs and public interest organizations all support public demonstrations of ignoble and sinister sexual acts, often involving the inversion of sexual roles between male and female ... 

If you object to this behavior, you may be subject to extreme punishment (loss of career) for “transphobia.” The Left is taunting America with exhibitions like this ... Is it not clear that this is some sort of insult to decency?  The Left wants the non-Left to respond with acts of violence so that the Left can proceed to disarm the non-Left and prevent any opposition to the Left’s more serious plans to abolish personal liberty, such as a Central Bank Digital Currency that can monitor all your spending, punish you for your economic choices, and confiscate your earnings. The Left does these things in the name, they say, of “our democracy.” It’s a lie, of course. Democracy is the last thing they really care about. They do it in the name of pushing everybody around because all they really care about is coercion and punishment (applied with maximum sadism).

There's more at the link.

It's hard to argue with him.



  1. NAMBLA also espouses the same BS... sigh

  2. As unfortunate as it may be I fear John Ross gave us the only viable alternative to the Satanic attack, Unintended Consequences. We cannot vote our way out of this one. War has been declared on decency, common sense, the rule of law and personal responsibility. The very foundation of our society is being turned to rubble.

  3. Just the very thing we need to be learning about as we pick up the fight against drag queen story hours events here in Australia.

    1. You should also pay attention to the books read at these events. Many promote gender ideology, or else fall into self esteem boosting 'you can do anything, accept yourself, follow your dream' messaging.

      Julian is a Mermaid & The Hips On The. Drag Queens Go Swish, Swish, Swish are 2 egs of books that groom kids

  4. The 4 academics who founded queer theory are discussed in this 4 part series. It dovetails well with the Jensen clip.


  5. Nobody promoting pedophilia mentions the cost to the victims, it seems. John Prine's first album told a true story, altered a bit for the song, of a kid he knew. The kid (James Lewis in the song.) was the result of incest. In juvenile court he learned from the judge that his mother was his sister. He killed himself. John's song substitutes Wanda's diary for the judge. The verses tell of James, and the chorus is for Wanda. This may be the only song ever about incest, and it never fails to move you. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UtEUbHRRvaY
