Thursday, April 27, 2023

What climate emergency?


Armstrong Economics reminds us that the much-ballyhooed "climate emergency" is no such thing.  It's a cynical ploy designed to grab more and more power over us in the name of a non-existent crisis.

The Global Climate Intelligence Group (CLINTEL) is an independent foundation founded in 2019 by emeritus professor of geophysics Guus Berkhout and science journalist Marcel Crok. “The climate view of CLINTEL can be easily summarized as: There is no climate emergency.” Over 1540 experts respected in their independent fields have joined CLINTEL to spread the message that there is no scientific data to indicate that climate change is [anything other than] political propaganda.

“Climate science should be less political, while climate policies should be more scientific. In particular, scientists should emphasize that their modeling output is not the result of magic: computer models are human-made. What comes out is fully dependent on what theoreticians and programmers have put in: hypotheses, assumptions, relationships, parameterizations, stability constraints, etc. Unfortunately, in mainstream climate science most of this input is undeclared.

To believe the outcome of a climate model is to believe what the model makers have put in.  This is precisely the problem of today’s climate discussion to which climate models are central. Climate science has degenerated into a discussion based on beliefs, not on sound self-critical science. We should free ourselves from the naïve belief in immature climate models. In future, climate research must give significantly more emphasis to empirical science.”

. . .

We MUST question why governments across the world are fighting tooth and nail to eliminate fossil fuels and our way of life as we know it. Why are we following the World Economic Forum’s 2030 agenda to save a planet that does not need saving? Why are we allowing our elected officials to spend endless funds on an imaginary cause? Everything has a cycle, including the weather. So while the climate may be changing, there is absolutely nothing humans can do to alter the course of nature, and those stating otherwise are lying.

There's more at the link.

So, when you hear politicians and pressure groups demanding that we sacrifice this, or that, or the other, in the name of "climate change" . . . remember that they're all lying through their teeth.



  1. You, Borepatch, and a number of others have been saying this for years! Grrr...

  2. Anthony has a wonderful new page up at Watts Up With That.
    A timeline of all the "climate predictions" that have been wrong:

  3. Don't forget Tony Heller.

  4. Glad you put the "anything other than" in there because it did not make much sense as written.

  5. I used to teach the Nuclear Science Merit badge for the Boy Scouts. Having worked at a nuclear plant and been involved in power generation for years I was amazed at the number of kids who believed windfarms and solar were going to solve all our power woes. This is the kind of Unicorn sparkle thinking taught by our schools. For the kids to get over this takes getting exposed to the right facts and rational thought, both of which are in short supply. I gave a tour once to a bunch of teachers at the plant. They asked lots of questions but their ignorance was staggering. While they cared enough to be there, what about their peers?

    If you look at the warming that took place in the 1400's (if I recall correctly, book is somewhere in the garage) it allowed for unprecedented food harvests. It is theorized that the Renaissance owes its existence in part to this.

    Fun facts. 1) CO2 is plant food. The more CO2 the faster plants grow. 2) The most significant greenhouse gas in the atmosphere is water vapor. 3) Methane is a more effective green house gas than an equal amount of CO2 4) There are 1000 lbs of termites for every human on the planet and release 150 million tons per year of methane, all the cows raised for meat on the planet are estimated to release 115 million tons. Don't forget the great plains were covered with millions of buffalo and termites before we got involved (,(Our%20World%20in%20Data).)

  6. As long as they ignore that Carbon Dioxide is plant food I will ignore them.

    I've read in more than one place that the 'target CO2 value' for the atmosphere would be an extinction event, no plants would be able to grow.

    But, more CO2 means more plant growth and more food (less starvation), and the Human Extinction people can't allow that to happen.

  7. PhD geophysics. Instrumentation designer for NASA. To many tales to tell but think solar radiation variations. Of course there's climate change - that's why the Great Lakes aren't covered in ice. Moms in SUVs didn't cause the ice melt though.

    Now let's play devil's advocate. Think of something on the order of 10,000 aircraft flying all over the world 24 hours per day more or less at the top of the troposphere (end of main atmosphere at 35,000 ft - 10 km) spewing hot burnt kerosene exhaust. Both particulate and thermal distortions.

    Still doesn't match one good volcano.

    4 out of 5 scientists agree ... I'm among the 5th

  8. Xoph, the fall of the Roman Empire can be linked to the cooling of 400-700 AD.

    The rise of the Vikings can be linked to the warming of 800-1200. Along with the Crusades, the Norman Conquest of England, Sicily and Italy, and much more.

    The cooling starting in the 1200s can be linked to the fall of the Crusader Kingdoms and the failures of later Crusades, the loss of any Scandinavian outposts on Greenland (which was green in the 11th-13th centuries) and the spread of the Black Plague. And the fall of many American native cultures.

    Warming in the 1400's (along with secondary population effects of the Black Plague) led to the Italian Renaissance and other uplifing movements in Europe.

  9. If at this point any person, but especially a politician or 'leader', uses climate change as an argument for anything (other than more restrictions on government), you should know that you are dealing with a liar, thief, manipulator.

  10. Unfortunately society is being filled with people incapable of critical thinking.

  11. Tillage agriculture has probably unleashed as much or more formerly soil locked CO2 into the atmosphere than all the internal combustion engines.
    Satellite pics of vast stretches of plowed ground in Iowa showed huge plumes of CO2 every spring.
